
Comments by casualguy (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fall is here. Time to change strip club attire?
    Someone did jokingly tell me I must be the last of the vikings. I thought that was amusing since I thought everyone around here must be cold blooded with their slow metabolism and the heat cranked up too much. I found out later that I probably am related to the vikings. Maybe a pirate too. Two hundred years later, I go in search of booty at the strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fall is here. Time to change strip club attire?
    It needs to be at least in the 40's before I start feeling cool. It's been in the 50's here and I'm still fine wearing shorts and short sleeve shirts outside. Unfortunately for me, my metabolism seems to adjust to make me feel hotter. I also seem to eat more without thinking about it. I go inside the building after being outside in the 50's and I feel like I'm roasting inside. If I drink beer without eating too much, sometimes I will feel cooler. Basically if it's cool in my house without the air conditioning on, I'll start wearing pants to strip clubs. I think it's still kind of hot but much more comfortable. I know of one guy who keeps his air conditioning set around 54 degrees. His electric bill must be sky high in the summertime.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Zack and Miri make a porno
    I saw some porn parodies on youtube. If you search for Peanuts without the letter t or peanus, then you'll probably find them. I believe the guy who played Lex Luther in the tv series "smallville" is in them. I believe youtube censors have their hands full deleting or flagging all the porn people keep uploading onto youtube. I don't mind seeing naked women but I don't care for most of the rest of the stuff. If you want to learn about doing breast exams, there are videos for that as well. Breasts are shown. I believe I could do breast exams on strippers but that would take a lot longer and focus on some breast tissue areas I don't usually bother touching. The other day I was thinking one dancer had a rather hard and lumpy feeling breast implant. I did not say anything. I thought it was her implant.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Halloween parties
    I'm actually starting to see Christmas lights up here and there. Talk about early. I've been in some strip clubs on or near Halloween and I remember in one club all the dancers were dressed up in costumes with some looking pretty good or pretty bizarre depending upon how you took it. I discovered I like the normal strip club attire. The dancers aren't so covered up and more skin showing is better if the dancers look good.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If strippers had performance reviews like guys working in a corporation with som
    Forgot to add, I heard within a few years after I left, I heard that the operations manager said he should have never let me go. That made me feel a little bit better. I knew the operations manager pretty good and the former plant manager but I wasn't impressed with the new department manager they got (to help me out). I learned to be careful what you ask for. The former plant manager was the one who first took me to strip clubs. He said he wanted to take me. I think he didn't want to go alone. I did like the second time he took me. He had one of our suppliers or vendors come along and pay our cover charges. The vendor even payed for some pizza we ordered from Domino's and it was delivered to the club and they brought it to our table. I never said anything bad to others at work about my new manager. Others kept telling me they didn't care for him too much. Compared to running a whole department by myself for very little pay for several months, several hours doing a performance review is a piece of cake. However it is sort of like doing taxes manually.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If strippers had performance reviews like guys working in a corporation with som
    I may make it sound worse than it is. Doing performance reviews even for yourself seems like a full time job taking hours to do. At least I know what they are talking about though. I once worked at a small company and didn't have any input into the performance review. At one point I was pretty much the only one left in the department and moved into the managers office for a month or two so I didn't have to keep walking over there looking for files when someone from corporate called asking for information. I said I needed help. What did the management do? They hired a new boss to direct me around and tell me what a crummy job I was doing. I found a better job after that. Before I resigned, I played their game by appearing all around the shop so they could see me and it seemed like I was goofing off more wasting time but management thought I was doing a lot more work since they saw me. The new boss wasn't too bright. He thought if I wasn't seen in the manufacturing facility, I must not be doing too much work. Instead of working in the office, I walked around talking to people. My new boss said my performance vastly improved before I left. What an idiot I thought.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If strippers had performance reviews like guys working in a corporation with som
    The new motto is, "you should be happy you still have a job!"
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If strippers had performance reviews like guys working in a corporation with som
    Thanks for the comments. Performance reviews and goals summary: Basically you bust your butt all year doing what it takes to get your job done especially if your business picked up. This is typically not evaluated on your performance review. Your boss says it is just what is expected so they don't list that stuff as your goals and expectations. You can list it as other activities though. So your performance review is based on all the above and beyond your normal job and how well you performed on that. Then they assign extra stuff during the year. If you worked 24 hours a day, you might be able to get an exceeds level of performance. Then you would really be pissed off for not getting any pay increase. You'd also be dead without any sleep. Maybe that's not how everyone feels about it but it's the impression I get.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blonde, brunette or redhead?
    Blondes seem to get my attention the fastest. I have wondered why the same girl can look a lot better to me with blonde hair versus brunette and I decided there must be something genetic about it since all my sisters were brunette. However if a dancer looks good, I'm not that picky. I prefer hair a little bit long but still short enough not to cover the tits.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who to believe when it comes to reviews?
    If you are familar with the reviewer, you might have a better idea if you agree with their rating or not. I might visit a club knowing the lap dances are too restricted and expensive and won't plan on getting any at that club. I'm just enjoying the view. I might rate the club higher than someone who wanted lap dances on par with Platinum Plus value. I wasn't looking for it there. If I had just about as much fun with no dances at the club as one where I got some nice lap dances, I might even give similar ratings. Some other reviewer might give the club a low rating. It's all someone's opinion. I can even be in the same club at the same time and have a great time with dancers giving me a lot of attention while some other guy is getting ignored and having a lousy time, same time, same place. My rating might be good, his might be low.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Hard Bodies vs. Experienced
    I usually prefer experienced dancers but if she doesn't turn me on with her looks to start with, I might not want to get any dances. However I look younger and am younger than many of the posters on here. I consider a dancer in her 20's to be experienced. A dancer in her 30's to be very well experienced unless she just returned to dancing.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripping is a form of violence against women . . .
    I disagree.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    strip club calendars?
    I believe The Masters may sell one. I'm not sure but one dancer I'm friendly with gave me one a year or two ago. If it's not on their web site, you might have to call and ask. There are probably many strip clubs that sell calendars if asked.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    im looking....
    My memory from long ago isn't good when it comes to names. Fire fly seems like a name I've heard before but I don't remember anything.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripper engaged to 3 PLs at the same time and convicted for murder
    The statement posted by her husband that strip club regulars are the ones with the problem will tend to lose support here. The judge in the case sounds like pure evil, sentencing someone to 99 years when they weren't even present where the murder took place. However I don't know if they have evidence that she hired these guys to do the crime and she was going to get paid off somehow afterwards. If they don't have clear evidence, the trial was apparently done in Hicksville Alaska where apparently any judge could impose whatever sentence he chose. It might be that the judge was biased against anyone who has worked as a stripper and passed an improper moral judgement based on his own religious views rather than the evidence. The power goes to some people's heads.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    "Everything I need to know, I learned in a Strip Club"
    If one dancer acts like she owns you, you need to teach her that you have a lot of favorites. If she gets angry, just tell her that she is doing lap dances for lots of guys so what's the difference? Unless you like staying with only one dancer.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    "Everything I need to know, I learned in a Strip Club"
    If you ask a dancer what good regular clubs are around and you happen to see her one night and she comes right up to you to talk, she might want to go out with you sometime. If a dancer does some other weird stuff in the strip club like just want to sit and talk to you without you spending hardly any money for 3 or more hours or until the club closes, she might like you. One more thing I learned, if you slept with a dancer and it seems like she is never far away during your next visit, there's a good chance she's stalking you and will explode into a drama queen if you spend a lot of time with another dancer. This can be quite amusing.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do guys in Strip Club washroom ask you about girls in club?
    I don't usually talk to anyone in the men's room. I only remember overhearing general comments like all you need is a pair of tits and ass to make some easy money. I don't usually hear too much talking in the bathroom.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How often do you tip the bathroom attendant?
    If the attendent turns on the water for me, dispenses soap to me, and hands me a towel without me having to touch anything, I'll probably leave a dollar tip. I don't use the restroom that often during the night so it's not a major expense. I certainly won't tip more than that though and if they are lazy and just sit there without dispensing anything or handing anything to me, there's a good chance I won't tip them. If I'm having a great time in the club, there's always a chance I will tip anyway. Some bathroom attendents have little snack bags and if I get one of those, I'll definitely tip a dollar. I remember one dancer wanted a cheeto instead of a dollar for her stage tip from me. If only I could tip all the dancers a cheeto instead of a dollar, I would end up saving money.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    "Everything I need to know, I learned in a Strip Club"
    I guess if you applied what I learned to real life, then 1. Almost everyone is out to make some money, some in more shady ways and faster than other people. 2. When it comes to politics and even daily life, expect almost everyone to lie to get ahead. Just don't point out their lies without hard concrete evidence and even if you do, expect some anger for pointing out any lie. 3. In politics and in dancing, leave out the obvious tax increases that will come later on or dance price hikes. If someone didn't ask, they will just pay more because they were stupid for not asking. Oh, you didn't realize dance prices jumped to $40 a dance after that first two for one? Too bad, now pay up. Like getting expanded health care now, pay up more later. Oh, you didn't realize covering everyone meant the government now pays some women to get artificially impregnated as many times as they want and now they get federal subsidies for every kid they have, oh too bad, you the taxpayer will pay. Should have asked or protested when you could. Oh, you didn't recall everyone getting free visits to the doctor for preventative care? Too bad, you have to wait to see the doctor for your supposed emergency, you're on a list now and should be able to see the doctor in 2 to 3 months. 4. Tell stories about how good all the middle class customers have it, no dance price hikes if they make less $250,000. Then the DJ cuts the songs short. You have to pay extra for admission, you suddenly have to pay up for this and that. The club says all of their expenses are rising so they have to charge more for everything. If you're a politician become an expert liar and for large tax increases, go ahead and get them signed into law but have them kick in when you're no longer in office due to not wanting to hurt the current economy (while you're in office). 5. Saved number one for last. Give a great talk and make everyone feel good with a good speech or conversation. Make them believe in you before you charge them $50 a dance. Give out the hope they can get even more possibly for free and won't have to pay up until later.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    "Everything I need to know, I learned in a Strip Club"
    What I learned? 1. Many dancers are only trying to make a fast buck and don't think it's any big deal to lie if that will make you spend money on them. 2. Sometimes you can enjoy listening to lies. 3. Watch your pockets, if someone is desperate, some may think stealing is an easy way to get some money. 4. Some dancers can be extremely persistent. 5. It's your money, never feel like you need to give it away because of some possibly made up sob story. 6. Some escorts do work as dancers as well. 7. Never end up alone with a dancer if you would never even consider going out with her. It always seems like the people you aren't attracted to always want to have sex the most. 8. Dancers are female and human beings, treat them nice and you might get similar treatment.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever get a free(?) lap dance?
    The latest free dance I had was last night. Best free dances? It might have been when two dancers teamed up on me and told me they were going to dance for me for free no strings attached. I never did figure out what that was all about. I had just arrived in the club and sat down. I remember several years ago one dancer at Platinum Plus in Columbia seemed to really enjoy dancing for me. To keep dancing she offered to do half off the normal half off price. I think we started at two for $20, then it became 4 for $20. That's the best lap dance deal I think I've ever had even throwing in an occasional free dance from different dancers. I think she danced for 30 to 45 minutes for me. If they would just offer to do lap dances for $5, I'd probably spend the whole night getting lap dances. That is if any dancers were available.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Is there a way to find out the password for an old username you once used ?
    It's an old account back around 2002 to 2004. I never had a paid account here.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Now Giving VIP Credit for Articles
    I just found out about this articles thing. Is it brand new? It appears there are some old ones.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Um......yeah, let me dash your fantasies early on before you get your hopes up..
    I remember the first time I went to a strip club someone told me to bring lots of ones. I thought I had a ton of cash on me. I think I had about $40 or $50 total in cash in my pockets and wallet. Now that doesn't seem like a whole lot of money. Maybe if deflation ever arrives, it will be again.