
Comments by casualguy (page 88)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    ave. dance w/ hottie, or hot dance w/ average dancer?
    I wouldn't say so. I like nude hot girls better than anything else. I've had both types of dances. However I prefer hot dances with hot dancers the best. Everything else is just missing something unless you have a few drinks and stop being as picky.
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    17 years ago
    Strippers whose FRIENDSHIP is not real
    MIDancer, RomanticLover, aka RL, isn't too interested in chat. He's more interested in posting the same ol same ol strippers are bad topics on this site and probably others year after year. One reason the ignore button was invented. Just one click on ignore and the posts are gone if logged in to the site.
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    17 years ago
    Selective Dancers
    Selection does exist. The dancers are constantly scanning the crowd looking for guys who seem well dressed with money to spend. Start spending the money and they'll come over like flies.
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    17 years ago
    Selective Dancers
    I've had several dancers tell me or show me how they will give me a better lap dance than they'll give to most other guys. I think that is a bit of selection as well. Of course maybe they tell this to a whole lot of guys.
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    17 years ago
    Selective Dancers
    Of course some dancers will avoid some customers just as some guys avoid some girls. There may be something about the way a customer looks (such as that type of guy never seems to have any money or is rude, or something else she doesn't like). It may or may not be true but if that dancer has experienced it enough, she'll believe it. Some dancers who look very hot are selective with going after regulars first and guys with lots of money to spend. If she thinks you're not willing to pay her dance price, she'll probably avoid you even if she gets time free.
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    17 years ago
    How much does it cost to have a pretty good to a great time in a club?
    I seem to be on a little winning streak. I hope it transfers over into stocks since I'm back in all the way now.
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    17 years ago
    How much does it cost to have a pretty good to a great time in a club?
    The few times a dancer has tried real hard to get a lap dance from me and seems a bit frisky with me, I might just throw caution to the wind and spend the extra money. As long as it's not too late in the evening and I still have money. Most dancers don't try to argue, fuss, etc. etc. for several minutes trying to get a dance from me. They just go on to someone else. If a bunch of dancers suddenly get frisky with me though, I'll know I'm in trouble. I'm halfway wondering if one dancer at one club knows who I am. Talking about spending money though, if it means spending another 30 or $40 dollars to know if a dancer was going to give a great lap dance versus saving the money, it just doesn't seem worth holding onto the money at the moment. Of course I'm saying this today when I feel a bit lucky. I just got a check from State Farm giving me some mooley back that I wasn't expecting. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are you a gentleman?
    Am I a gentleman? Yes. There has only been one dancer I have routinely smacked on her ass and that was because she requests it as part of a lap dance. However the last time I wasn't as gentle as I usually was. It was a loud smack. I was wondering if I smacked her too hard. She just seemed to smile more and said that was more like it. More seriously though, I am on good behavior in strip clubs. Even though some dancers may want to argue with me or show a snotty attitude or some other bad behavior if I don't get a dance from them, I usually stay polite. There have been times though when you just have to put your foot down. Literally if the chair has wheels and she's dragging your chair to the lap dance room. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which would you prefer The High Mileage dancer, or the honest dancer
    That's true. A dancer could be very hot but have a major attitude problem if you reject her and tell her you don't want a dance. I think in that situation it's best for both dancer and customer to refrain from being too honest. I could easily imagine a frustated dancer I just rejected speaking her mind and then I might reply honestly about what a bitch she is. Complaining and bugging me when I only sat down in the club for a few minutes. I could even throw in comments about how rude she was and throw in other true but rude comments back at her. She could probably think of something as well. Yep, that's not why I want to go to a strip club.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    favorite alcholic drink...In oreder from top to bottom
    Miller lite first. Bottled water if I can't get that (blue laws at certain times) After that it becomes a matter of persuasion. If a nice looking female is trying to get me to try a drink she already has, I may go along and taste it if I don't know what it tastes like.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Cameras In Strip Clubs (and OTC) - not hidden variety
    I have seen a camera flash where someone snapped a pic of the dancer walking with me as we were leaving the lap dance area. The dancer immediately notified a bouncer and took care of the situation. Kicked the guy out of the club after doing something with the camera. I think this was at shadowcat's favorite club a couple of years ago. About half a year ago, I saw where someone was doing some video recording in the club, a couple of girls. One girl was dancing to the music and the other was filming her. The bouncers missed them for a while since they were doing this for at least a few minutes. Even though I didn't see them point the camera towards any dancers, the bouncers came over and escorted them out. Other clubs have a policy of leaving all digital devices outside or at the door. However some clubs are lax and I think you might be able to get away with it. I heard someone say the pics are usually too dark and not that great anyway though.
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    17 years ago
    Cameras In Strip Clubs (and OTC) - not hidden variety
    In case you don't want to read the rest of what I originally typed up, the answer is no, not inside a club. Outside the club, I did get one dancer accidently when I was at the beach with her. That was a long time ago though. One of my hobbies which I haven't practiced too much in the last few years used to be photography. For a while I was even into astrophotography which is taking pictures of the stars. Kind of goes along with my hobby of Astronomy. That is basically science not astrology which is one might use to determine a horoscope. In spite of this, I still don't personally own a digital camera even though I've been using one at work. The only pics I've taken of a dancer were many years ago when I went with her to the beach and I was already filming with my camcorder when she accidently stepped into the picture. At least I thought it might have been accidently. :) You have to wonder when you hear her say, oh look, he's got a camera, then she pops up on it. I wouldn't try to take a camera into a strip club. I'm sure the bouncers wouldn't look too favorably on it nor would the dancers. I thought about taking pics of dancers outside the club but never brought it up thinking, what if they want to take pics of me too? I believe I have a talent for taking some good photos though. I've been debating about spending money on one of the better cameras so that I might be able to blow up a pic into a large picture in case I wanted to get it framed.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which would you prefer The High Mileage dancer, or the honest dancer
    High mileage is good. If a dancer wants any kind of relationship with a guy she needs honesty as well. Telling a guy stories and making up shit is going to turn him off from being very interested in her. At least it does for me. I do appreciate the honest dancers. Every once in a while I may meet a dancer and think about telling her, you don't have to make up the same old bullshit or lies or excuses. I know you just want the money from lapdances and nothing else and I'm ok with that. I wouldn't still be getting them if that was not the case. In fact telling me more bullshit when I didn't ask about anything only turns me off. A lot of dancers are honest with me and I appreciate that. There have been a few times when I wondered what was going on in their head for them to offer so much information to me when I didn't ask. One time I even wondered why a dancer gave me her phone number, name and kept telling me she wanted to go out with me. When I finally agreed, she started giving excuses why she couldn't go out that week. That's bullshit. I think that may be stripper shit telling a guy she wants to go out but then she's too busy. There was another dancer I remember I thought wanted to go out with me a few years ago. I didn't pursue it at that time. I don't remember what was going on at that time but maybe I prefered someone younger than my age. One time not too long ago, she sat and talked with me at her club and out of curiosity I asked what she was doing. She was honest with me and told me she had hooked up with someone and been with him for about7 months at that time. I do like honest dancers. I don't really care for the games too much.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where do you keep your cash?
    Pretty simple for me. I keep most of my cash in my wallet. Dollar bills for tipping I may put in either my right or left pocket. It's easier to pull one out and tip a dancer. I have never used a credit card in a strip club that I remember. I used an ATM card 2 or 3 times early on when I first went to strip clubs but haven't used one in years at a strip club. I try to keep a count of how much money I spent in my head or will check my wallet if I forgot. I don't have to remember the exact dollar amount I spent. I just remember how many dances I've had and how much they cost. From that it's easy to estimate everything else such as cover charge, drinks, etc. I do have a pretty good memory with the exception of some dancer names which I never tried to remember that well in the first place unless a dancer put extra effort in making me remember her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cameras in the private dance rooms...
    I think I may have seen a sign the first time I went to visit The Masters at the beach. I thought I saw real tv cameras filming the dancers perform their Las Vegas shows on stage. Little did I realize until later that the time I picked to visit which I wanted to be slow and ordinary was their annual Battle of the Masters where around 20 dancers performed shows on stage and that it was all being filmed for a DVD. I was standing up due to a lack of empty seats until a dancer found one for me and she sat on my lap next to the stage. I was told I was on the DVD by another dancer months later in a different club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How much does it cost to have a pretty good to a great time in a club?
    I'll give an example. club 1, $15 cover, $21 in stage tips, no drinks here, total 36 dollars food stop, $6 club 2, $5 cover, 3 drinks- $15, 3 table dances -$30, stage tips $20 total at club 2 is 70 dollars club 3, $8 cover, only drinks are water due to blue laws, bottled water $4, stage tips $30, lap dances with 4 different dancers at 2 for $30 with only getting two dances from each dancer - $120 total club 3 is $162, total for the night without even trying hard - $274
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    Giving a dancer a Facial
    Not in any club, but I knew of one dancer who was ready to try new sexual things with me. I wasn't into seeing liquid squirt out onto a girls body or on her face. Like shadowcat, I would rather stay inside. However she wanted to see that at least one time on her breasts. It would have been real easy to miss. I remember one time I flipped on a shopping channel maybe QVC. Anyway I happened to look at the pretty model for a second. Suddenly a caller called in and said she would have her two sons jack off on her face and rub it in with the facial cream. She said that worked pretty good. The channel cut that caller off. Then the model said something like "I don't know what she's been drinking." I thought it was funny. I didn't realize facials were so beneficial for women. Packed with vitamins and nutrients I guess.
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    17 years ago
    Lindsey, Britney, Paris. Talk about stripper shit.
    I was thinking someone could daydream about them. You're sitting alone in a strip club and suddenly Lindsey, Britney, (I might switch Jessica Alba instead of Paris), walks in and sits at the table next to you. They're drinking and carrying on and then they ask you over to their table to join in the fun. I heard on the radio Jessica is single again this morning having broken up with her boyfriend. Then their idea of fun is for me to point out a dancer and they'll pay her to dance for me and the group. This goes on and on. You would think with the money they make, they could hire a limo to drive them around when they plan on drinking. Maybe buy a video arcade racing game for when they want to drink and drive so they can do it on screen instead of on the real road. They could even race against each other if they had them linked as they are in some arcades or used to be when I last visited the arcades.
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    17 years ago
    Murdered dancer
    I got an idea of the feeling of being stalked myself. Both times though, the situation turned a bit ugly. One time a car followed me all the way through a small city, then I turned down a two lane road into the country on the outskirts of the city to drive home. I sped up, the car behind me kept pace. I sped up more, the car behind me sped up more. Just a little more and then blue lights turned on. Another time I thought someone who didn't signal and started to almost hit my car by easing into my lane in front of me was experiencing a bad case of road rage. I saw a vehicle flying down the road I was on in my rear view mirror. I'm thinking oh hell, nobody drives that fast unless they're pissed off or got serious rage issues. Turned out to be a group of 4 cops who wanted to harass me. It was probably their vehicle that almost side swiped me and didn't signal to get into the turn lane. I didn't dare tell that to the cops though. I guess I could have been in their blind spot already in the turn lane. It's not a pleasant feeling to be followed.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    If a dancer once picked your pocket and you got her fired, would you tell her?
    I certainly could have been a lot meaner to her but I did get over it. She might have gotten away with it a lot longer if she hadn't tried it on me. So stupid. I don't know, several people including her manager didn't know. I say she was very stupid because she could have simply danced for about 10 minutes and gotten the same amount of money from me. Some of the bad girls do seem to find me. Of course it all depends on your definition of bad. Lol.
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    17 years ago
    Kinky Play W/Strippers
    I remember tipping a dancer at shadowcat's favorite club and she had a way of grabbing my belt with her teeth, undoing the buckle, and pulling it off while it was still in her teeth. Then she wrapped the belt around me and pulled me in closer. When I went to tip her another dollar, she did a repeat performance. I enjoyed that. I swear I've had more dancers take off the belt I have now than any other. I was wondering if I should get one with a smaller buckle on it since I know of a few dancers who made me take it off before they would dance for me. I don't know though, it's not that much work to keep putting my belt on and if a dancer insists I take it off for a lap dance, it is slightly more comfortable.
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    17 years ago
    Murdered dancer
    I wasn't expecting much of a response. I know of a dancer who might remember the dancer I'm thinking about and she might let me know if it was the same dancer. Sometimes it seems like the more you know about some dancers, the more you want to stay away.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How much does it cost to have a pretty good to a great time in a club?
    $3000 is a lot more than I was expecting. Of course I'm not spending any time in the champagne rooms or other more expensive places some clubs have set up. I heard about someone going to Platinum Plus and he took over $4000 cash with him. It was his first visit. I heard he didn't want a dancer rubbing her tits or anything on him though teasing him. He offered her all the money if she would shack up at a nearby hotel. Apparently he didn't see any difference between the dancer working in a club and her doing prostitution. I heard the dancer was pissed off at him and just told him "he's got the wrong girl." So he went to a club with over $4000 first visit and had a rotten time. I can go with $200 or $300 and have a great time. For me that includes lap and table dances from multiple dancers, cover charge at a few clubs and some drinks and tips.
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    17 years ago
    Murdered dancer
    I read today the hotel's smoke alarms and fire alarm system did not work. I don't always believe what I read in the online news or newspaper since the news often has mistakes or hearsay. However not having a working fire alarm system sounds like it should be illegal. The boyfriend and others did the right thing trying to warn everyone. Unfortunately there wasn't enough time.
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    17 years ago
    Guy Allows Wife / GF / SO to Strip.... WTF?!
    My only guess why she told me she was married was that she didn't know if I might act like shadowcat or a number of other guys posting here. I like happily intoxicated dancers though.