
Cameras In Strip Clubs (and OTC) - not hidden variety

Has anyone taken cameras IN to a strip club, or used them during OTC?

With the abundance of phone cameras - and the vast improvement in their quality, it's pretty easy to take cameras into clubs AND actually use them. Has anyone attempted this? My most recent phone has a GREAT camera built into it, and also can be used fairly secretively. I may give it a try the next time I'm in a club.

As for OTC, that is one of my big things. I like to take pics of my OTC girls. I always ask permission first, and so far have only been told "no" once. My prev-ATF was the best for that. She really got into it and even asked to do it on successive OTCs. Our photo sessions were always a warm up for better things and many of the pics have special memories attached. I have HUNDREDS of pics of her in various outfits and poses. My current ATF lets me take pics, but not surprisingly they are all candid - nothing posed, and are all in full street clothes.


  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    In case you don't want to read the rest of what I originally typed up, the answer is no, not inside a club. Outside the club, I did get one dancer accidently when I was at the beach with her. That was a long time ago though.

    One of my hobbies which I haven't practiced too much in the last few years used to be photography. For a while I was even into astrophotography which is taking pictures of the stars. Kind of goes along with my hobby of Astronomy. That is basically science not astrology which is one might use to determine a horoscope. In spite of this, I still don't personally own a digital camera even though I've been using one at work. The only pics I've taken of a dancer were many years ago when I went with her to the beach and I was already filming with my camcorder when she accidently stepped into the picture. At least I thought it might have been accidently. :) You have to wonder when you hear her say, oh look, he's got a camera, then she pops up on it.

    I wouldn't try to take a camera into a strip club. I'm sure the bouncers wouldn't look too favorably on it nor would the dancers. I thought about taking pics of dancers outside the club but never brought it up thinking, what if they want to take pics of me too? I believe I have a talent for taking some good photos though. I've been debating about spending money on one of the better cameras so that I might be able to blow up a pic into a large picture in case I wanted to get it framed.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I have seen a camera flash where someone snapped a pic of the dancer walking with me as we were leaving the lap dance area. The dancer immediately notified a bouncer and took care of the situation. Kicked the guy out of the club after doing something with the camera. I think this was at shadowcat's favorite club a couple of years ago. About half a year ago, I saw where someone was doing some video recording in the club, a couple of girls. One girl was dancing to the music and the other was filming her. The bouncers missed them for a while since they were doing this for at least a few minutes. Even though I didn't see them point the camera towards any dancers, the bouncers came over and escorted them out. Other clubs have a policy of leaving all digital devices outside or at the door. However some clubs are lax and I think you might be able to get away with it. I heard someone say the pics are usually too dark and not that great anyway though.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    My cell phone has a camera, but I still take it in clubs. The only times I used my camera in a club was to take pictures of some dancers with their permission. Some were with outfits, some topless, and a couple completely nude. There was one occassion where a dancer had me take videos of her, using her camera.

    Other than that, I have never dared to use my cell phone camera inside a club without permission.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I have an appointment this month to have a camera shoved up my ass to check my colon and prostrate. If any of them turn out good, I will share them with you.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Ahhhhh.... colonoscopy time again! Well CAT, good luck!

    During my first colonscopy in 2005, they put me completely under, and the last thing I remember before "lights out" was this masked & garbed guy standing behind me with a "cattle prod" placed between my other set of lovely 'cheeks'. I woke up in a curtained off recovery area not feeling a thing! Results were negative thank goodness. The best part of a colonoscopy is getting to "shit" your brains out the night before while your trying to sleep!

    Oh BTW CAT, if the pictures are good, bring 'em to the October TUSCL Convention, just in case I find a dancer who likes sticking her fingers up asses! :-)
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