
Are you a gentleman?

Atlanta suburb
At my favorite club, I have received many compliments from dancers. You don't look or act your age. Your legs are smooth. You have a big dick. But when they call me a gentleman, I have to wonder why. How can I be a gentleman when I am in a strip club trying to see how much shit I can get away with? And believe me, I get away with a lot of shit. I no longer think of fondling boobs as exciting. Now I have to pet the kitty. On my last visit to the club, out of the dozen or so dancers that I got lap dances from, all let me go under the thong. The bar has risen to make it to my favorites list. I got a HJ from a dancer that used to hate me. I got a BBBJ from a dancer that I had just met. I got a promise from another to spend the whole day with me next month OTC, fucking. So why do they call me a gentleman? They say because I treat them respectfully. Because they trust me. Because I am a sweetheart compared to some of the assholes that they meet. I can say that being honest. Breeds trust. And trust opens doors and spreads legs. Am I bragging? Yes but I gotta be me.


  • ozymandias
    17 years ago
    Civility is so utterly dead in modern America that even small considerations and acts of respect go a long way.

    I know I'm not the only one here who is actually startled when I put on my turn signal to merge and a car actually SLOWS DOWN to let me in... such a tiny (and it should be a standard) courtesy, yet I grin and smile and wave and actually feel good for a minute or so afterwards.

    Same rules apply in clubs.

  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    Three words, respect, honest, civil pretty much says it all. I don't know about most, but those were taught to me by my parents! Not school, peers, or anyone else!
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    Am I gentleman? -- Of course.

    I would have to say that is the most frequent comment I hear from dancers. But I don't know if they are just blowing stripper shit or if it true - I would hope it is true. But if it is true, it makes me think there must be a lot of jerks out there buying dances and seeing what they can get away with. But being a gentlemen does not seem to get me the same high mileage that shadowcat gets......unlucky me....the story of my life....LOL !!!
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    When I go to gentlemen's clubs they let me in, so I must be one.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    david: 6 years and $60K+ I finally get the respect and treatment that we all want.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    David: Btw. I don't think that the dancer that has promised me full service next month for free is stripper shit. I have met her OTC before. She has twice introduced me to her younger brother. A total loser from Florida. She is the only stripper that I ever fucked ITC. And I did it without a condom. She just got me so fucking hot that the little head took over. This month I was able to restrain myself. Even though she was rubbing my dick up and down on her bare pussy. We agreed that it would be much more fun in private in my hotel room next month. She says that she dances for money but that she likes to have fun too but that she is very selective about who she does it with. I believe her. I have seen her giving dances to other customers. Yes. she does rub their dicks outside of their pants. Just about all of the dancers at my favorite club do. At least for me. But when she sits on my lap and goes up my pants leg and at the same time pulls her thong aside for me to explore. I am jelly. she said "tight isn't it" I responded with "yes. and Hot and wet". When you are 65 and a little spinner 20+ years old goes all out for you, You may feel like she is jail bait but I am taking the bait. I know that Bones is going to make a play for her at the convention in Oct. lots of luck, buddy...
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    I am quite the gentlewoman. I believe that is a large part of why I am treated so well at the clubs.
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    I think we have to understand that the strip club is its own little subculture with its own rules. Shadow rightly points out that roaming hands groping innapropriate places on girls half one's age is not usually the sign of a gentleman, but then in strip clubs that is normal everyday behavior. In the case of clubs I think its more a matter of being up front with the dancers, respecting the limits they set if they set any (or moving on to someone whose limits match your interests) and above all remembering that they are human beings doing a job and treating them with the courtesy all people deserve. Putting a crowbar to the wallet every so often doesn't hurt either.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    AN brings out a good point as far as 'what is considered gentleman behavior' in and out of a SC enviornment.

    Like the "Candyman", I always am a gentleman in a SC, but my actions may not be so "gentlemanly" with the dancers. After all, I'm in there to get frisky, get my dick hard, complete a fantasy.

    17 years ago
    If someone asked me to describe myself in one word, that word would be "gentleman." I always try to treat everyone with courtesy and respect, unless and until they treat me otherwise. Then I don't treat them at all, I simply ignore them. And I sadly agree with ozy that civility is largely dead in our society (which I think is arguably our biggest problem as a society but that's another story) but I refuse to live that way. And it makes no difference whether we are talking inside or outside of a club - I don't become a different person just because I'm inside a club. In fact if anything I become even more polite because it sets me apart.
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    I don't think the standard definition of gentleman applies ITC. When a dancer calls you a gentleman, I think they are saying that you are not a typical asshole. You are probably respectful, a decent tipper, honest about your intentions, etc. Just my opinion
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Am I a gentleman? Yes. There has only been one dancer I have routinely smacked on her ass and that was because she requests it as part of a lap dance. However the last time I wasn't as gentle as I usually was. It was a loud smack. I was wondering if I smacked her too hard. She just seemed to smile more and said that was more like it.

    More seriously though, I am on good behavior in strip clubs. Even though some dancers may want to argue with me or show a snotty attitude or some other bad behavior if I don't get a dance from them, I usually stay polite. There have been times though when you just have to put your foot down. Literally if the chair has wheels and she's dragging your chair to the lap dance room. :)
  • jimmyblong
    17 years ago
    i consider myself to be a dirty old gentleman.
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