I went to one of my hangouts last night to celbrate my 34thbirthday. My #1favorite Essence wasn't there but my other 2 were. Jade is fairly highcontact but it's hard for me to get a read on when she is being sincere or just telling me stuff to get me to spend more money. The other dancer Porsha was my #1 favorite but it seemed she spent to much time around her "Friend" at the DJ booth and never asks for a dance.
Well I got dances from both of them. I got 2dances from Jade and bought her a few drinks. She was trying to get me to get a 3rd dance but I told her no. Later on I spoke with Porsha. I ended up getting 1 1/2 dances from her. The 1st dance was short so I asked her would she do 1/2 of the next song and she agreed. As I was searching my wallet, she said to not worry about the 2nd song just pay her the $20 for the 1st. She said that since it was my birthday she wouldn't charge for the 2nd dance. I was surprised she was being this generous. She later on had the DJ to give a "Shout out" to me over the speaker that it was my Birhtday.
So would you guys prefer the Highmileage dancer, but treats you more like a ATM or the medium contact dancer that seems to have a little respect for you?? I should have told Porsha that she was the most sincere dancer that I have met my 4years of visiting that club. I think that would have made her day.
I prefer high mileage dancers but my favorite dancers are not only high mileage but also honest with me. It's called trust and appreciation for repeat business. I also enjoy a couple of dancers that are not high mileage. chandler knows of one that fits that description. Beautiful girl with a beautiful body. She told me the first time I met her about 4 years ago that she gives an erotic dance without getting nasty. And she still does but she always gets me hard. I don't always get dances from her every time I see her but she always talks to me. I have one high mileage dancer that has given me her husbands cell phone number and another that gave me her parents telephone in Richmond VA. I actually talked to her father. I miss her. magicrat knows of whom I speak. Yes, I do get some stripper shit. Sometimes I put up with it for the rewards. Other times I do not.
I don't know who would not want a high mileage dancer. That said, my favorite at the moment isn't high on mileage, but she is a fun girl to be around. Also, I've known plenty of dancers who were high on the mileage, but totally into giving off stripper shit. One girl at my favorite club seems very much like this, mostly because I made the mistake of buying a dance off of her on a bad night.
I think it all depends - I think Dan said it well, most of us want a high mileage dancer. However, I think we also are instantly attracted to the super hot girls and try to get a dance with them. But I doubt if I am the only one to discover that the super hot girls are not always the highest mileage girls and we leave disappointed. Like Dan, my current ATF is not super high mileage (two-way touching OK but no extras) but she is a fun girl and at the moment,I couldn't be any happier.
I'm not interested in high mileage from a girl who is too obviously mercenary or can't fake affection well. But sincerity doesn't turn me on. Good acting does. Like Ozy, I don't look for honesty in strippers, because all you can ever expect to find is selective, conditional honesty.
Hot is the name of the game. Strippers like hot guys for BFs and that's why us pathetic losers never become stripper BFs -- but we can dream. Stripping is show business. Deception and dishonesty are intrinsic parts of show business. Just think about the special effects in movies. There is a famous saying that pertains to this situation exactly: The hardest thing to learn is SINCERITY. Once you can FAKE that, you got it made. The really big money makers in strip clubs are skilled fakers. They know what to say and when to say it to suck us in, drain our wallets, and leave with a big smile on our faces. There are endless tricks both verbal and physical that accomplish this task. By the way, a big smile does not automatically mean a wet spot somewhere in the nether regions. It can mean, "Boy, that gal really gave me a run for the money, made me happy, got me to laughing, etc. etc." But I do like the wet spot in the nether region, when it happens. IN CONCLUSION -- ya don't go to strip clubs to build long term relationships, which depend on empathy and honesty. Ya go to have a GOOD TIME AT THE TIME. I strongly believe in the five minute love affair.
High milage here too. While I appreciate any affection,etc. I know these girls are not interested in a middle aged man with less than perfect body. Accordingly I will enjoy the high milage and fantasy while there and return to the real world once I leave.
I see for some of you highmileage includes extras. Well for me any two way contact is highmileage. In Georgia you won't get super highmileage, sometimes your lucky to get medium contact. I didn't say I didn't like highmileage but I don't want to be treated like an ATM. Like Chandler said at least do a good job at faking it.
High mileage is good. If a dancer wants any kind of relationship with a guy she needs honesty as well. Telling a guy stories and making up shit is going to turn him off from being very interested in her. At least it does for me. I do appreciate the honest dancers. Every once in a while I may meet a dancer and think about telling her, you don't have to make up the same old bullshit or lies or excuses. I know you just want the money from lapdances and nothing else and I'm ok with that. I wouldn't still be getting them if that was not the case. In fact telling me more bullshit when I didn't ask about anything only turns me off. A lot of dancers are honest with me and I appreciate that. There have been a few times when I wondered what was going on in their head for them to offer so much information to me when I didn't ask. One time I even wondered why a dancer gave me her phone number, name and kept telling me she wanted to go out with me. When I finally agreed, she started giving excuses why she couldn't go out that week. That's bullshit. I think that may be stripper shit telling a guy she wants to go out but then she's too busy.
There was another dancer I remember I thought wanted to go out with me a few years ago. I didn't pursue it at that time. I don't remember what was going on at that time but maybe I prefered someone younger than my age. One time not too long ago, she sat and talked with me at her club and out of curiosity I asked what she was doing. She was honest with me and told me she had hooked up with someone and been with him for about7 months at that time. I do like honest dancers. I don't really care for the games too much.
It depends on what I am looking for. If I am at a strange club, or know that I will not be spending time with my ATF, I want a high mileage girl. However, with my ATF, I'm looking for (and I THINK getting) honesty along with just enough mileage to make things interesting. She is far from a "dirty dancer" and at least so far, when we are OTC, she is even further from dirty.
I don't much care about high mileage as long as there is some 2-way touching allowed. Nor do I expect or care about honesty unless I've known the girl for a long time. If a girl is interesting and attractive, and she treats me the way I want to be treated (eg. with courtesy) without acting phony, and she allows some 2-way touching, I'm a happy camper.
I don't mean this personally for anyone, but we should be thankful that strippers are not always honest with us. Strip clubs wouldn't be very fun for any of us if they were.
That's true. A dancer could be very hot but have a major attitude problem if you reject her and tell her you don't want a dance. I think in that situation it's best for both dancer and customer to refrain from being too honest. I could easily imagine a frustated dancer I just rejected speaking her mind and then I might reply honestly about what a bitch she is. Complaining and bugging me when I only sat down in the club for a few minutes. I could even throw in comments about how rude she was and throw in other true but rude comments back at her. She could probably think of something as well. Yep, that's not why I want to go to a strip club.
Good point Chandler. If a dancer thinks I'm a total jerk, and I'm sure many of them have, the last thing I want is for her to tell me so. To much honesty is as bad as too little. I also think that this whole stripper honesty issue is a function of subject matter and who first brings it up - eg. if she's telling me about herself without my asking, I assume a certain degree of honesty, otherwise why bother; but if I'm asking her personal questions (which I don't usually do), then she probably isn't going to be very honest unless we know each other pretty well.
Amen to Chandler's comment -- how, how true! I'm an overweight, middle-aged, bald guy, yet I have gorgeous twenty-something girls saying they love my company and rub their naked bodies all over me.....sure, they're being honest with me when they say they prefer me over any other guy in the club.....yeah right.
I like the honesty. I had a hottie over at Tootsie's (I think it was yesterday, but could have been the day before) who hated my guts with a open passion. The poor girl was asking every guy in the club for a dance and kept getting shot down. It was sad to see and her approach didn't seem to make a difference. She went to the secluded pouting mode at 3 times and even tried customers more than once. Not only wouldn't she ask me for a dance, but when I went to tip her on stage (no one else was tipping her) she was especially unhappy even when I'm giving her money. I thought she'd spit on me, if she didn't want to waste the spit.
I really like the honesty--mainly because most dancers aren't good liars (I love a great actress) or they're good but they can't keep the act up long enough. The high mileage is just normal in this area so it doesn't have as much value as it would otherwise. I like the GFE, but the only actress/dancer I knew who could pull that off --while disliking the customer-- was a really rare gem. She not only hated me, but she seemed to hate everyone. But, her GFE was superb and I didn't care that it was all an act because it was so good and she could keep it up with ease. If it was worth an extra dollar to her, she'd stick a knife in my back without any remorse or any qualms assuming there were no social penalties to be concerned about. I really liked that dancer.
As far as the nonsense about hot 20 somethings not liking old farts; jesus f. christ. I see hot 20 somethings go for any type of scum and that includes the worst type of scum: old and poor. You want to live a stereotype then what the hell go for it. The reality is that although most hotties have no interest in old farts there are some that really do. The problem really is that the old farts are self limiting and or don't want the young hottie. Yes, it is true old farts often don't want young hotties. And, it doesn't take much in the way of brain power to quickly see why. Exhibit A in my book would be Donna Rice. Fine piece of meat, but would you really want her as a real girlfriend? I guess there are enough low intelligent guys out there and she would make a fine girlfriend for them-- old or not.
Some strippers can be both honest and provide the mileage you seek. If you are spending a lot of money (like ten dollars per dance), you may want to get your money's worth.
My ATF was raised by her grandparents and as a result she's always been very comfortable around older men. She has always, from day one, treated me as if we're the same age even though I'm nearly 40 years her senior. When we're together I don't think either one of us is conscious of the age difference, it just isn't important. It's probably a big reason why she became my ATF and why we've remained close friends ever since.
I also think the darkness in most clubs makes it a lot easier to forget a big age difference between dancer and customer. We're more likely to judge each other by how we act rather than how we look. And once you get to know each other it no longer matters.
FONDL - Do you suppose your ATF invisions you as a "stand-in" grandfather? Being that she was raised by her grandparents, I hope it wasn't one of those situations where you would here... "Don't do that Grandpa!" Just kiddin'.
I agree with you FONDL on judging by our actions. Heaven knows, after the dancers take a gander at me.... I hope they judge me by my actions.
The last several posts indicate that my idea of an honest dancer differs from some of the others here. When I say that I want her to be honest, I'm not saying that I want her to say whatever comes to mind as long as it's true. I'm NOT saying that I want her to tell me I need to lose weight, or she thinks I'm boring or whatever. I'm just saying that I don't want her being dishonest in a way that will lead me on, or in some way scam me. I want her to be honest with me if I ask her a direct question.
I think honest. But, honest only in the sense she is not trying to pull a scam or slack. It is ok if she doesn't like me, but that doesn't mean a broadcast is necessary. I think it is very possible that a dancer can actively dislike a customer and still do a fine job. It is also important to a degree as to why she dislikes me and if I think highly of her opinion. Mileage isn't a problem in Miami and if it were then my feelings could swing the other direction.
Doug, that's what I mean by selective or conditional honesty. As long as you're paying her, she's honest about things that won't offend you, and silent about anything that would, including the question of whether she'd rather be spending time with her friends.
Bones, that's pretty funny. I actually think the attraction from her pint of view is that I'm probably the first moderately successful older gentleman who she's ever gotten to know well and I think she is flattered by the fact that I continued to like her even when she stopped taking her clothes off. If I had to put a name to it, I'd say that more than anything else I'm her mentor. She asks my opinion about everything and often takes my advice, which is more than my own kids did at her age. And I find that flattering.
But to get back to the original question here, I think I'd substitute "sincerity" for "honesty" as my desired trait. By that I mean that I like a girl who is sincere in her effort to please me and give me my money's worth, not because she likes me but because that's what I'm paying her for. Whether or not she actually likes me is irrelevant - I don't think most of them even think in those terms. It's her job, and the relevant question for me is whether she's sincere in trying to do a good job or is she just going through the motions. I'd rather have a low-mileage girl who sincerely tries to do her job well than a high-mileage girl who is just going through the motions.
FONDL, even though I posted upthread that sincerity doesn't turn me on, I agree completely with your distinction. I had in mind something more like emotional sincerity or lack of artifice. A hard working girl's sincere effort to please me, however, is quite a turn on.
Thanks, Chandler. I wasn't responding to your comment, in fact I'd forgotten all about it. But I agree with your distinction. In fact, I believe that's the only kind of sincerity I've ever encountered in a club.
Maybe an example will help make this distinction for others. My ATF was always a hard worker and tried her best to please me, as well as many other customers (she was quite popular.) In fact I was always amazed at how hard she worked at her job, at trying to plese her customers. And not just to make more money, she treated the small tippers just as well as the big ones. Unless they didn't tip at all, then all hell would break loose. (I once gave her a pin that said "waiteress from hell" and she wore it every day.)
But she was far from honest with me (in the club) and that never bothered me at all, because that's what I expect in a club, that's part of the game. She told me all kinds of things about herself that weren't true. In fact she probably lied to me more than any other dancer I've ever known. So she was very sincere in trying to show me the best time she could without violating any of her rules (she wasn't particularly high mileage,) but she was far from honest in telling me personal things about herself until I got to know her really well.
last commentAlso I never expect sincerity from dancers, ever, so it's an easy decision.
I'm never looking for an honest dancer.... just one that wants to make
As far as honest dancers, I have gotten fucked and sucked by some of the most profound honest dancers on this earth!
There was another dancer I remember I thought wanted to go out with me a few years ago. I didn't pursue it at that time. I don't remember what was going on at that time but maybe I prefered someone younger than my age. One time not too long ago, she sat and talked with me at her club and out of curiosity I asked what she was doing. She was honest with me and told me she had hooked up with someone and been with him for about7 months at that time. I do like honest dancers. I don't really care for the games too much.
It depends on what I am looking for. If I am at a strange club, or know that I will not be spending time with my ATF, I want a high mileage girl. However, with my ATF, I'm looking for (and I THINK getting) honesty along with just enough mileage to make things interesting. She is far from a "dirty dancer" and at least so far, when we are OTC, she is even further from dirty.
I like the honesty. I had a hottie over at Tootsie's (I think it was yesterday, but could have been the day before) who hated my guts with a open passion. The poor girl was asking every guy in the club for a dance and kept getting shot down. It was sad to see and her approach didn't seem to make a difference. She went to the secluded pouting mode at 3 times and even tried customers more than once. Not only wouldn't she ask me for a dance, but when I went to tip her on stage (no one else was tipping her) she was especially unhappy even when I'm giving her money. I thought she'd spit on me, if she didn't want to waste the spit.
I really like the honesty--mainly because most dancers aren't good liars (I love a great actress) or they're good but they can't keep the act up long enough. The high mileage is just normal in this area so it doesn't have as much value as it would otherwise. I like the GFE, but the only actress/dancer I knew who could pull that off --while disliking the customer-- was a really rare gem. She not only hated me, but she seemed to hate everyone. But, her GFE was superb and I didn't care that it was all an act because it was so good and she could keep it up with ease. If it was worth an extra dollar to her, she'd stick a knife in my back without any remorse or any qualms assuming there were no social penalties to be concerned about. I really liked that dancer.
As far as the nonsense about hot 20 somethings not liking old farts; jesus f. christ. I see hot 20 somethings go for any type of scum and that includes the worst type of scum: old and poor. You want to live a stereotype then what the hell go for it. The reality is that although most hotties have no interest in old farts there are some that really do. The problem really is that the old farts are self limiting and or don't want the young hottie. Yes, it is true old farts often don't want young hotties. And, it doesn't take much in the way of brain power to quickly see why. Exhibit A in my book would be Donna Rice. Fine piece of meat, but would you really want her as a real girlfriend? I guess there are enough low intelligent guys out there and she would make a fine girlfriend for them-- old or not.
I also think the darkness in most clubs makes it a lot easier to forget a big age difference between dancer and customer. We're more likely to judge each other by how we act rather than how we look. And once you get to know each other it no longer matters.
I agree with you FONDL on judging by our actions. Heaven knows, after the dancers take a gander at me.... I hope they judge me by my actions.
I think honest. But, honest only in the sense she is not trying to pull a scam or slack. It is ok if she doesn't like me, but that doesn't mean a broadcast is necessary. I think it is very possible that a dancer can actively dislike a customer and still do a fine job. It is also important to a degree as to why she dislikes me and if I think highly of her opinion. Mileage isn't a problem in Miami and if it were then my feelings could swing the other direction.
Good to see you are still posting. :)
But to get back to the original question here, I think I'd substitute "sincerity" for "honesty" as my desired trait. By that I mean that I like a girl who is sincere in her effort to please me and give me my money's worth, not because she likes me but because that's what I'm paying her for. Whether or not she actually likes me is irrelevant - I don't think most of them even think in those terms. It's her job, and the relevant question for me is whether she's sincere in trying to do a good job or is she just going through the motions. I'd rather have a low-mileage girl who sincerely tries to do her job well than a high-mileage girl who is just going through the motions.
Maybe an example will help make this distinction for others. My ATF was always a hard worker and tried her best to please me, as well as many other customers (she was quite popular.) In fact I was always amazed at how hard she worked at her job, at trying to plese her customers. And not just to make more money, she treated the small tippers just as well as the big ones. Unless they didn't tip at all, then all hell would break loose. (I once gave her a pin that said "waiteress from hell" and she wore it every day.)
But she was far from honest with me (in the club) and that never bothered me at all, because that's what I expect in a club, that's part of the game. She told me all kinds of things about herself that weren't true. In fact she probably lied to me more than any other dancer I've ever known. So she was very sincere in trying to show me the best time she could without violating any of her rules (she wasn't particularly high mileage,) but she was far from honest in telling me personal things about herself until I got to know her really well.