
Comments by casualguy (page 87)

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    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    I told a dancer about a DJ where I used to live at that played the last song of the evening the old classic "I Can't Drive 55". Then the lights came on and he said over the speakers "ok, everyone drive 90 when they leave here. They can't catch us all!" Then I hear a couple of weeks later, we got a new DJ, the last song he played the other night was "I can't drive 55." I really thought the song the DJ was playing late at night saying he's the DJ from hell was funnier though. I like joking about why he talks so much. When I hear the comment, I wish he would stop talking so much, I have been saying to my favorites, well maybe he is the DJ from hell. Oh wait a minute, I keep forgetting, the song says The Devil is the DJ. I guess I get that mixed up. Seems like the same thing.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can publicity ruin a club?
    If the PP manager ever reads this, I would start visiting the clubs in Columbia if PP opened a new sister nude club. They would need plenty of seating because I don't like visiting a club that has no seats available on the weekend. The current PP club in Columbia seems small compared to the one in Greenville as far as the number of seats available.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can publicity ruin a club?
    I'm not sure what information dancers look at to determine where they will dance at if they travel around the country. Might be a good question to ask. I wonder what percentage of dancers have even heard of this web site. It's true that several years ago you could visit Platinum Plus in Columbia on a weekend night, find a seat, and easily get a two for $20 from almost any dancer without a problem. I know because I used to visit the club about every weekend back then apparently before shadowcat knew about it. I didn't find this web site until years later. The reason I stopped visiting wasn't because of anything the club did, but a nude club that used to be open I became disappointed with. I still like visiting nude clubs and club hopping. I like watching the dancers for a while, then getting dances later.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can publicity ruin a club?
    I don't know if the ranking on this site has anything to do with it or not. Perhaps it is lack of competition among dancers and the number of customers willing to pay high prices for lap dances. I heard last weekend in Greenville, one dancer (almost sounded like a complaint but wasn't sure), the PP club in Memphis along with 2 other clubs there I think she said closed down and all the dancers seemed to have come over here (where I was at). There did seem to be a lot of dancers. I actually saw 6 dancers dancing on 4 stages at 4AM. For a while the only people tipping them were a couple of female customers. The crowd usually has thinned out by 4 AM on the weekend in Greenville.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    the little things
    I was simply thinking she looks good and gives great dances and is generally nice to you. She doesn't try to rip you off. On occasion some favorites may seem to act a bit frisky and start dancing on songs they say don't count. One of my first favorites immediately got my attention with a certain look of desire on her face when I saw her on stage. Instead of just going over to me, she did this seductive crawl across the stage staying focused on me the whole time as if I was some kind of rock star she spotted for the first time.
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    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Tracking Down Vanished Strippers
    Maybe the last dancer I mentioned stopped visiting because she wanted to have sex with me every time she saw me and I started telling her no thanks. Usually at 5AM, I just want to sleep. I remember the first time I told her no thanks she started acting like I wanted to break off seeing her anymore. Closest thing I've ever experienced if a dancer was stalking someone. However she was pleasant to be around most of the time. Sometimes it seemed weird when she mentioned little details about me from many years ago and I still can't remember anything about her from that long ago. I'm pretty sure she wasn't one of my favorite dancers and I don't even know if she had ever danced for me. Saying she remembers the first time she saw me and she was only 16 years old and she was talking to another dancer watching customers leave a strip club made me wonder. Overall nice girl but I wondered why I couldn't remember her from years ago. I may have to return to the club in NC one day where she says there is a pic of me among many many pics to see if I can find the one she said was there with me in it. I do get curious about dancers I've known but just let it go.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Tracking Down Vanished Strippers
    I remember I did sort of not too many months ago. I hadn't seen one of my favorites in a few weeks so I called up her cell phone number and left her a message. She called me right back within an hour I believe telling me she was so busy, she forgot to let me know she was working the beach for a few months. I just said ok, I was curious, see you in a few months. I have had one dancer I remember track me down 2 years later and call me up out of the blue from another state. I think I did give her my phone number but 2 years is a long time to keep that. I must have left a good impression on her. I have wondered how life has gone for her since I knew her a little bit outside the clubs. One other dancer whom I only have recent memories of told me she's known me for many years. First she said only 8 years. Then after I got to know her better she told me she remembered the first time she ever saw me. I was impressed with that information. Then she disappeared one day. I never bothered to try to call her to find out anything. Time went by and I lost her number. I just figured traveling over 200 miles one way to a club near me every week and then getting stopped by the police the last time I talked to her with her getting charged with doing 90 was the last straw. So I left it at that. I keep meeting new dancers too and time seems to fly by.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Drunk Dancers
    I've had a number of dancers leave their drinks with me and come back and drink them later. I must be missing something about how the dancers working in a club are getting taken advantage of. It seems like the bouncers would stop a guy from carrying a drugged out dancer home with him.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mileage vs. ethnicity
    She wanted to get a lap dance from me pretty bad.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mileage vs. ethnicity
    I need to start paying attention to ethnicity so I'll know how to answer this question. I believe I have had more black girls grab whatever they want to before they even ask me for a lap dance. I've had some Korean and white girls do the same thing though. I've only had one girl put her hands up under my shorts while I was tipping her a dollar at the stage though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    If I had enough beer, I actually started enjoying the biting. They did stop biting after a while unless they thought I wasn't getting aroused fast enough to suit them. My adventures outside the strip clubs with different dancers usually did not involve very much if any biting. I went on a trip one time with a dancer and one of her female friends to the beach. I drove in my car with them riding with me. I believe they just wanted to go party at the regular night clubs at Myrtle Beach. However the dancer I knew suddenly said before we went in "ok, let's agree to no shit going on here. We all stay together! No one runs off with anyone." I'm thinking yeah, I got the car, she's talking about me since we're 2 hours away from home. That's one way to have two girls staying glued to you the whole night.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Off topic. TVONPCELITE
    I may have seen something similiar to it. I passed over it probably thinking they wanted your credit card for some reason that costs money. If it's the same thing, they stated for initial costs. I'm thinking yeah right, take your money and then leave you high and dry. As it is, I already have a high speed connection and the videos I watch on youtube with downgraded resolution still take a little while to download. I don't think the experience would be a great one if it worked. Maybe if there was cheap very high speed internet service here in the US as there is in other countries, it might be enjoyable. That is if it's not a scam. I'm selling a bridge if you're interested.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    One more and I'll stop at least for a while. I remember going to visit one of my favorite local nude clubs. Just a small little place. They had drinks and topless dancing with the same dancers downstairs and the nude club and no alcohol upstairs. Upstairs the stage took up a lot of the space. The stage was roughly 8 ft wide and 40 feet long with 2 stripper poles. Sunken in the middle. They had a feature entertainer one night which I thought was normal since they had one every month. I enjoyed their visits since they got nude and sometimes twins or two girls in a team or sisters would show up. In this nude club, you could get a table dance completely nude for 10 bucks and the girl would sit up on a high chair and spread her lips out wide during the dance. Nice. Anyway the DJ announced all the feature entertainer credentials. I was sitting at the stage waiting along with several other guys. I heard porn star among the credentials but didn't think much about it. After a few minutes of teasing she finally got nude. I noticed she really had everyone wanting to look. Every single guy was leaning over the stage while sitting in his chair. Except me of course. I was taking it easy. Suddenly she saw the stage ahead of her narrow up as a crowd of guys leaned over that narrow 8 ft stage. Then she saw me sitting back. Suddenly she started to get on her knees and bend towards my crotch leaning over the ridge on the stage. I was wearing white shorts. She suddenly bit down. To my surprise she didn't let go. She had me stand up. Then while maintaining her bite, she moved her lips all around. She literally turned my white shorts completely red with lipstick. Then I thought she would let go. I was hoping she didn't pull back because she lucked out and bit down in a strategic spot. Oh no I thought, she was pulling back without letting go. I was getting tense and it was starting to not feel good. She pulled harder. I was quickly getting tenser not knowing what to do. She finally let go and I remembered, the DJ did say she was a porn star. All the guys sitting at the stage suddenly sat back in their chairs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    favorite alcholic drink...In oreder from top to bottom
    From a dancer I met recently champagne, it's her favorite, she likes liquor as well but not tequila.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    When I lived near a military town, I remember one week I heard about the military conducting joint exercises with the British. Anyway one weekend, all the strip clubs were packed with British soldiers. Since I happened to be about the same age and my hair was cut almost as short as theirs, I seemed to fit in pretty well. I found an empty seat at the stage in one club. I was taking my turn tipping the dancers when they made it down the row. After a while, the guy beside me said "Watch my wallet ok mate?" while he took a break to the restroom. I'm thinking watch his wallet? Is he serious? Is this some kind of hidden camera trick or do a lot of the British leave their wallet with someone before they head to the john? I remember hearing about what some of the soldiers in the 82nd could do with their bare hands if someone attempted to steal their money. I didn't even touch the guy's wallet and neither did anyone else. The strip club was packed with the British. I'm thinking this is a joint strip club exercise.
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    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    meant to say tag along not alone.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    I remember a number of little things that were a bit odd. One was a pretty dancer at a club who wanted to dance for me. I told her I needed to use the restroom. She said "do you mind if I tag alone and hold it for you?" I thought she was joking but she had this serious look on her face. Another strange little thing happened a few days after I heard about a soldier suffering mental illness went on a shooting rampage at the military base. I read a few special forces soldiers were injured as they ran at the gunman and tackled him. I went to my favorite nude club that weekend. Sitting across from me was a guy with his arm in a sling, another guy had bandages, a third guy was patched up, and one other guy had injuries to his leg. I'm thinking hmmm, I didn't realize the special forces and myself were engaged in looking at the same pussy. It must be special.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    ave. dance w/ hottie, or hot dance w/ average dancer?
    I stopped analyzing so much. First dancer that looked pretty good, I got a dance from. Paid the price she asked after I said I was waiting for the two for one. Ended up spending more time with her than I thought. Hot dancer and hot dance. Ended up giving her a little foot massage afterwards too. If a dancer tells me "that feels good" she's encouraging me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    One time I thought I was going for a routine visit to the local strip club and get some hands on dances from my favorites. First lap dance started off as normal, then she suddenly put her head down towards my dick. I was wondering what she was up to. Suddenly her mouth opened up and then she bit. I was surprised. First time I was ever bitten down there. She bit down harder and I said "OOWwww!" She stopped biting. Next lap dance from a different dancer. Everything as normal, then suddenly she puts her head towards my crotch. Chomp. She bit down. "Oowww!" "Why are all the dancers back here biting now?" Apparently some drunk military guys convinced the dancers that most guys don't have much sensation down there after they've been drinking and talked the girls into biting. I was bitten for weeks afterwards. If someone heard an "OOOwww" coming from the dance room, someone bit too hard.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    One of those stories reminds me of a pretty hot 10 who used to work at a local club. Blonde and smoking hot. I saw her performing lap dances while I was with another dancer. It was quite funny hearing her bark out orders to the guy pinned on the sofa. Put your hands out to the side! Sit back up a little! Don't worry, this won't hurt if you stay still! The guy almost looked a bit terrified by this time. Anyway she backed up several feet and then summersaulted and landed with her head on the sofa and her legs wrapped around the guys neck.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    I remember one night I was out with a dancer after she got off from work. One night she wanted to go hang out with two other dancers that were friends of her and of course they each had a male friend. After being with the group longer than I expected, one girl brought up the subject of a plane crash at the local military base. There was a big fire and a number of casualties. It involved the 82nd Airborne. One guy started going off saying "now why did you have to bring that shit up?" The military had declared him dead. He called up his parents and told them that he wasn't dead. Then there were legal issues to settle. He said he had a good mind not to ******* show up for work in the morning. Apparently he had been assigned to a section where all had perished. For some unexplained reason, he didn't bother to show up for work that day and had decided to sleep in. I heard this at sometime between 3 to 5 AM as we were hanging out with dancers. I have no idea why he might have been sleeping in that day. :) That was the only time I remember seeing and talking to a dead person. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Drunk Dancers
    I seem to meet a lot of unique dancers. I remember one dancer claimed she could get me drunk while she was still sober. I forget the term she used, something about she could drink anyone under the table or something like that. If I could spend the night with her somewhere, that might have been interesting to test that out a little bit. However I decided there are a lot better things to do. I remember one dancer who asked "did you see me fall a few minutes ago and bust my butt?" I said no, I missed that. (I was disappointed.) Then she said "good, everyone was laughing at me." I thought that would have been funny to see as well though. I think she may have had a few too many. Other slightly drunk dancers can be a lot of fun though. Frisky too which I like.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Selective Dancers
    I remember when I found out one guy I was familiar with was a millionaire or close to it. He dressed so poorly whenever I saw him that I thought he must be really scrapping by because he reminded me more of a bum than anything else. My relative told me that he didn't want everyone to know that he had lots of money. I believe he actually owned a clothing store at least I did eventually visit at least one of them. He offered good discounts to people he knew. I'm really not sure how much money he had but he certainly wasn't poor and you would never know it by looking at the way he dressed. If the materialistic dancer saw him, she'd probably walk right by unless she wondered who let the bum in. I agree some dancers are not as interested in the money or not every night. I've had several experiences with different dancers who preferred to spend their time with me on different nights even though they knew I wasn't going to spend much money on them.