
Comments by casualguy (page 89)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Guy Allows Wife / GF / SO to Strip.... WTF?!
    I guess it's different strokes for different folks. I myself am probably in the old fashioned crowd since if I was married, I wouldn't want my wife stripping. However other married couples are ok with swinging. I'm not in favor of married swinging. I thought I had some inhibitions against getting a lap dance from a married dancer as well but one dancer asked me the other night right after I just finished a few drinks and then before I know it, I'm getting a lap dance. Seemed weird that she told me she was married and then added that her husband was ok with it. I think she wanted me to remember her. I'm not even sure why she told me she was married. Another weird night.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    4 week rule for who, Founder?
    If the review is ok, you get 4 weeks credit for each different club, so yes. You could also post the reviews for 3 different clubs in the same day if they are still fresh in your memory. In the review, it could be helpful to others to know what day of the week and what time range you visited so that others know what the club is like at that time. I'm familiar with clubs being open but known to be pretty much dead on some days or before a certain time of day.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cameras in the private dance rooms...
    If there are cameras in a club and you agree to get a lap dance and right before the dance starts she says "I want to be a porn star." Then you might start to worry.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    4 week rule for who, Founder?
    Blubber is gross and I don't want to read stories about it. However reading some reviews rated a 1 can be amusing. Just glad it's someone else and not me.
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    17 years ago
    Any other ladies here.
    Hi, I'm guessing there are a number of females lurking here without posting. Two regularly posting female posters, and then a free for all of posters. I wouldn't mind more females posting here.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    4 week rule for who, Founder?
    That's a funny review I read. Blubber everywhere. Sounds like the scene out of a horror movie. All I can say is eeewww. I'd skip that club.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    4 week rule for who, Founder?
    It has been this way for months I believe. I didn't realize everyone didn't know. You may have to wait an additional 4 weeks after the review you didn't get credit for to get a review that counts so there doesn't seem to be much point to it unless you're particularly pleased or upset with a club and can't wait to post. I do like that feature.
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    17 years ago
    Shift Changes suck
    I remember reading about one guy enjoying shift change time. He said there were twice as many dancers there as normal. He must have been in a club that required the dancers to come in early at a set time. At the Platinum Plus clubs the dancers can come and go at any time I believe. Therefore no big shift change. It does suck if the club opens late and you're there waiting for some stage dancing to start and most dancers aren't working yet. It has happened to me. I showed up at a club at 9:30 PM on a Saturday night thinking the club would be busy with dancing etc. It was not. Dancing on the main stage started at 10.
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    17 years ago
    Bachelor-on-stage Ideas
    Based on what I've seen since Friday night and Saturday nights are my free nights, I wouldn't want to be a bachelor on stage in most clubs I've been to. I guess the guys buddies have a laugh.
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    17 years ago
    Kinky Play W/Strippers
    I've encountered dancers who like various things. Some like to be talked dirty to and kept making me talk more like they wanted. One dancer liked me to spank her on the ass during the middle of the lap dance. I could tell because she would be a bit spread out lying down a bit across my lap. Then she would stop moving and suddenly look up at me and say if I forgot "you know what to do" I accidentally slapped her a bit harder than normal one night and was wondering if I overdid it but she just smiled and said that was good. I know other dancers don't want to be spanked or slapped since I overheard one dancer say if some guy tries to slap her, she's getting a bouncer to get him thrown out. I remember another dancer wanted me to drip hot wax on her. I didn't really understand how that would be a turn on. Some dancers do like playing or squeezing a guy's nipples. I'm not into that. I might be into some gentle biting and I ran into one or two dancers who were too. One dancer was really into it and made me nervous until she said "relax, I won't draw any blood." I remember I first encountered a bunch of biting dancers one night in a military town in NC. Apparently a bunch of guys had told the dancers that they were numb from the beer or something and they got the dancers biting and biting a bit hard. I didn't like it at first but started to get used to it. Wherever the skin on my body is stretched tight, it did not feel good to get bitten. A few dancers I've met liked to use their tongues around my ear and then down my neck, a couple didn't stop there. I wasn't really into getting a wet ear or neck but if the dancer was enjoying it and gave me a much better dance, I wasn't complaining. I remember one or two dancers seemed to enjoy kissing me right on the lips. I would have to keep wiping lipstick off every time I went to the restroom.
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    17 years ago
    Celebs In The Club
    Sorry chandler about getting a bit touchy and/or rambling on the last day or two. I didn't get much sleep and I'm surprised I didn't ramble on all over the place. Back on subject, I don't remember ever seeing a big time celebrity in a strip club. What's it like? If it's a famous basketball celebrity, does everyone try to get a look and do all the dancers try to meet him? and the same for a famous female celebrity?
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    17 years ago
    Celebs In The Club
    WTF, topic moderators now? My message was it's all the same to me. Doesn't matter if I see a celebrity at the strip club or at Hooters. Actually I'll probably pay even less attention to a celebrity in a strip club unless the spotlight is really on them. I've had a dancer point a celebrity out to me but I forgot all about it within a minute. I'll just ignore this topic from now on if that makes everyone happy. Don't respond to my post and I won't post anymore.
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    17 years ago
    Platinum Plus Club - Columbia, South Carolina
    I'll rate it however I like. I usually rate it good though. As a local club, I may rate it lower depending upon how good a time I had. Maybe not rate it at all. In terms of the furniture such as sofas and chairs, there are some in need of repair (sofas at least). The sister club in Greenville has some hard spots in their sofas as well but at least they stay still. One or two of the sofa seats in Columbia has been known to move around as if the plywood is not nailed down underneath. Make sure to bring ear plugs whenever you visit a PP club especially the one in Columbia in case the DJ from hell is working. In Greenville, I've heard that song a few times. Of course the lap dances are the main ingredient in the rating but if your sofa seat is hard or moving on you, it's not as great. I haven't decided when or if I might return here yet. I don't really save very much money compared to the sister club in Greenville and it's more of a hassle for me here since the place is much smaller and more crowded on the weekends when I typically have time to visit. If I was new to both clubs, it would definitely be cheaper for me to visit the Columbia club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Bachelor-on-stage Ideas
    I really enjoyed something different not too long ago. It was a dancers birthday and she got on stage and sat in a chair. Then, a whole lot of very pretty dancers with nice tits were all over the place. Then the entire crowd was invited to come up and tip the girl a dollar or more if desired for her birthday. The dancers were tipping too since this was immediately after the big show of tits and ass all over the stage.
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    17 years ago
    Bachelor-on-stage Ideas
    Oh, one more. When the dancer starts sucking on the candy, the DJ could have the crowd yell "Go Cindy, Go!" or whatever the guys fiance's name is.
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    17 years ago
    Bachelor-on-stage Ideas
    Maybe if the dancers didn't whack the hell out of the guy on stage that would be more sane. Some clubs only have wimpy hits if any though I suspect. I also prefer the guy keep all his clothes on. The dancers don't need to undress him at all. Maybe if instead of parading the guy around at the end like a mule on all 4's if instead they put a pretty dancer in the chair and get the bachelor off stage. Then show him an example of what his future wife must be doing at her party with all the dancers going at the girl in the chair. Maybe the dancers could bring up phallic shaped large candy and the girl in the chair starts sucking them off to simulate her party. That would be different and I think still funny. I don't know, just brainstorming.
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    17 years ago
    Bachelor-on-stage Ideas
    I guess I didn't help give ideas for change. I just told of the way it is right now.
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    17 years ago
    Bachelor-on-stage Ideas
    It might be funny if the last song played was "I'm the DJ from Hell" song. I'm not sure if that is the song name but I remember hearing that in the song. In some clubs I've seen where they had the guy strip down to his underwear and then tie up his hands. I remember a couple of times the guy kept his pants on but the girls gave him a wedgy and slowly but surely ripped apart his underwear if he was lucky. If it didn't rip, he had to be in pain. I thought this was pretty common but ending the little party by tying the guy's belt around his neck and having him get on all 4's and crawl around the stage with a dancer on his back. Maybe that symbolizes what he has to look forward to. Oh, just remembered I usually hear the DJ have the crowd yell "DUMBASS" to the bachelor instead of what I said earlier.
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    17 years ago
    Bachelor-on-stage Ideas
    I'm not a big fan of watching the bachelor up on stage and all the rest of the stage dancing stops. I have seen some pretty bad spankings or lashings. When you hear a CRACK or WHAAACK all the way across a large club above the loud music, you know they whacked the hell out of that guy. And then they do it again and again if he's still standing. Some dancers have been pretty wimpy in their spankings. I'm talking about getting hit hard enough that it leaves marks for at least 2 weeks if not longer. I have wondered why the guys think that is so great and keep wanting to have bachelor parties where the bachelor goes up on stage. Maybe every club is different. I didn't mention the rude DJ comments and to end it up getting the crowd to yell "ASSHOLE" to the bachelor. Of course some jokes are funny. Instead of yelling a name I heard a couple of times "Come back for the Divorce party in 2 weeks".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Should I let her go
    I thought the above was stripper shit or drama queen material especially when she shouted across the strip club at me. Of course I could imagine a few guys might smile if a dancer angrily yelled "are you sleeping with her too?" Don't put all your eggs in one basket if you can avoid it. My example was stripper shit.
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    17 years ago
    Should I let her go
    If a dancer is ignoring you, that's an obvious sign to stop paying attention to her as well in my opinion. Enjoy the other dancers. If she gets interested in you and sees that you are busy and wants to talk to you, she'll have to keep checking to see if you are free. If you stay busy, you're probably already having more fun than you can handle without her. There are a number of reasons a dancer may talk to someone for awhile and she isn't dancing right away. One might be she wanted a break from dancing. Another might be she has fun talking to the guy. He may be a smooth talker as well. He could be one of her boyfriends as well or she may know him as a regular friend. Another reason might be is she believes in talking to a guy for awhile to make him feel comfortable before he buys lap dances. She may simply be building a rapport with a regular. Another reason she may be getting to you later is that she respects you and is working so she wants to satisfy the really big spenders to make her normal income and then she can give you her remaining time without it feeling like work. Maybe a stretch there. I did have a dancer in your shoes as far as I was concerned. However she got mad at me. I had slept with her the previous weekend and she started acting different after that. I didn't even realize she was watching me the whole time I was in the club because I thought she was working. She was angry like a hornet when I spent too much time with one of the dancers just talking away. Maybe she was waiting for me to be free so she could talk and dance for me. I don't remember anymore. I just don't recall a dancer acting so pissed at me for spending time with another dancer. She got over it rather quickly after I told her I wasn't sleeping with the other dancer. Some dancers are strange.
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    17 years ago
    Celebs In The Club
    Basketball celebrities don't seem like a big deal to me. Maybe that's because I saw them so much when I was in college before they became big names. I remember seeing Michael Jordan playing for a nearby school at my school. One time I went to McDonalds and felt short. I was standing behind 3 tall basketball players. They probably all went on to make a million or so. I remember eating at Hooters and saw a celebrity comedian sitting at another table by himself. No one was bothering him. I think about the only instance I might get excited by a celebrity in the club is if they wanted to party with me. If the celebrity was a pretty female that would be fun. Just as long as I'm not all over the evening news.
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    17 years ago
    Let's See How "Empathy" Plays Out . . .
    Empathy, understanding how someone else may feel, at least my definition. I thought of that when I saw the evening news and a spa was raided and shut down for secretly selling sex. Then the tv news crew went on to say, if customers made a wrong turn right around the corner was a legitimate christian spa. One woman said that if a guy called and started asking or expecting something sexual she would ask him "well, sir, have you heard about my friend?" typical answer no. "Well his name is Jesus" Then she says "click", the phone hangs up and they're gone. I can emphatize with the guy thinking "oh hell, wrong number." It would have been funny if she had said one guy said "hell no, I haven't heard about him." I don't know what made me type that. The song on the radio I hear now is "Highway to Hell" ,strange. It's probably just Satan trying to emphatize. I say just go to hell Satan. Maybe I need to go get some sleep now.
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    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Paid for Porn
    I've noticed the monthly subscription porn channels or movie channels as some call them on tv are pretty much the same ol same ol. Maybe a little plot, then maybe some tits and ass, and if it's hardcore, some fucking. The internet seems to have a bunch of oddball stuff on it. You can pay as little as 16 to 26 dollars a month unless you got your porn channel in a movie package and watch all you want all month long or only a few hours a month and still pay less than a married guy who has a wife that won't let him subscribe. Then you too can find it amusing when a strip club offers a porn DVD and the dancers act as if that is something really special and enough to jack up the two for one dance price from 2 for 30 to 2 for $40. I guess that's a lot better than a strip club towel or strip club tshirt which almost seems like garbage to me. I still live in an area where I don't really want to go around advertising, hey everyone, I went to this strip club (see it on my shirt?). I see some strip clubs try to act classy but still believe for some strange reason that giving away shirts, towels, golf hats, etc. with the club logo or an emblem indicating a strip club with a girl on it is going to be desirable to the majority of customers to wear around their home or business. I can imagine the wife asking the husband "where were you last night?" What's this shirt I found? It says Go Go Girls Galore (or whatever). Some strip club managers must live in another world. I almost always pass on that stuff except several years ago when I was new to strip clubs. Getting a two for $30 nude dance I might go for now.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Let's See How "Empathy" Plays Out . . .
    You guys are baaaad. I always stay within the boundaries. I never drink too much. I don't go around touching boobies or other areas where the sun doesn't shine. I don't even speed on the highway. Lol. In spite of all of the above, I voted for Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer to help him get re-elected. Anyone who can drive 101 and not get a ticket sounds like the kind of guy we need in office. He won the re-election too.