
Murdered dancer

I remember hearing about a fire in the news at a Greenville, SC hotel a couple of years ago. I forgot about it. 6 people died and others were permanently injured or scarred and it was set by an arsonist. Just the other day I was reading about a trial underway where one guy I believe called Hans blocked some stairs and set fire to the third floor where a dancer (if I remember what I read correctly) was staying. He was a Go For guy I read (I guess he ran errands for dancers, never heard of such a guy before), anyway the Dancer Melba Canty didn't want anything to do with him (she did get a ride from him), she already had a boyfriend and a new son. This guy attempted to kill them all and did kill her and her son and 4 other innocent people from what I read.

After thinking about it, I do remember a dancer that disappeared a couple of years ago. Anyone have a link to her pic so I'll know? The dancer I'm thinking about was quite nice to me the last time I saw her. I guess evil is lurking all around us. There are unsolved murders and crimes so you really don't know what the guy sitting next to you is capable of doing. It's really sad. Then a number of people like me are left wondering, was that her or which dancer was it?

In the news article above I just read, I'm disappointed at her boyfriend. He apparently was on meth that night and went somewhere to get 2 beers to try to put out the fire. It was too big so he tried to warn people. Apparently he never thought about using the fire extinguishers. I really am wondering what the dancer looked like and if I was familiar with her.


  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I read today the hotel's smoke alarms and fire alarm system did not work. I don't always believe what I read in the online news or newspaper since the news often has mistakes or hearsay. However not having a working fire alarm system sounds like it should be illegal. The boyfriend and others did the right thing trying to warn everyone. Unfortunately there wasn't enough time.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I wasn't expecting much of a response. I know of a dancer who might remember the dancer I'm thinking about and she might let me know if it was the same dancer. Sometimes it seems like the more you know about some dancers, the more you want to stay away.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    You know, reading your post, and also thinking back on similar news items over the years, it really underlines two things. 1) there are a LOT of really sick people out there, 2) dancers are exposed (er, no pun intended) to a lot of those sick people, simply because the clubs tend to draw the dregs of society, in addition to great people like ourselves. Combine the seedy elements with alcohol, and a good amount of hormone levels and you could easily have trouble knocking on the door.

    I'd bet if you surveyed 10 dancers and asked each of them if they have been stalked and/or followed after leaving the club, 8 or 9 and perhaps all 10 of them would say "yes".

    I worry about my favs - especially my ATF. I know SHE has been followed several times, when leaving the club. She always heads to the nearest police station, but getting stuck at a traffic light with no one else in sight... scary.

    Being patrons, we also are somewhat exposed to potential dangers. You never know if spending the entire evening "whaling" with the girl of your choice is going to piss off some deranged, jealous guy that wanted to also spend time with her. He could be lurking in the parking lot when you leave in order to take out his frustrations on your face.

    OTCing adds even more opportunities for ugliness. How can I say this without sounding shallow and selfish? well, here goes... After watching way too many episodes of crime shows on TV, I know that if I spend the day with a fav in the hotel, and I am the last one that is seen with her... it would be a most unfortunate time for a stalker (not me) to intercept her on her way home...
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I got an idea of the feeling of being stalked myself. Both times though, the situation turned a bit ugly. One time a car followed me all the way through a small city, then I turned down a two lane road into the country on the outskirts of the city to drive home. I sped up, the car behind me kept pace. I sped up more, the car behind me sped up more. Just a little more and then blue lights turned on.

    Another time I thought someone who didn't signal and started to almost hit my car by easing into my lane in front of me was experiencing a bad case of road rage. I saw a vehicle flying down the road I was on in my rear view mirror. I'm thinking oh hell, nobody drives that fast unless they're pissed off or got serious rage issues. Turned out to be a group of 4 cops who wanted to harass me. It was probably their vehicle that almost side swiped me and didn't signal to get into the turn lane. I didn't dare tell that to the cops though. I guess I could have been in their blind spot already in the turn lane.

    It's not a pleasant feeling to be followed.
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