
Comments by casualguy (page 61)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Public mileage:
    I remember one dancer used to sit with me for a while and would like to put her hand on my leg but she had a tendency to rub me or twitch her fingers a lot. As soon as her fingers drifted up to my package, her rubbing or twitching fingers felt a lot more comfortable. She kept asking "you ready for a lap dance yet?" I would say, let's wait a little while longer. Her rubbing or twitching fingers would get irritating if she stayed in one spot on my leg too long, however all she had to do was go higher up and no problem. Apparently I must have ticked her off one night when I left her and got dances from a younger favorite. Never saw her again. Oh well.
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    17 years ago
    Rip Off Bitches (ROB) Listing
    I'll add to this list as soon as I find out the name of one dancer.
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    17 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Great strip clubs......for me to poop on!
    Seriously I don't believe with playing with fire. I remember I was once asked to help out putting Christmas decorations in a church one night before the service started. Basically pine tree branches with a small candle in a glass cup in the middle. About 15 minutes into the service, a branch erupted in flames in the window. Flames were leaping a foot high. Everyone started watching it get bigger. Finally one guy jumped up, grabbed the branches and ran out the front door. I never got asked to help with the church decorations again. They stopped using real candles in that church too. I was telling people well I'm glad I made everyone aware of the potential problem. The only other strip clubs I thought of closed down within a year after I stopped visiting. I figure most of the clubs I don't visit on a regular basis probably suck though.
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    17 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Great strip clubs......for me to poop on!
    I'm not thinking of any club I'm ticked off at. I remember one club I wasn't that happy with. Apparently neither were some other people and it went down in a big blaze one night. I would have preferred whoever hadn't burned it down though. In the club that reopened to take its place years ago, I actually noticed someone had set some toilet paper on fire in the mens bathroom. I immediately alerted a bouncer so he put it out. Shortly afterwards, there was a bathroom attendent working there for quite some time.
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    17 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Great strip clubs......for me to poop on!
    Wow Bookguy, Cafe Risque, Micanopy FL sounds pretty bad. My only mafia introductions were accidental. Except for the fact that I worked with a guy who was friends with them and one of them happened to be the son of the mafia in the county I lived in. He actually introduced me to him in a strip club. Consider the club taken out, lol, just joking. Actually I did see one club in my local area that got burned down. I was wondering if somebody else got ticked off just like I did one time. I kind of wish they hadn't done that because the club wasn't that bad. Oh well, at least I don't live in that small county anymore that had a murder per capita rate higher than New York city. It was pretty bad telling people about the latest murder or place that was burned down and then they asked "hey, aren't you from there?" I am often alone and don't look that threatening. They would probably try to rip me off I suspect. I would work behind the scenes though to try to get that club closed though if I was ticked off at them. As well as get the owners and anyone involved prosecuted.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you experienced this too?
    As far as feely lonely, if you visit a regular club first, and you don't see any girls who interest you, going to a strip club and having lots of girls flock to you is always a nice sight to see. Unless they are big and a fuugly. Eewww. I didn't use to see dancers in strip clubs who actually repulsed me before. They need to stay home or work at Walmart, Kmart or somewhere else. Fortunately most dancers still look attractive when they are naked. I say eewww to those who gross you out the more they take off.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you experienced this too?
    I used to go to strip clubs 2 or 3 times a week. Free pizza, lots of friendly dancers. I wasn't getting extras unless you call feeling a girls tits as an extra. At that younger age, I could get aroused just sitting back, relaxing, and watching the girls walk around a strip club. Then they want to dance for you. I loved it. It seemed like I saw a whole lot more prettier girls working the clubs back then than I do now in general. Back then it seemed like some clubs were full of nothing but 9 and 10's. Now, I'm lucky to see a 9 or 10 in the whole club. I think strip clubs were more of a stress reliever to me than anything else back then. I had a very stressful job. Now it seems like the easiest way to have fun.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you experienced this too?
    I used to live in a tiny little town near a military base. Strip clubs were most of the clubs available. Then I was trying to get a new job and move and getting involved with someone was the last thing I wanted to do if I was planning on moving as soon as I found a new job. Little did I know, I would soon start going out with dancers. I did move and the last dancer I was friendly with looked very sad. However I think I was addicted to strip clubs by then. It didn't help when one club kept giving me free admission passes to visit and then they had free pizza. They did that for months. A dancer at that club actually invited me out. Never really did get too involved with her but she didn't try charging me money or most of that stripper shit some dancers may try to pull over on someone. She treated me like one of her friends, most of the time.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New ROB Listing ! ! !
    Go for it. I might even give a name or two on occasion if she's keeping count from other volunteer information. I noticed the one dancer who did the ROB thing with me with her drinks has stayed well clear from me the last 2 times she spotted me. hmmm, except for one time, I think she forgot she did that to me already. But I haven't seen her enough yet to get a name.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Curiously strong
    They don't allow drinks with ice in the VIP area somewhere? Maybe the couch area is not the same thing as the VIP area. For me though, simple mechanics is enough. I don't need ice or tongue rings etc. Although I did think about one dancers suggestion to drip hot wax on her pussy. I thought of more fun things rather than playing with candles and wax. I think alone with a girl away from any club is the only way to go. If a dancer tries something in a club, it's probably only a matter of seconds to a minute or two before a bouncer comes around and checks on things, if you're not in a club with hidden cameras. I don't know about everyone else but I think it would be difficult to enjoy only a minute or two at a time that much. I've never asked for that sort of thing in a club before. The only reason I can think of why a dancer might do that without mentioning anything to me is that either she wants a tip or she wants me to like her and maybe hook up later. I can't even imagine where a dancer would do that when I visit since the clubs are always crowded with people, bouncers, hidden cameras.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers need to prepare for an economic shock
    "David, you're obsessing over this economy thing" Funniest thing I read tonight. Other than checking the local weather at weather.com and seeing the note "precipitation unknown" I'm thinking WTF? Of course we did have 45 minutes of heavy snow and a light dusting accumulation, followed by sleet/snow, then heavy sleet, then apparently some freezing rain, then rain. However I didn't understand how my reliable digital thermometer said the temp dropped to 30.9 but the weather site said it was 35 the whole time. Now my thermometer says it has warmed back up to 33.4 I guess they don't know what's going on here. David, you're obsessing. Lol, yeah it's a fantasy I could enjoy too if I believed it. Just imagine, dancers giving complimentary BJ's just to entice you to get a two for one lap dance. She takes a break then asks, are you ready for a lap dance yet? You say, uuh, not yet, keep warming me up some more and then maybe I'll buy a lap dance in a little while. Or fantasize some more, she finishes warming you up, then she asks "ok are you ready for a lap dance now?" You say, oh honey, we'll have to do that later, I got a headache. I feel so tired and I'm not even sure why. Go ahead and keep obsessing. I thought that what strip clubs were for.
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    17 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Shot Girls
    I have seen a few shot girls I thought were worth it. Maybe I had lots of cash at the time too though. Unless you're trying to hook up with her later, just say no. I just thought of one idea if she looks good. Question her. Ask her if she has a steady boyfriend or is in the market. What does she do for fun? Where does she live? How often does she work here? If she still seems interesting, ask her out and see what her reaction is.
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    17 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Shot Girls
    I do occasionally buy a drink for a dancer. However for most dancers that suddenly sit down at my table without hardly a word spoken and then a waitress comes immediately over and asks if I would like to buy her a drink. My answer will typically be not right now or no thanks. I don't care if the dancer and waitress is upset and if they both look good. I think that is just rude to immediately ask for a drink when I have barely even spoken to the dancer and I don't know her. Maybe if I was in a pick up club I might do it but not in a strip club.
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    17 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Shot Girls
    Often times shot girls won't even bother me if they noticed on occasion I will tell a dancer no thanks if she asks for a drink. If the shot girl looks better than the dancer but I still don't see hardly any value in paying 5 bucks for a tiny little cup, then I may just tell her "maybe later" or "not right now". I even have returned to the same club 2 to 5 weeks later and the same shot girl said "but that's what you said last time". I just smiled and said again "maybe later". I heard some people give up after a while. Maybe she has hope in me or something. I think I did buy a shot 2 or 3 years ago after I had been drinking a bit. Actually I think I tasted 2 or 3 drinks. Then the waitress was flirting with me and gave me one drink to try out free. hmmm, I don't remember clearly if the waitress was giving me drinks for free or if I paid for the first two. It was too long ago to remember.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    You told your MOTHER?!
    I'm with Bones, go for it man. She can be your MILF. Then you can tell your ATF that you and her mother have been talking about her. Of course you may or may not know, I have no idea if you're talking about a mother my age or if you're talking about someone that could be in the senior citizens home.
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    17 years ago
    a little off topic, what's your favorite youtube video?
    Misterguy, I've seen that last video already. I like it too.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why are strippers so dumb?
    I was thinking it doesn't help when a dancer asks the question? So what is your job, or what kind of work do you do? I give my answer, then sometimes I hear, "you must be smart". I understand she is trying to compliment me but is she also saying I'm smart compared to her? That's just the general impression that statement gives me every time I hear a dancer say that to me. I think I usually try to change the subject at that point. Every once in a while a dancer will tell me she has another job other than dancing. One dancer was working in real estate and moonlighting. Another was a bit of an artist and had some pretty good paintings. I wouldn't be surprised if she continues dancing for awhile though. Another had a job as a dental hygynist if I spelled that correctly. It's nice to think a dancer may think of you as icing on the cake rather than merely another income source in the club or part of her bread and butter.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is your ATF a sex industry slave?
    Sex industry slave? Nope. However I have encountered a nymphomaniac. She wanted to have sex with me all the time. She was a dancer too. If you only knew what she would do just to warm me up whether I wanted it or not. I once thought about breaking things off with her and then she went down so fast I didn't even get hardly a word out. Finally one day she mentioned something about the cops caught her doing 90 and she was currently living in another state. She disappeared and life returned back to normal. Sometimes I wonder how these girls seem to find me. Reminds me of setting up a basic profile on one web site just to see who was on it. Next thing I know I get all these emails from nice looking girls. Most said they just wanted to talk or meet me. One said she had a bet with a friend on the site to see who could have sex with the most guys on the site. Let's see, I had a name I thought of and an age and location. Nothing else. I'm thinking there must be some horny girls out there. If they aren't already horny, I hope to make them that way. <evil grin>
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    OFF TOPIC: Vegas economy
    I'm feeling it now too. I was smart having almost everything in money market and was thinking about moving something into a fund to short the market. One day off and I guess I got impatient. Moved some money back into the market only to see it plummet in the last 10 days. Also speculated on a penny stock and was getting burned badly. However today it was up almost 30 percent. Maybe it'll come back. I did everything too fast again (except for moving my money into money market funds to start with) I left the majority of my money in money market and have been glad about that. Trying to force myself to hold out until I think the bottom has hit in the Dow in May, if one web site was correct. If they were correct about that, I'll check them out some more. They currently have saved me alot of my retirement funds. I thought maybe there would be a market rally before we hit bottom. I guess that's anybody's guess. I haven't really noticed the mortgage mess. I live in what seems to be about the only area of the US with house prices still going up.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Are strip clubs in your area getting more crowded?
    Actually thinking about Michigan, it does make sense. Put high taxes on businesses and they leave. Unemployment increases. Maybe Michigan just needs a smarter governor. One who will provide tax incentives for businesses to expand and locate in Michigan. I live in a small community that is providing tax incentives for businesses to come here. They are coming too. Several of them. I think the total amount I've read about so far is close to a billion dollars worth of business if they all come here and that is a good possibility. I live in a small town too. Population less than 100,000.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why are strippers so dumb?
    I heard that guys react irrationally after they see anything that really visually stimulates them. So if I suddenly see a really nice looking dancer with a hot body and very nice legs and ass (such as in the one youtube video, another thread) and she asked if she could dance for me at 10 or 15 dollars a dance, I'd probably just say "ok". Regardless of the fact that it's costing me 10 or 15 dollars for 3 or 4 minutes when I could just watch her on stage for only a dollar. So if she was dumb, I wouldn't even know it. Maybe she succeeded in making me dumber. Now where some dancers get upset is when you aren't visually stimulated by them and they try their best and you just say "maybe later". If some dancers knew after I drink a certain number of beers, I sometimes lose interest in them, they would probably stop me from drinking anything past 4 beers. Maybe I have something weird going on in my head after so many beers. I remembering playing an arcade game after drinking a few in one strip club and everything seemed to be moving in slow motion but I could still move and think fast. I went past 1 million points on one arcade game and started back over, all on one quarter. That was several years ago though, I think the game was Galaga. Why are strippers so dumb? Doesn't matter if they just made you dumber. Besides, if I was interested in their intelluctual abilities, I would be less interested in their body and probably want to know them better. That leads more to a relationship instead of just getting dances in a club. I guess another way to answer that question would be to say, guys don't care if the strippers are dumb. They just want to see their tits and ass. However who is dumber is another question because the guys are paying big bucks to watch those tits and ass on occasion.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    For me boxers and commando would be about the same thing since no support means everything will be hanging down. I tried boxers one time and I think a number of dancers noticed. A little bit of underwear hasn't stopped a dancer if she really wanted to play. I guess if someone got really adventurous, they could go commando and wear a scottish kilt or skirt. However, I would be worried about getting thrown out of a club especially if the dancers started getting a bit too frisky and didn't care who was watching. I prefer to feel comfortable so I'm staying with what I'm used to.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Why do we have poverty in America?
    This is a bit political, but I don't believe getting rid of Sadam Hussein was a mistake. Now it is questionable if the cost was worth it. One trillion or going close and lives lost and injured. I was wondering if it would have been better to let Sadam build up his militaries and develop nuclear weapons. He could have launched strikes at Eastern Europe and taken over the oil fields of the middle east if we weren't going to stop him anyway. Then oil prices would have been 6 or 9 dollars whenever he decide to take action. Recession talk would be replaced by depression talk and whether or not we were going to do anything about it. I guess the majority of people don't see it that way because it didn't happen. They don't even plan ahead enough to balance their own checkbooks. Taking out a major enemy of the US a mistake? Depends if he was counterbalancing another enemy or if he was the greater threat. In case you didn't know it, I do enjoy playing computer war strategy games. I don't think Sadam was as stupid as he was portrayed in the media. I don't think he thought the US was going to do anything and that sanctions would be dropped. Then he could have built up his military with some of the largest oil reserves on the planet. The US economy might have been as his mercy if he controlled oil prices. I'm speculating. Sorry if I offended anyone. I said this was political. Someone did a major underestimation of the cost of the war though. If we're in a prolonged war (not Iraq) but with enemies who want to destroy our economy and way of life, this country needs to defend from all major enemies. The economy needs to be strengthened and the national debt reduced with stronger growth and less government spending. I don't see how putting millions of people into entitlement programs is going to do that like Hillary and Obama want to do. Yet, we have problems.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Why do we have poverty in America?
    Perhaps some people are bitter and/or only concerned about their own well being. They don't give a damn about other people, their property, and anybody else's concerns or problems. I remember reading some words of wisdom. When a politician says he wants to help you, watch out. I believe some politicians may have a desire to help others which would help out with their own legacy at the same time. However, they may think of some big solution to a big problem and think one size fits all such as with health care. If you happen to have a size 12 shoe, tough luck because the one size fits all only goes up to 9. For instance Hillary could decide strip clubs are a nuisance to society and try to ban all of them. I noticed the states with liberal politicians have some of the toughest strip club restrictions. Conservative states seem to have looser restrictions. Maybe it's not true but I'm currently thinking it is. Besides I believe in supporting whomever views are closest to mine and has a decent chance of winning. Someone called me tonight and asked. I said I'm undecided. Maybe I should talk about what views of Hillary and Obama I don't like so it can get more attention. For one thing, they want to restrict gun rights. Hillary wants everyone that has a gun to be required to have a license. We have a right to bear arms in the constition. Apparently she doesn't believe in that because the government is going down the path with licenses to restrict gun ownership. Obama wants some gun restrictions too but I forgot what those were at the moment. Then Hillary wants universal health care for everyone. Now I have health insurance but it doesn't pay anything past a certain percentage. I wouldn't mind having insurance that only had a deductible in case of something really bad happening. Otherwise I'm out thousands of dollars for anything the hospital charges past the percentage or the insurance company says "wasn't fair and reasonable for them to pay". Yeah, they make you pay more. Hospital charges outrageous fees, then your insurance company says "nope, won't pay it, not fair and reasonable". You get stuck. However what I don't want is to pay thousands of dollars into a universal health care system and be super restricted to doctors, medications, and/or left out pretty much but just get stuck with a bill payable to the IRS for universal health care coverage which wasn't any better than what I had before. But now everyone who wasn't working is covered. Yeah, there are suddenly covered by everyone who works for a living since they are too lazy to go and get a job themselves. Oh, since we're going to go bankrupt anyway, lets add 12 million more people. Sounds like a plan to help all of us working folks. Then we can all be in poverty and the government can just announce new poverty levels claiming we aren't. Oh well, enough of my rant.