
Comments by casualguy (page 60)

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    17 years ago
    off topic How low will she go?
    Today I remembered I need to set parameters when trading. Sold too early. Started worrying about, yeah I might make a little bit now but what if the bottom suddenly drops out? I'll wait for it to sink further. I expect it will go up for a little while though but I'm going to sit this little run out. Fondl, I want to play the market and prove that you can time the market and make more money than a simple buy and hold strategy. I'm learning though by experimenting. I think I'm far ahead of where I would have been if I had just bought and held. If I get this down, I will be a millionaire given enough time. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. However if I do get it down, I probably won't be bothering to talk about it to everybody else who has no interest in making lots of money playing with stocks, etc. I have already realized that most people really do not seem interested in this subject. When most people talk about it, they only like to talk about it in generalities, yep it was really bad today, or yep, it was a wild day. That just means to me about 95 percent of the people holding stocks will be following a herd mentality or many people just buying and holding still. I'm ok with that. I going to bet the market bottom is in May. Right now I'm wondering how big the bounce will be before it tanks again.
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    17 years ago
    Dancers think things bad now - wait until recession gets going
    I remember one night in a club there were a lot of Mexicans visiting. Maybe they were legal but I didn't know and wasn't paying too much attention. Apparently the dancers weren't too happy because I got the impression from one dancer that they didn't buy dances and didn't even tip hardly ever. Explains why the dancers kept making a beeline to me when they saw me. I guess if someone is in a big crowd and most of that crowd isn't spending money, it's a safe bet to say dancers will look for more obvious targets. Maybe I need to find a rock disguise, lol, if I want to save money.
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    17 years ago
    Regulars in Love
    I was wondering if Robert's wife knows what he is doing or if the stripper knows he is married. Sounds like fireworks might go off if someone finds out. Just my thoughts though, it's not my life. I just know if some dancer wanted to sleep with me I would like it if she told me first that she was married, because then I wouldn't. That seems to be one question I keep forgetting to ask about whenever a dancer seems to be trying to hook up with me, but that doesn't happen too often. I get the impression a large number of people don't care about those boundaries.
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    17 years ago
    Regulars in Love
    Oh, just remembered, same dancer I talked about above, a year or two ago, I did ask her how things were going. She said she was going steady with a boyfriend she had for about 6 months. I said I was glad everything was going well with her and then got some table dances from her. She's a very nice dancer and still looks good even though she's as old as me. She's into paintings. On one slow night she asked if I was interested in seeing her paintings, after saying yes, she brought some out and showed them to me. Other dancers in other clubs, the dancer may just want to talk for awhile with me. I don't pay her anything for that. Never have. I'm not sure what clubs these things happen in where dancers get paid hundreds of dollars just for talking.
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    17 years ago
    Regulars in Love
    I thought 2for20's post was interesting. Never had that conversation with any dancer. I don't know why someone would want to talk about a dancers boyfriend. Hundreds of dollars on a single dancer? Must be some rich guys somewhere. About the longest I remember talking to a single dancer was about 3 or 4 hours in one club. I spent a total of 30 dollars on her but she did 3 table dances. She did one every hour or she said she would get in trouble with the manager. I thought she wanted to hook up but at that time I was determined I wasn't going to go out with any more dancers.
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    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    How fast can genetic progress move?
    I met one deviant species of female stripper one time. I call her nympho stripper. She's very horny and fun to have around. Seems to stalk certain male strip club customers. I have some noticeable differences from a number of humans living in my area. I'm not deaf, dumb, and blind like some of them seem to act. I also seem to move like a rabit while they are stuck moving at a snail's pace and seem to have a matching metabolism. I have thought, maybe it's not genetic, maybe they are just lazy, sit around and watch tv or do nothing all day. Or maybe it is true, I may have some Viking blood in me. Or maybe it's my Scottish and German ancestry and some latent desire to go out and conquer the whole world regardless of the peasants just slowly going about their daily work. I think part of the metabolism difference is because most people just sit around and do no exercise or vigorous physical work. For some females, I think the difference is they are suffering from a lack of iron and may not realize it, or something else that may regulate their metabolism. In spite of all these things, my metabolism in my genes still seems higher than most other people where I live at. Works good in a cold strip club though. Cold dancers often want to feel my body heat. :)
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    17 years ago
    Should I ask for higher mileage and if so how?
    I was just thinking, is this question like asking a police officer if it's ok to go 60 mph in a 55 mph zone? I guess it all depends on who you ask and how strict the enforcement is. You could do an analysis on the risk to reward ratio. Kind of like doing a risk versus reward for attempting strip club manuevers instead of buying stocks. What's the worse that can happen, you get grabbed, smacked up, and kicked around by the bouncers, then tossed out the door and told never to come back? I guess something even worse could be getting a fatal sexual disease but I didn't think anyone was talking about going that far. hmmm, I wonder if a dancer could spread herpes by rubbing up against you during a dance? I'm not that familiar with the disease or other diseases you could get.
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    17 years ago
    Figured out where you're going to spend an extra 800 cash yet?
    I believe I can put that 800 dollars to better use than someone in congress who wants to build a senseless pet project.
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    17 years ago
    Figured out where you're going to spend an extra 800 cash yet?
    I guess you could say the Chinese will be providing the $800 checks. They already own about 1 trillion dollars worth of our stuff. Kind of like playing a game of Civilization when you ask a foreign country "care to give me a new loan for another 250 billion?" Or you could fantasize, we like strip clubs so that might be good. You could imagine there is a big Social Security trust fund the government has been saving up all these years it has been in surplus, saving up for the day and years ahead when the baby boomers retire and money will need to be withdrawn from it. Ahh, that sucks too bad, our congressmen already spent it all, it's just another tax in disguise. The words trust fund when talking about social security is a joke. The best one I thought of, Uncle Sam tells the Chinese, "just put it on my tab!"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    off topic How low will she go?
    Only closed down over 100 something. Ben intervened. I guess I'm a risk taker or have some desire to play. I invested today in one stock. However it went up 4 percent afterwards. I guess I'll see if it's still a good choice when they report earnings.
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    17 years ago
    off topic How low will she go?
    Correction, 650 points down. Seems like a bit of an overeaction since I didn't think the economy was that bad. Maybe it'll bounce back a little later in the week.
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    17 years ago
    off topic How low will she go?
    The Dow should drop over 500 points within minutes of opening Tuesday morning. Going to be rough for stock owners, unless you shorted the market. I always think of something I forgot to do. Might not be too late though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    You told your MOTHER?!
    There was a large section of road with black ice, maybe several hundred feet. A truck recently put some sand and maybe salt on it though. No problem at all. Then while visiting my mothers house tonight, I could have slipped and fell on some black ice on her back patio. A patch of ice you couldn't see unless you looked straight at it with the light at the right angle. Then her garbage can lid was frozen solid. I hit it and got it open. Her house was more hazardous than the road last night. Guess I'm not used to everthing being so cold, except it isn't as bad as up north. You guys can keep your minus temperature readings. The lakes and ponds here haven't frozen over for many years.
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    17 years ago
    You told your MOTHER?!
    I waited, the weather cleared up. But I did go out. one hour up the road. another hour back. There's nothing where I live at. Went club hopping like normal. Next weekend there could be a big snow or ice storm if the current pattern keeps up. Then I'll stay home. I do remember I once drove 100 miles in a big snowstorm in NC when I was a college student. Several inches of snow on the road and my car was sucking up the snow and throwing it so high behind me I couldn't tell what was behind me. I noticed the left hand lane was a few inches deeper than the right lane. I did all that, then found out the University canceled the change day they had scheduled after I arrived. bummer. That car was an old clunker, I wouldn't put my current car through that much risk.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    off topic How low will she go?
    I'm not worried. I put most of my retirement money into a money market account in December. I think buy and hold works a lot better for bull markets than it does for bear markets. However I'm also interested in trading since it seems like a game to me. Now, I need to know all the rules so that I can play good. Lots of information is out there I noticed.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Figured out where you're going to spend an extra 800 cash yet?
    I'm skeptical too. I remember the last rebate was more like an advance on your income tax refund. I heard this one would be free and clear with no strings attached. Yeah, mr president, show me the money. Apparently we have to see it to believe it. Then all the complaining and griping will come from those that didn't get any.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Figured out where you're going to spend an extra 800 cash yet?
    I guess the president hasn't decided yet on the final details. At least I read that somewhere. Here I'm thinking it's a done deal unless I heard early information. I did read he's going to talk about in his State of the Union address on the 28th.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    off topic How low will she go?
    I never thought I would be concerned about money I have in money market or bond funds or my relatives but now I'm thinking, what is the chance of losing that money?
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Feb. 14th, Valentines Day. A good day for strip clubbing or not?
    Senile moment? Just kidding Bones. Unless you agree. :) I remember my very first ATF talked me into sending some roses to her house. I think that was the only time I gave a gift like that to a dancer. Well another dancer once talked me into buying her something but she was recripocating with the gifts. I'm not giving any gifts to dancers and rarely do. Except cash for dancing or a drink if I'm in a good mood and willing to spend. In fact I'm thinking about staying home more often so they won't be getting as much cash from me if I do that. I'm just waiting for a monster snow storm and then I'll decide to stay home.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers need to prepare for an economic shock
    Lol, ask your favorite dancer if she's going to treat you to a night out with all her extra cash. Or is she going to give you free dances since you paid more of the income tax money than she did (I'm guessing you paid more in taxes than she did.) It only seems fair since you're a taxpayer and that's who is paying for the rebate checks. Somehow I don't think the strippers will go for it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers need to prepare for an economic shock
    Dancers will have to prepare for an economic shock, if they are taxpayers, they'll probably get a $800 dollar check in the mail courtesy of Bush. I expect I will get one too. If you don't make too much money that is. I expect it will be May before we see it though. I'm planning on investing mine in the stock market and let the money grow and multiply. I think May will be the bottom for the Dow. The question I have right now is "how low will it go?" What will dancers do with an extra 800 bucks? What will strip club customers do with all the extra cash? I guess the high rollers will feel left out since high income people won't get jack. They'll know how I felt recently when only certain people were paid bonuses at work. Except high income people probably have more cash sitting around than I do.
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    17 years ago
    Drinking Dancers
    Some dancers can get drunk easily. Now I have met one or two that claimed she thought she could drink me under the table. About all I said was "oh, really?" Since I was driving, I didn't try to see how much she could handle. I think I may have told her about a story where a bartender on a pier at Myrtle Beach told me that I was the "fastest beer drinker in Myrtle Beach". It was a hot day on the beach and I got thirsty and decided to get a beer. I paid for it and gulped it down like so much water. Then I got another, paid, then got another, paid, then got one more and paid. Less than 4 minutes to pay for all of them one at a time, even quicker to drink them since I think I had them down before he handed the change back to me. Then he asked me to pose and said he was going to put my picture up on his bulletin board. I run into comedians everywhere. However he seemed serious.
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    17 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Great strip clubs......for me to poop on!
    Bones, I'm glad you found my story amusing. I thought it was funny and have joked about almost accidently burning down a church. However I also point out that people need to be aware of fire dangers and that it doesn't take much to get one going. I'm glad the church didn't suffer any damage. If I was the cause of a church burning down, I wouldn't have been too happy about that. I have noticed not too many people use burning candles with Christmas decorations anymore. It's been years now since I believe up to 200 people were in a night club and they got trapped unable to all leave in time in a fire. I was thinking I will try to remember to look for exit signs in strip clubs, especially when they are lousy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    High Maintenance Strippers
    I believe I turned a high maintenance stripper into a low maintenance one. But she went down screaming and kicking during part of that time. Then she was just happy with my attention. Kind of like a happy puppy or dog wanting to jump all over you as soon as you get home. Give some attention for a while then she goes merrily along. It seems like I have made a habit of spending less and less on someone the better I get to know them. hmmm, snowy until midnight, maybe I will stay home.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    You told your MOTHER?!
    I was thinking along the topics of "you told your mother", don't tell anyone but I just told my mother I'm probably staying home tonight, but I'm turning off my ringer to stop the politicians from waking me up in the morning. I just changed my mind, I'm going out. A few flakes of snow aren't going to stop me. What's the saying, "damn the torpedoes!" Hopefully I'm not going slipping and sliding tonight. It's currently snowing at my house which is like a once in a blue moon event as far as my mother is concerned. I was more concerned with temps expected to be around 20 with a wind chill much colder by morning. But for now, the snow is tapering off and it's still above freezing. Would you stay home?