Comments by casualguy (page 169)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you have any sisters?
    Maybe I should add that my family had over 20 pets over many years. Accidents do happen whether you want them or not.
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    18 years ago
    Possible meteor storm this weekend?
    Apparently rocks around 100 to 120 or so feet in diameter could take out a city and not be detected until they were about to hit. I heard one about 100 feet across crossed through our skies back a few years ago. The tv show stated that in celestial terms, it was so close it would be like the Earth getting grazed by a bullet. I've noticed a lot of tv shows lately about meteors and comets. The Earth is bound to get hit by one of these small 100 footers sooner or later. I hope they see it coming with enough time to evacuate people. Odds may not be good though. Life will go on though.
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    18 years ago
    Possible meteor storm this weekend?
    On the bright side to our cosmic shooting gallery, there are trillion dollar asteroids full of gold and heavy metals just waiting to be mined in near Earth orbits just as soon as someone develops the technology to make a fortune mining them. I just hope whoever tries that doesn't crash big fragments back down to Earth.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    membership cards
    I'm not sure if Nepals issues membership cards but they keep a computer file I believe. I like the club as well. It's upscale and the music volume doesn't hurt your ears like it does at some other clubs. It's like a friendly neigborhood bar where you can relax and talk to the dancers or other friendly people. You can get lost in some bigger clubs down the road such as Platinum Plus and may have to wear ear plugs as well to save your hearing. It can get annoying in such a club to keep shouting at a dancer so she can hear you and visa versa.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Which club would you choose?
    At those high dance prices, I would skip the dances and just watch. I believe the best place to just watch was club A. I might check out the local pick up bars and see if there was more action going on there.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Possible meteor storm this weekend?
    I believe most of the public is never going to believe that bigger rocks routinely hit the Earth unless they actually see it first hand. Odds are that it will explode over the ocean and cause a bit of a wave somewhere. I can imagine in California, someone saying "Surf's up Dude!"
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do sports and tits go together?
    In a club I will usually be focused on one or the other. I don't have that many favorite sports teams so usually I'll go for tits over sports. However if I get tired of the current tits on display and the sports look decent, I may watch the sports instead. I wouldn't mind if some of the clubs I go to mixed things up a bit more with video arcades and tits. When the action gets slow in one place, I could take a break and entertain myself in the other.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    membership cards
    I will probably drop back off the list any week now.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    membership cards
    shadowcat, I was actually trying to avoid the top 40 but forgot all about it. The rating system used to not count reviews after they were over a year old. I used to post under a different name as well. I don't really care to be in the spotlight or have the clubs I go to be in the spotlight too much. Unless they need attention of course.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Durham, NC
    FONDL, Nepals is still open. I was just there last week. It's probably the same as when you left.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How do you tell other customers you aren't interested?
    If they are female customers who look good, I probably wouldn't mind. I sometimes let other people take extra chairs at my table and let them move them to another table. Dancers will often sit on my lap if no chair is available. In supercrowded clubs like shadowcat's favorite, I once had two dancers sitting on my legs due to lack of chairs I believe. On a few rare occasions with no available chairs except at my table, I've had people ask to sit and let it work to my advantage by asking them to save my chair every time I went somewhere.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    membership cards
    Avoiding trouble is probably more like it. As shadowcat once said, even clubs that don't require memberships can restrict entrance apparently to some type of casual dress. I was told at one time that Nepals requires a collar shirt on guys to maintain a dress code as well. Many clubs also ask for ID. I don't know if that is age related appearance or not. I am no where near 21 anymore but get asked for my id almost all the time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Day Shift Versus Night Shift Which is Better
    Most clubs in my area are not even open during the day. I am also busy working or busy visiting with friends, relatives, or other committments during the day unless I happen to be on vacation and away from everyone I know which doesn't happen very much. However, I don't usually enjoy clubs that are so crowded that it's hard to relax and almost impossible to find a seat. I suppose if I just wanted to meet one or two dancers in a relatively quiet environment, I might prefer the day shift but I usually like things to be happening. I only have so much time in a day and the more dancers there are, the more I can see in a shorter amount of time. Therefore I prefer nights even though I don't really have much choice.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Massages in club
    No one usually offers massages in strip clubs in my area but I have gotten a couple from some females in training for about $5 for about 5 or 10 minutes. I remember one massage therapist I wouldn't mind going to visit and getting a massage from after I saw her when picking up one of my relatives.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What about the Duke University rape case?
    I can see how this story might want to be discussed across the nation. Two strippers come to a party, get drunk and then accuse the team of raping them with no evidence except that she says so. The result, shame on the university, $400,000 bond for each of the 3 or 4 guys indicted before any trial even starts, and the coach resigns. Season over. Avoiding situations like this even if it's all a fabrication or lie from the stripper is what many will be thinking about in my opinion. If the accused are innocent, they are the true victims of a horrendous crime.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What about the Duke University rape case?
    This case definitely makes you think twice about being alone with a stripper outside of the club. I've met a few strippers who were very ruthless or cut throat in their deals with people, expert liars, and some who would steal from you in a heartbeat if they thought they could get away with it. In fact someone could even offer a course for guys who go to strip clubs. Call the course name How to avoid getting ripped off. You could discuss stripper tactics, lies, and then even pickpocketing and stealing money out of wallets/pockets. Fortunately, most strippers will try to make money just by dancing and enjoy regular customers.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Distance to club?
    If you live in a small town, you sometimes have to drive a bit to have some fun. If it costs me $10 in gas for all the extra driving I have to do, I just figure it's like an extra cover charge. I feel a little bit better hearing that South Carolina has the cheapest average gas price in the nation (per the local news) and my area has the best average price in the state at around $2.66 a gallon on average. I still don't consider that any big savings though. I've heard about a few people spending $1000 to convert their vehicle to run on ethanol and producing their own for about 60 cents to $1.00 a gallon. It's too bad our government can't set guidelines to help this nation convert like Brazil has already done.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Distance to club?
    Actually I believe Brazil set mandates where every gas station had to have an ethanol pump and people bought cars that ran on ethanol. I believe American companies are making and selling these cars there. I might consider buying such a car if the same situation existed here in the US. $1 a gallon for ethanol sounds a lot better than close to $3 a gallon for gas. The automakers could even make the same big guzzlers but just make them run on ethanol or a mix.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I can't believe she remembered my name
    Some dancers will remember your name and almost everything else about you even years later. A few times, I have run into strippers who claim they know me but I can't remember them. Of course if I'm interested in figuring out if they are lying or if they remember me I have to talk to them for awhile. The strippers seem to be telling the truth or at least most of them if they use that line. You can get some good dances from them as well unless they're trying to hook up with you outside the club since they already know you.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Who is LOOKING for a GIRLFRIEND in strip clubs?
    I don't believe strip clubs are the best place to look for girlfriends. I go to have fun. Now if a pretty girl I meet almost anywhere seems to be really into me and wants to have some fun with no cost for me, I might be interested in having fun with her. I really don't think it's any big deal. I won't discriminate against a girl simply because she is a stripper. Of course I do prefer certain types of girls over others.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I can't believe she remembered my name
    I think it's amazing whenever people remember your name year's later and you only met them briefly. I'm lucky if I remember what they look like. After meeting thousands of people over several years, I only remember a tiny handful of names.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Thanks, Founder!
    Thanks, Founder, you are the ultimate eraser.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do homely girls try harder?
    A few girls who aren't getting as many dances may try harder. If I don't find the girl somewhat attractive, I'm not going to get any dance from her. I have on a few occasions gotten a dance from an average looking girl but she may have really put the charm on. I'm more generous if I'm in a good mood and been left alone for a while. If the girls looks good or just ok, sits in my lap, is nice and charming, then I might get a dance. If a hot looking girl with an attitude problem comes over to me, I'll send her off. Of course there have been a few dancers who I was not interested in getting any dance from at any price. Not even if they paid me. If they try real hard, it gets annoying real fast.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    A different night at your favorite club
    If I ever get bored with a club, I just go to a different one or try a new club and I'm not always talking strip clubs here. What I don't like is going to a club and not having fun. If that doesn't change and continues, time to leave or find a new hobby. I have multiple favorite clubs so I can pick and choose.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    When did clubs peak??
    There seems to be less clubs but more of a crowd within them. If it gets so crowded you can't find a seat, that will probably stop me from going. I believe the real reason there are less clubs in my area is due to certain religious groups going on one crusade or another. Strip clubs were at the top of their hit list at one time. I'm not sure what is at the top of their crusade hit list right now unless it's gay marriage, defending blue laws, smoking, or something else.