What about those customers who COMPLAIN about strippers attitudes towards them? What about those customers who are BITTER at strippers who do not like them and only talk to them because of money?
Sometimes my experiences at a Strip Club are bittersweet -- I love gettin' aholt of them hot li'l filles! But I hate thinking of myself as someone who can only ever git 'holt of 'em by paying for the privilege, and only ever at a skanky semi-underworld establishment. It depresses my self-esteem, yet seems to be the only straightforward way to fulfill my carnal requirements. Perhaps the people who are foolish enough to talk about strippers as somehow "selfish" or "only interested in money" are just venting their momentary feelings out of a similar sense of personal inability to be "Da Man" and get the girl whom they want, in the way that they WANT to get the girl ...
cluelessguy is just mad at me b/c I have proven time and again how dumb he is. Like when he said Persians were Arab. That was a really stupid statement of his and he really needed to be called down on it. Plus he can't figure out why if he is constantly insult others, they might fight back after a while. Here's clue, cluelessguy, if you want people to be nice to you try being nice to them. Not to hard to figure out now is it? Please clue in.
In your case RL, I think there might still be hope. For one other poster who claims he is not a nice person and seems to enjoy fighting, complaining, being rude etc., it's a lost cause. If a stripper complains, he would probably smile and think of it as a compliment.
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