I don't believe strip clubs are the best place to look for girlfriends. I go to have fun. Now if a pretty girl I meet almost anywhere seems to be really into me and wants to have some fun with no cost for me, I might be interested in having fun with her. I really don't think it's any big deal. I won't discriminate against a girl simply because she is a stripper. Of course I do prefer certain types of girls over others.
I believe there is nothing wrong with having a stripper for a girlfriend. I have had a stripper girlfriend in the past and it was a great experience. I would definitely have a stripper for a girlfriend again with the right girl.
QUOTE"Who goes to strip clubs to LOOK for a GIRLFRIEND?"UNQUOTE
I believe that looking for a real emotionally involved girlfriend in a Strip Club is a very FUTILE endeavor. I go for the physical encounter. Anything else gained is GRAVY!!!!! I have nothing against making friends with Dancers. I've been rather friendly with more than a dozen in the last 12+ years.
last commentEspecially if you are not spending money (beyond cover and drink charges required) and are HONEST to yourself and the strippers about your INTENTIONS.
I believe that looking for a real emotionally involved girlfriend in a Strip Club is a very FUTILE endeavor. I go for the physical encounter. Anything else gained is GRAVY!!!!! I have nothing against making friends with Dancers. I've been rather friendly with more than a dozen in the last 12+ years.