Who is LOOKING for a GIRLFRIEND in strip clubs?

avatar for RomanticLover
Who goes to strip clubs to LOOK for a GIRLFRIEND? Who spends MONEY while LYING to others and himself about his DESPERATION for EMOTIONAL INVOLVEMENT?


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avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
It could be time well spent.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Looking for a girlfriend in a strip club can be FUN:

Especially if you are not spending money (beyond cover and drink charges required) and are HONEST to yourself and the strippers about your INTENTIONS.

avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
I don't believe strip clubs are the best place to look for girlfriends. I go to have fun. Now if a pretty girl I meet almost anywhere seems to be really into me and wants to have some fun with no cost for me, I might be interested in having fun with her. I really don't think it's any big deal. I won't discriminate against a girl simply because she is a stripper. Of course I do prefer certain types of girls over others.
avatar for pb500
19 years ago
I believe there is nothing wrong with having a stripper for a girlfriend. I have had a stripper girlfriend in the past and it was a great experience. I would definitely have a stripper for a girlfriend again with the right girl.
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
Why would it be FUTILE unless some strippers intentionally make it that way?
avatar for Alucard
19 years ago
QUOTE"Who goes to strip clubs to LOOK for a GIRLFRIEND?"UNQUOTE

I believe that looking for a real emotionally involved girlfriend in a Strip Club is a very FUTILE endeavor. I go for the physical encounter. Anything else gained is GRAVY!!!!! I have nothing against making friends with Dancers. I've been rather friendly with more than a dozen in the last 12+ years.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
I go to strip clubs looking for all of the following:

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