Comments by casualguy (page 168)

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    19 years ago
    South Carolina
    Did first OTC lead to a second one?
    I'm still trying to remember who was the first OTC with me. I think the dancer asked me to go out to eat with her. I don't mean in a sexual way. Then we went over to her house and she gave me her phone number. I never gave her mine. We were just hanging out together outside the club for awhile on different nights. Apparently no one had any problem with her leaving with me after the club closed around 2am either. Of course there was a problem with the manager when she wanted to leave early with me before finishing her shift. She got mad and left anyway even though the manager told her don't come back if you leave now. So then I guess then I was hanging out with an ex-stripper on occasion. She eventually tried to pull some crap on me (I think can't remember clearly) which made me angry so I never called her again. She couldn't call me either since she didn't know my address or phone number. It's easy to make a clean break if you don't give out your info.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Clubs with no bouncers
    I don't remember ever visiting a club without bouncers.
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    18 years ago
    What about the Duke University rape case?
    I'm wondering what evidence of rape there is. I can easily imagine someone smelling money or "blood" etc and pursuing the case hoping to get a windfall just to settle the case. If there is no evidence, I believe the accusers should have to pay all legal fees.
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    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Club Memorabalia
    shadowcat: I would say that's a rude DJ for singling someone out and commenting rudely on what they are wearing. It's none of his damn business. If that wasn't your favorite club, you and possibly your friends might have never returned thanks to the rude DJ. Of course that sounds normal for DJ's in this area I believe. I used to get all kinds of T-shirts, golf towels, and even pics of me and the feature dancers when I first started going to strip clubs. I still have the autographed pics hid somewhere and everything else stuffed in a bag not sure what to do with it. I don't really care to explain to someone how I got everything. I think I even have a boob painted T-shirt. I noticed one stripper is even on a short beach video talking to me but you can't tell she is a stripper. I would be interested in club token gifts if it didn't have their club slogan all over it but with it I never use the stuff and it just becomes stuff I never use.
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    18 years ago
    Shadowcat and his 2 for 1 specials.
    At certain clubs in the South, 2 for ones are commonly offered as the house special. It's no big deal, they are announced by the DJ. At some clubs, the dancers can set their own prices so they can offer dances at prices that might get certain customers to buy more dances and end up spending more money. I think it's simple economics. It's no big deal here. The cost of living is also slightly lower here but it needs to be since the employers are exploiting all of us poor working folks here in the South by not paying as much as they do in the rest of the country. Get this, they claim that the cost of living is lower so they don't need to pay as much to earn a comparable wage.
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    18 years ago
    Security... are they just watching to deter illegal activities?
    You can't always be sure that there are no cameras in the back dance rooms. I've been told by dancers that there are hidden cameras in some clubs and sometimes they will even install a new light bulb that makes it a bit brighter in one spot. I remember one dancer at Shadowcat's favorite club that was apparently a bit pissed off at the bouncer because he kept checking on her about every other minute or two. I was wondering how she managed to get that kind of attention.
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    18 years ago
    Tornado hits SC
    I guess you could say the wind did a nice blow job that night opening doors for me.
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    18 years ago
    Tornado hits SC
    This thread made me remember something I thought was really amusing. It was on another windy night around some college dorms. The wind was occasionally blowing the heavy lobby doors open up to a foot or two. Except when I approached and the door swung wide open. I walked through without touching it and then it closed behind me as if an invisible person was guiding it. A guy in the lobby was watching with big eyes and was in such a hurry to get away from me that he knocked over some furniture in his mad dash. Strange events can be quite amusing. I thought it was a bit strange but cool when the door opened for me when I left the lobby about 30 minutes later. I was playing an arcade game and I didn't see anyone the whole time.
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    18 years ago
    Tornado hits SC
    That was probably a tornado a bit closer to me in the upstate of SC unless you're referring to another one. I'm used to seeing lots of exciting weather. However that one wasn't even close. I do remember a tiny dust devil formed around me one time and stayed centered on me for several seconds as I was walking across a college campus many years ago. I was just thinking about this the other day and wondered what are the odds? I've also been directly underneath a tornado. That's not something I want to repeat.
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    18 years ago
    Tornado hits SC
    Within the US, tornadoes can strike almost anywhere so moving may not matter. However, there is a reason the midwest is called tornado alley. I definitely would want an underground shelter if I lived in that area. Those F5 tornadoes will rip apart every residential home I have ever seen so you would only survive one of those monsters underground or in a very good shelter. I believe it's much more impressive to see actual damage than to read about it. Seeing a 400 ton railroad boxcar blown several feet off the railroad tracks and a steel tower built to withstand straight line winds of over 300 mph twisted around like a twisty got my respect.
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    18 years ago
    ~*~New to Dancing~*~
    A number of guys just want to relax and sometimes chat with a dancer. If the dancer seems interested the guys will start talking. It helps if you know a bit about what the guy is talking about. I believe the more you let someone talk, the more they actually seem to like you. I'd avoid controversial subjects such as politics unless you don't mind possible verbal confrontations. However I don't remember ever paying a dancer just for conversation so the only time I'm usually talking is ordinary chit chat or something leading up to the do you wanna dance routine.
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    18 years ago
    Shadowcat and his 2 for 1 specials.
    I believe they could drop all of the Sunday laws and things wouldn't change noticeably for that many. Of course a few feathers may get ruffled. I mean the thought that people could actually go into a grocery store and buy beer etc. on Sunday versus say Saturday must really upset some people here. I guess it's ok to drink wine in Church on Sunday but you're going to hell if you buy it at the store.
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    18 years ago
    Tornado hits SC
    davids what state do you live in? I actually enjoy thunderstorms and the electricity in the air. too bad you are missing out on all of it.
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    18 years ago
    Tornado hits SC
    When I first started going to strip clubs, I visited a few different strippers at their homes. (I was usually just hanging out with them after they got off from work.) What I saw ranged from ordinary apartments to some slightly better apartments to a small house shared with another girl to a nice townhouse. I never visited a stripper who lived in an expensive house. Of course house prices are a whole lot higher in other parts of the country than they are here in the Carolinas.
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    18 years ago
    ~*~New to Dancing~*~
    So is the new stripper reading this? I'm curious as well.
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    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I did manage to get my name put on Mars just by being a member of the Planetary Society. You'll need an electron microscope to read it but there was a chip JPL included with the first rover mission. I don't know though, I wonder if the first sand storm to come along wiped out the data. Jumping back to my aerospace classes, I remember on one of first days in class, someone from NASA was there and hoping we would come up with a better solution for their work gloves they use in space. It was interesting hearing how some of the first astronauts tried applying torque to bolts in space and instead of the bolt turning, they started spinning around the bolt.
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    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Jumping back to Hooters, I remember eating at one Hooters in Columbia a couple of months ago or so and my waitress seemed to be doing a hoola hoop dance for me. She asked if I wanted to try but I enjoyed watching her do it much better. That was so much better than getting a bite to eat at Burger King.
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    18 years ago
    Ever had a dancer sit a your table with nothing to say?
    If a dancer is just sitting for 10 minutes before she goes up on stage, I think she is just passing time. I remember in a club where the sound volume of the music was low enough to talk, one time a stripper who wasn't very attractive sat at my table. I didn't hardly say a word to her and she just sat there for somewhere from 15 to maybe 30 minutes. I've had several other dancers sit with me from 20 minutes up to maybe 30 or 40 without saying much. However I don't know if that's the same thing since they may have been sitting in my lap or letting their fingers roam across me and I didn't mind.
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    18 years ago
    48 Hours Mystery on CBS
    I had not heard about the murder. I wouldn't resort to prescribing a terrible punishment until I knew more about the case.
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    18 years ago
    Anyone ever have very hot looking girls ring your doorbell on occasion?
    Apparently I am irritating the resident troll. :) I must be on a lucky streak. :)
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    18 years ago
    What about the Duke University rape case?
    I'm still wondering if there really was a rape or just an angry dancer getting revenge on some rich stuck up dudes for not paying her as much as she wanted for the party. For the time being I haven't heard of proof one way or the other. She was drunk so I don't know how credible her testimony will be without any supporting evidence. I suppose when a girl cries rape, the media immediately places guilt and punishment on the accused regardless if the accuser is lying or not. Perhaps the accuser has proof but I haven't heard about it yet.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How do YOU spot a ROB
    If a stripper promises more than a normal dance - ROB If the dance price is not set in stone and she doesn't tell you the price ahead of the dance -ROB If a stripper keeps putting her hands near your pockets (if you have money or a wallet in them, - worse than ROB, possible pick pocket. I've heard stories about guys not checking to see if their wallet mysteriously slid out of their pocket during a lap dance. Then it disappears if they don't check for it before leaving the dance room. I was told this by a stripper and also told the guy is stupid if he doesn't check to make sure he still has everything before leaving.
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    18 years ago
    Air dance indicators.
    If you really want to know all you have to do is ask. The strippers usually aren't that shy. If they don't want to give a specific answer to a specific question, then the answer is no and they may be trying to fake you out by pretending not to understand. a sign of a ROB or an air dance if that is your thing
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    membership cards
    Many if not almost all clubs in NC seem to require memberships and membership cards to get in unless you are a guest of a member. At least that's the way I remember it. Many couples actually go to upscale strip clubs together in the Carolinas so it may not really be a big deal to have a card around here. I suppose if your SO thought it was a terrible sin just to have a drink, you would have much bigger problems on your hands than where to hide your membership card.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you have any sisters?
    I have a few sisters. My younger sister seemed to be quite popular since she grew up listening to the same rock music that my brother and I listened to. I guess good looks factored into that as well. I've had a fair number of arguments with my sisters as well. I even thought it was funny when one of my older sisters tells stories making it sound like my brother and I were like evil twins causing trouble for her. We never did anything that bad though. Well, her cat was dead one day but that was an accident. She never forgot that after all these years. I get along ok with all in my family. I usually have a lot more to talk about with my brothers than my sisters though.