A different night at your favorite club

avatar for gototheclubs
Do you ever get in a steak of being a little bored with the current selection of woman at your favorite club for none of the current ladies are really that interesting? You still have a decent time, but not the great time you are seeking.

I am currently about two years out from having an ATF and seeking one. I was at my favorite club again one night and all of a sudden there were 2 ladies that had my total attention. One was a Playboy Cyber girl of the month, and the other was the hottest young blond I had seen in a year or two. I was able to get dances from both of them and had a great night. This needs furhter research!


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At the heart of the original question, it became your favorite club premuably because you had an incredibly great time there at least once. You can't expect it to be like that every time back. A good night by any other measure is going to feel like a letdown in comparison to your expectations.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
19 years ago
Since I'm largely limited in the time I can go, if one club gets old, I just go to a different one next time. What really sucks is there is a small number of clubs near me and if they all are boring, then unless I want to blow money at a casino, there isn't much in the way of real options. Of course, I could always go on a road trip, which I used to do, when gas was cheaper.
Strip clubs and DJs would have you believe they provide nothing but non-stop fun and excitement from the opening bell. In truth, even on the best nights, things get boring at times. It comes with being a spectator. It's not the end of the world.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Bitching about your job to co-workers or family is one thing; bitching about your job to customers is quite another. I can't think of another field where bitching to customers is so common. Do they really think we enjoy hearing that shit? Especially when we're paying for their time? Somebody needs to put together a training course for these girls.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
If I ever get bored with a club, I just go to a different one or try a new club and I'm not always talking strip clubs here. What I don't like is going to a club and not having fun. If that doesn't change and continues, time to leave or find a new hobby. I have multiple favorite clubs so I can pick and choose.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
LOL, FONDL, Everybody bitches about their job! The problem is that, even when a club is slow it's still better than Wal-Mart money. That's why so many women who shouldn't really be naked on a professional basis are dancing. Since these idiot managers keep hiring them to fill the schedule it's not likely to change soon.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
The only thing I get bored with is hearing some of the girls constantly bitching about how bad they have it. If they don't like their jobs, why don't they go down the street and get a job at Walmart?
Sure, I get bored with the lineup as often as not. That's the nature of having a regular club. All but a few girls are ones I've seen and passed over before. The few I'm interested in are liable to be girls I've had dances with before. If it were my first time there, I'd probably be jumping out of my skin with excitement. And indeed visitors often do. But for me, strip clubs are about exploring fresh meat as much as repeating the familiar.

Fortunately, my home club is always getting new girls, and many of my favorites show up irregularly. It helps that I never go more than once or twice a month, and I mix in visits to other clubs. Some nights, I start out thinking there isn't much to get excited about, and yet I wind up having a surprisingly great time with a girl I had overlooked. Other nights, after getting a few dances, I'll look around and think if that's all there is I'll bail out early.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
It's been over three years since my last ATF retired thus ending my habit of sticking to only one club. I don't get bored because I go to about six different clubs on a regular basis now and, even though I have favs in all of them, I don't see any of them often enough to tire of them.
"Do you ever get in a steak of being a little bored with the current selection of woman at your favorite club for none of the current ladies are really that interesting? You still have a decent time, but not the great time you are seeking"

No, I usually get the pork chops, not steak, so it's not a problem.

Seriously, one of the reasons why my favorite club has that status is because there are enough good looking women that boredom is never an issue. So my answer, both to the question as posed and the question intended to have been asked, is "no."
avatar for gototheclubs
19 years ago
I am just to damned picky and generally sit around waiting for the best talent in the club and turn down dance after dance from the more ordinary woman. I even require them to sit and talk and see if we hit it off. This is way I don't go into a club at prime time. I have met a lot of beautiful woman this way, had some great times in and out of the club and spent some good $$ on them.

I can't spell either, excuse the steak thing its just an r
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