What % of the do you have a good strip club visit?

avatar for Kyle1111

I would *assume* that most regular customers have a good visit better than 80% of the time. The reason I assume that is because most customers don't seem too focused on looks. Yeah, I hear a lot of *talk* about how physical attractiveness is so important, but the reality I see is that even if the customer claims to be in love with perfect physically phitt phsiques the reality is he'll be drooling over a 300 pounder if she treats him right.

I enjoy myself probably less than 20% of the time and it makes no difference if the club is Tootsie's or Angels or whatever. Angels *was* the exception and that was because the music was kept QUIET and I was seeing the same PERFECT dancer almost every night. Now, there are NO clubs near me that play music that QUIET; it'd be much better without music. :) So I go to clubs and usually they are too noisey which for me is a real negative. Next, even if the club has lots of attractive dancers consistently ala Tootsie's most probably I will not find what I'm looking for. It seems to be pure chance that I will see a dancer whom I'm eager to buy dances from. When I do find that special dancer she will usually work whenever she feels like it with no schedule (although she will claim to work all the time) or she will leave.

Basically here are reasons I don't have a good time at strip clubs:

1. Loud music.
2. I'm too fussy about the perfect look.
3. Dancer doesn't work a predictable schedule.
4. Dancer quits strip club and I need to start looking again.
5. Prices rise dramatically (this only recently became a problem ala The Trap, Secrets, Cheetah).
6. Dancer pulls pricing scam.

So it is sort of like when I was going to Angels every night praying for a beautiful dancer to arrive and she finally did--BIG TIME. :) I will go and go and go desperately searching for that special experience and sometimes I hit paydirt! A beautiful wonderful dancer at a price I can afford. :)

So those customers who are basically happy with any slab of meat thrust in front of them or a typical GC customer probably can't identify with what I'm looking for.


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avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
I've never tried verifying schedules with the club, I always verify directly with the girl. Either she'll call me or I'll call her or we exchange emails or she works the same schedule regularly and tells me what it is. If a girl isn't willing to do one of those things I'm not likely to be her regular for very long.
avatar for DandyDan
20 years ago
If I visit one of my top 3 clubs, it's almost 100%. If it's any others, probably 50% of the time. If it's completely new, or one I haven't been to in a while, it's at least 75%, but mostly due to the newness of the club within my experience. Most of the time when I don't have a good visit, it's because the girls won't talk to me. If the girls stop by and say hi, they got a shot with me even if they are 200 pounds.

I also tried the verifying schedules thing, but most clubs I visit always tell you to stop on in. I know one where you can call and they have to tell you, and one that actually keeps its website updated, but for other clubs, you gotta show up to know who's there.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
I believe if I only enjoyed 20% of my visits to strip clubs, I wouldn't even bother going unless I was bored and just wanted to kill time.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
I believe over 90 to 95% of my visits are good visits. I don't like extremely loud and painful music either so I bring ear plugs if I know a club has painfully loud music. So number one on Kyle's list is striked out for me (hopefully). Then numbers 2 through 5 of Kyle's list could be knocked off for me since I don't usually go to a club just to see one dancer. The clubs I go to don't have 200 pound girls working so that is not a problem. I don't go to clubs expecting anything but a good show from the girls and maybe some good lapdancing on occasion and almost always get it. Now the 2% to 5% of the time that I do not enjoy are when none of the girls give a good lapdance at a reasonable price or when someone scammed/stole from me.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Hi Fondl,

I did try verifying schedules, but it seems like that is against club policy at least at the cheap clubs. Come in and find out I've heard too frequently. And, it seems like the dancers I like aren't too reliable. :) I called this one dancer just to ask if and around what time she'd be going to work. She was very friendly and we had a nice chat. She says she is always on time at 10 PM promptly 7 days a week. (I know that isn't true or I wouldn't of needed to call.) So I asked what would be a safe time? She says I will try and get there a little early so you can be there at 10 PM. I say fantastic. I'll see you at 10 PM. Of course, she shows at about 11:30 PM just as I'm leaving. She wanted to get some dances unfortuately I was beat down listening to all the LOUD music.

Sounds like you've got the situation well managed. :)

avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
When going to a club that I don't attend regularly I usually figure that I have a good time about half the time. I only have a good time if I hook up with a girl that I really like, that's why I go, and that seems to be about a 50-50 proposition when I don't know anyone going in. As a result I usually go somewhere where I have a favorite girl, and I verify her schedule before I go. Under those circumstances I almost always have a good time.
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