
never propositioned in 12 months of straight dancing. your opinion.

avatar for andersonsc

Big club. In a city. 500 people capacity. 50 lapdances easy on a Friday. 10 vip rooms. Any way this chick never one time got propositioned? I think it happened every night.....she says never. Possible? I don't mean "wanna fuck" necessarily.....but a "damn u fine what does it take to see you more....etc". Is it possible that never happened?


last comment
avatar for andersonsc
15 yrs ago

Best friend dances. Love her to death. She's about to start back and said she can wear her ring....never get asked for sex....and not grind. I say bs.

avatar for shadowcat
15 yrs ago

andersonsc: I assume by your nickname that you live in Anderson SC and by your club description (500 capacity)that the club you are referring to is the Greenville Platinum Plus.

To answer your question. Not likely in that club.

avatar for andersonsc
15 yrs ago

Talking about trophy club........my numbers may be high. Say 300 dudes on a Friday. And fyi this is in good fun I'm good friends w a dancer and we always "argue" about what really happens. She says in 12 months worjing 3 nights a week nobody ever asked for anything! I call bullsheet but who knows lol. She also said trophy club did not have a private dance option. I think that's bs too

avatar for txtittyfan
15 yrs ago

She is your friend, let her live her fantasy. It really does not matter if she is propositioned or not, the real question is does she do extras?

avatar for andersonsc
15 yrs ago

No she didn't. I just think its funny that she makes herself out as the perfect angel stripper. Ps this was 1999

avatar for gatorfan
15 yrs ago

I get propositioned every time I go to one particular club, I guess this is the complete opposite.

avatar for judyjudy
15 yrs ago

I haven't been at this too long but I have to say I have been propositioned every time i have been out, usually more than once.

avatar for casualguy
15 yrs ago

Isn't the trophy club pretty dead most nights? I drove by there once or twice when they didn't have a feature and the parking lot looked pretty empty. If there is almost nobody showing up, I could believe it. If they only stay a few minutes to an hour and are never drunk, I might believe it. If people aren't too interested in her because she's not the favorite type of dancer for most people, I might believe it. If it's mainly couples visiting and that is not what they are looking for, might be believable. If she always asks first, then no wonder why. Just kidding there.

avatar for casualguy
15 yrs ago

I've been propositioned a few times over the years and I only occasionally visit clubs. Sometimes dancers are only talking about meeting up later so I guess that's not the same thing unless it turns into something more.

avatar for Player11
15 yrs ago

I can't believe a dancer with that volume not being propostioned. I usually ask a dancer if she ia a player before I proposition her. At my club where I am VIP they proposition me all the time. The one I have been seeing a year when we went back to the CR one Sat afternoon immediately started feeling and tickling mr happy, then she wanted me to take him out, we discussed price ($200 POP itc), she slipped a condom on him and before I knew it I was in her. It was great. I have been seeing her a year - she gives the best HJ foreplay b4 sex of anyone I have ever had and loves it with her on top (my fav pos). She is married and I have been doing her 2x a week both itc and otc. I start out giving her a sexy backrub, then the sexy hj part (already hard from giving her the backrub and feeling her), then sex. She is a 3 minitue girl and will climax every three min. She always wears her wedding ring but it certainly has not plugged any holes!

avatar for wallanon
15 yrs ago

Tell you what. You PM me her stage name, and on the off chance I'm near Greenville I'll look out for her. If she's dancing again and I run into her, then we'll know the truth.

avatar for Digitech
15 yrs ago

I have propositioned dancers two times in my SC goings. Declined by both.

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