
Comments by casualguy (page 129)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Working the Numbers and Physical Beauty . . .
    I haven't really been involved in any discussions but have definitely noticed the difference between women who are competing in the Ms. Fitness contests and those who compete merely as a body builder. A competitive body builder will have almost no fat and I've noticed their breasts almost always appear smaller than average or appear smaller for a given size frame on a person. Since breasts have fat, this would make sense. I believe the Ms. Fitness contestants try to maintain more of their natural female attributes and look much better to me than the no fat contestants. I'm not sure at what point the femal fat percentage becomes too low and detrimental to the female appearance. I know I don't care for the muscle bound females with very little or no fat. The Ms. Fitness contestants appear ok though.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Inflation at my neighborhood Strip Club . . .
    If the expected customer reaction above though is off by just one or two customers then the dancer will lose 10% or 25% respectively of their previous income due to the dance price increase. In other words, if the house raises prices and over half the people stop buying dances or only get half as many, the dancers lose money.
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    20 years ago
    Suggestions while traveling I-95 and I-40
    One side of I-40 in the mountains fell into a river so they immediately closed I-40 for inspections. I read a crack was found in the road going all the way across to the other side. I heard they now have one lane open going in each direction but expect traffic jams and/or delays if you travel I-40 through the NC mountains into Tennessee. If it's a busy travel time, I would definitely recommend a different route. Link http://www.thecarolinachannel.com/newsarchive/3739796/detail.html
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    20 years ago
    Scent of a Woman...
    I believe I remember a dancer somewhere said she was wearing sex on the beach too. I don't remember when or where but that rings a bell. The scents that smell like vanilla, cinnamon (if there is one), and a scent that smells like a fresh piece of cake appeal to me too. I know of some dancers that have smelled like this to me but I don't know what their fragances or perfumes are called. You could say I was getting hungry for those girls.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Inflation at my neighborhood Strip Club . . .
    We could definitely use less government. I know of one club that was closed that had been in business for years because of a law about it being too close to a church. It may have been within 1000 yards. A rule or law closed down a thriving business. It's not like people are going to church during the middle of the night and there is competition for parking spaces. I never saw anyone at that church. There is a rule about a strip club must be in a certain city zone and at least 1000 or more yards away from all schools, churches, and something else I forgot which really puts the chains on locations. Fewer clubs means less choices and higher prices. I guess if all the clubs go away people will just have to date and have sex instead of just watching entertainment while drinking beer.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Customers who are AFRAID to ask a stripper out on a date
    Strangely enough, I only seemed to end up with a strippers at the end of a night when I drank a little bit above the norm. Maybe the strippers are sensing a weak moment and luring me back to their living accomadations trying to corrupt me. hmmm, you might have to wonder about a girl who suddenly shows up from out of state and she knows details about you and wants to always have sex. Now that could really mess with your head if you can't remember anything about her but she seems to know you.
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    20 years ago
    Scent of a Woman...
    The only scents I remember were in Nepals (other clubs have so much smoke it drowns out all the other smells good and bad). I remember something like vanilla and another girl who smelled like cake. Well the girls smelled good to me whatever they were wearing. This was some time ago since I don't usually enjoy smelling other people. A good sense of smell is often not a good thing in alot of places.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Inflation at my neighborhood Strip Club . . .
    I thought I heard that in the Roman times people would worship the goddess Venus by having sex in the temple. I can just imagine the controversy if someone tried to restart that religion with Venus at the center of worship. I can imagine the big religious gurus claiming that wouldn't even be a religion but I think it was. Most religious folks nowadays only seem to worship one god but earlier there were several.
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    20 years ago
    Scent of a Woman...
    I've noticed sometimes in strip clubs that I accidently pick up the scents of other females via lap dances. Sometimes I think other dancers will come along and try to figure out who I was with by the different scents on me. Unless a few of those dancers actually enjoy the scent of another dancer that I acquired the scent from. This probably only happens once in a blue moon though.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Any customer overheard a stripper RIDICULING him when she thought he didn't hear
    Ok I had a few beers again so I got another buzz but what exactly does GFE stand for? Is it girlfriend experience? Referring to this post about ridiculing people I realized at one time in college that it is not nice to laugh along with others who may be ridiculing. I remember I had 2 girls wake me and my roomate up when I was sleeping in late one morning in my college dorm room. While my roomate was out and I was still lying in bed, I heard the girls talking about entering a beauty pageant and one girl started laughing at the other girl about her winning it. I thought the girl laughing was pretty but thought of the other as average. Anyway for some reason (maybe to join in) I started to chuckle a bit too. I felt bad about that afterwards because I think it hurt the other girl's feelings. I suppose strippers feel bad too when people make fun of them too as well as most people. I try not to make fun of people who were born with the looks they have. They can't help it and it doesn't make me feel any better to call other people fat or you have no chance of winning that beauty pageant etc. etc. I may have deviated slightly from the thread topic but I do have a beer buzz, lol.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    To anyone: What made you start stripping?
    That's interesting. I've heard of a few other dancers tell me they are in for the money and working their way through college but I don't remember anyone stating they were shy. I bet there are many stories out there.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    I believe you guys may be older than me since I'm in my 30's. I was just thinking noone has asked me for my id in the grocery store for the last few years now. Why someone asked me for my id a few years ago when I was buying beer is beyond me though. I certainly didn't think I looked younger than 21. I'm rambling because of the beer I just drank but it might be fun to discuss things that I don't want to put in print anywhere. Lol, I often just tell the strippers and they call me crazy.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Here is a quote apparently written by a stripper
    You should try to think more positive thoughts about yourself RL. I don't know why you are thinking so negative. Just because you go to strip clubs doesn't necessarily make you just like what the stripper told you. You might want to try a different strip club if the strippers are that mean to you but I don't know what you said to them.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    South Carolina
    Member complaints
    I believe the ratings may be over-rated in some people's opinions. I do use them as a guide but I read the reviews and know that one or two bad ratings out of 100 probably just means one person had a bad time. It could have been a bad experience with a single dancer or some other unusual event. However when a large percentage of the people complain about extremely loud music, that is a definite problem with the club. On the other hand I understand the competitive urges to be the best and promote the best and to achieve the highest rankings. If this is the case, I believe many on here would be happy to see a new sub section of highest ranked clubs by regions such as Southeast, Northeast, and West. That way the site could identify highest ranked clubs within a geographical area and people within those regions could enjoy a higher ranking for their favorite clubs.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Any customer overheard a stripper RIDICULING him when she thought he didn't hear
    ok the beer has worn off now. I would say I would probably laugh along with the stripper if I knew what she was laughing about even if it was about some guy in the club. Unfortunately though, the Platinum Plus clubs I occasionally visit offer no opportunity to hear anything beyond a loud trumpet blast beyond about 5ft so this topic would never happen there. Lol, I was just thinking, sometimes a dancer has come up to me and we have been laughing at things such as can you believe that guy thinks I'm going to dance for him for 5 bucks? haha what a joke. He'll only see me walk by the rest of the night. One word of warning though. Dancers should be careful about angering some of the guys in the strip clubs, they could be murderers or stalkers and you have to watch out. Afterall not all the murderers in the US are behind bars (unsolved crimes). This thread just made me think of this.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    North Iowa
    Are, or were, $5 lapdances real?
    Somewhere between 10 to 15 dollars is the average lap dance price I pay. I always ask for a two for one. I don't care for air dances either. The average price of the last few lap dances I got was $10. I noticed prices drop when the crowd goes away later into the night (at least at the club I was at.) If a dancer says a two for one costs $40, I forget about her and will refuse to get any dances at that price. $20 for two lapdances or $10 per lapdance is more reasonable. I believe if more dancers in my area all asked for $40 for a two for one, I might not get any dances ever again. I know of one club where I have never gotten a lap dance and they charge $40 for a two for one with little or no contact.
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    20 years ago
    South Carolina
    Member complaints
    I take my experience during the visit into account when making the rating selection. I have given really low ratings when someone may have gotten me ticked off and a 10 when I left happy with the visit even though a club may not really have deserved it but I was in a good mood and didn't remember if I ever gave a 10 before. I just see the ratings as a personal snapshot of how you felt about the place during one visit. Maybe my alma matta just won a big football game that night and my mood was extra good too so I had a better time than normal. I think of the ratings as personal snapshot experiences of the clubs.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    It's been written "If you want a stripper as a GIRLFRIEND then DON'T SPEND MONEY
    I will play devil's advocate for a second on this thread. Let's see it has been written... ^^^^ (thread title). Let's see who could write something as special as that? Could it be, could it be umm RL? Well that must be special.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do some strippers get TURNED ON by customers who want dances for FIVE DOLLARS?
    I was thinking that he may be from the Tau Ceti star system about 92 light years away (in the local neighborhood). I bet he's one of those crazed refugees who got here broke and only believe in dances that are almost free. He obviously has not assimiliated to Earthly ways yet constantly posting insane messages that obviously only a psychopath or a strange alien creature would post. I don't know maybe he IS from Earth and is crazy.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do some strippers get TURNED ON by customers who want dances for FIVE DOLLARS?
    Just ignore me tonight, I've had a few beers again with a slight buzz. Obviously RL is a real ladies man exciting all the dancers with his Five dollar offers for lap dances. I bet almost all the dancers in a club will come over to his table saying "Can I get a dance?"
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    It's been written "If you want a stripper as a GIRLFRIEND then DON'T SPEND MONEY
    Anybody ever watch Saturday Night Live and see I forget now, the little comedy thing about "Well, that must be special!" Let's see who could that be? Could it be umm S.t.n?" I don't know if they still play that on Saturday Night Live but that's what I was thinking about above^. I thought most guys spent money on normal girls buying drinks or going out to eat or to movies, etc. etc. Maybe RL is letting strippers pay his way. Must be nice.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do some strippers get TURNED ON by customers who want dances for FIVE DOLLARS?
    I obviously got a buzz, I read that Tau Ceti is only 11.5 light years away from Earth. RL's home is closer than we thought, oh nooo.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Crap... we screwed up!
    Maybe the text was so small that someone accidently clicked on the delete button. You never know all kinds of accidents can happen when the text is so small it almost disappears, err I guess it really did this time. Or was it too much Vodka?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Crap... we screwed up!
    Didn't want to suggest anything but was wondering if Platinum Plus paid him a little something behind the back so to speak to knock off those recent bad ratings that disappeared. You never know... I'm joking, and having fun with a slight beer buzz, accidents happen. That beer I drank seems stronger than normal, oh well.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How a stripper can make a guy run for the hills or get nervous
    I remember when I was still new to the strip clubs and one girl asked me if I wanted to be her sugar daddy. I said what's that? I said NO but afterwards on every visit to the club she was on me almost the second she saw me in the club as if she had to drop everything. At one point, I actually tried to learn her schedule to avoid her in the club. Her friends though told her I was there so that didn't work for long. If she hadn't been pretty, she would have definitely made me run for the hills.