
Comments by casualguy (page 130)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What would you do in this situation?
    I get nervous when asked sexual questions in a public place. At the same place as the one girl asked a question about stripping, another girl on a different day suggested me and her get together for a one night stand at a local motel. She actually stated this in front of a bunch of co-workers (like the whole department). I was thinking they didn't go over these odd situations on how to avoid any sexual harassment problems. I guess if I didn't like the way she looked, it might have been considered harassment on her part. This was too long ago to remember what I said. I don't really care for one night stands that much though although she did mention it could be an all night stand. Anyone ever heard of a girl making an offer like that in front of all her coworkers? hmmm, I may to find out what was in the water back in that county I used to live in. Everyone seemed to have sex on their mind.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    customers who have MARRIED strippers that they have met INSIDE THE CLUB
    I bet there are some people out there who go to strip clubs with no intention or desire to marry a stripper. Ever thought of that? Maybe these people are even trying to avoid any outside relationship with the people they meet in the strip clubs. Now this is like 7000 times beyond this thread but it has been said that people who are always going to strip clubs may be trying to avoid or actually avoiding having any real relationship period.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Every once in awhile a dancer will bite me on my chest and I don't care for that at all either. For some odd reason, pain doesn't feel good. I just don't know why some dancers seem to enjoy doing that. I was at one club one time near a military base and all of a sudden one night the dancers were all biting. Some were biting down near the genitals. I asked what the ... and one dancer told me some guys in the military apparently liked that. I guess they must not be very sensitive. I'm not sure where all this biting started at though. I'm just wondering do the girls want me to bite back? It would make me happy if no dancer ever bit my chest again. I should start saying Ouch!, maybe they will get the hint.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    I do remember one time long ago in another state a feature entertainer/porn star was dancing on stage. Most guys were sitting around the stage. She suddenly approached me and grabbed or bit slightly with her teeth onto my white shorts and got strategically lucky. I think she used me to put on a show and my shorts were red from all her lipstick after she was done. Laughing at the memory, that's what I get for being the only guy sitting back in his chair at the stage while everyone else was leaning over the stage to get a better view. Funny thing was, after she got done with me, every other guy sat back in his chair. It was so funny. There was one tense moment when I was wondering when this porn star was going to let go of my shorts especially when she kept backing up onto the stage with her teeth still on my shorts. I'll probably remember the experience but I've already forgotten what her name was.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Rating the Raters . . .
    You could say my reviews are biased. The rating I give depends on how the dancers and the club in general treated me that night. If you have a bad experience at the club and nothing offsets that, I will give a bad rating even if everyone else gives a club a 9 or 10 and visa versa.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why does RL write in CAPITOLS occasionally?
    He also may do it to IRRITATE the hell out of us or maybe he has a hard time seeing this SMALL TEXT.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    No One Cares
    Can we take more of a fact based Approach to Rating Clubs
    If I even say anything about bbbj I would believe clubs would be raided left and right looking for anything suspicious even the highly dreaded exposed nipples. This has happened before. Yes I heard the police came into a club with flashlights and inspected the dancers nipples. Amazing what the taxpayers will pay the police for all in the line of duty.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why does RL write in CAPITOLS occasionally?
    that's an interesting thought -- Is RL really a disgrunted housewife? let's see 1. bashes strippers 2. low opinion of people who go to strip clubs and spend more than 5 bucks 3. always talking like they know everything when it comes to being cheap Maybe you're right.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How much $ to bring.
    Wow 1000 bucks in a strip club. I remember the first time someone took me to a strip club they told me to bring lots of cash so I brought a whopping 50 bucks. I usually bring a bit more now since I sometimes hop clubs but don't usually spend it all. You guys have made me happy I live in an area where dances are relatively cheap in comparison and I can even go to clubs where I can bring my own beer. I do have to pay an extra $3 admission but that's nothing apparently to what guys in other states pay. I would prefer no extra dollars if you bring your own but oh well.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    South Carolina
    Tearing of clothing
    I would be mad at a dancer if she expected me to pay for her clothes if they accidently got ripped during a dance. I think the same applies visa versa for accidents. What really ticks me off is when a feature entertainer thinks it's ok to rip my shirt open. I don't think she was planning on paying me for the shirt and I didn't expect to be part of her act at my expense so that is something to get ticked off about.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    South Carolina
    Tearing of clothing
    On the other hand above, if a dancer feels bad about ripping your shirt, why not ask for a free dance to help compensate for your loss. I mean to keep good customer relationships exceptions are often made to the general rules. You might get a free or half price dance out of it. It's not really any different than say a restaurant spilling your food and offering food on the house no charge.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Should u become a stripper if....
    I agree. Minor stretch marks are one of the last things I notice when looking at strippers. I may notice them but it's usually not the first thing I look at and that wouldn't stop me from getting a dance if I wanted one.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Any customers AFRAID OF REJECTION when ASKING to see a stripper OUTSIDE THE CLUB
    Ever see the commercial where they can only say "NO!" ? I say NO so many times in a strip club it's not funny. Well I changed that to "maybe later" since a number of strippers don't take "NO" as a real answer. Afraid of hearing NO back to my questions? The answer is NO! Your answer is NO NO NO
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Who considers Men who have Girlfriends....
    If a guy had a girlfriend and she went to see some male dancers at a club I wouldn't consider it cheating unless of course she engaged in sexual activity. I might be very suspicious though because I heard females tend to do a whole lot more touching and groping that would get guys thrown out of gentleman's clubs. Regardless of whether it's cheating or not, I don't believe it's good to keep secrets in an intimate relationship that's going to last.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Who considers Men who have Girlfriends....
    I don't see any cheating involved unless something extra is taking place such as sex. Of course if a woman is going to break up because her man looked at another woman, I wouldn't want to be with her anyway. Strip clubs usually just come down to guys looking at girls and not much more. It'd be an orgy otherwise.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do strippers get ATTACHED to customers who pay SMALL AMOUNTS for SEXUAL ACTIVITI
    RL you got it all wrong. As soon as you pay money for sexual favors you become nothing more than a source of cash. You must tell the girls that you want sexual favors for free. You could use words such as "Come here bi*ch and suck my di*k! Then, she would know that you're her man and she can fall in love with you. Let us know how things go.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Should u become a stripper if....
    No problem. Feel free to ask away with any other questions. This topic made me remember one hot dancer that I enjoyed getting dances from. After a few dances I did notice she had some stretch marks. I was thinking, I don't care, I'm not going to marry her. It's always nice to see perfection but reality is often different.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If a stripper is GIVING her MONEY to her ABUSIVE BOYFRIEND, do you SPEND MONEY
    RL why are you dissing all these nice boyfriends of strippers? I mean they have to put up with alot of grief and lies about how it's so hard to get dances etc. etc. Then you come along and only want to pay a measly 5 bucks and get extras too? Give the boyfriends a break. Unless you want to have a little chat outside in the parking lot.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why does RL write in CAPITOLS occasionally?
    Somebody smell smoke? :) I hear someone got burned.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Would you care if a stripper you SPENT MONEY on had an ABUSIVE BOYFRIEND?
    Do you care RL? Why don't you state your opinions.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do any posters here go to strip clubs to LOOK FOR A GIRLFRIEND?
    Do you haggle over the price of your isp charges for internet service? I'm looking for a better deal. OK tell us what deal you got RL. I'm saying you should not pay more than $5 internet monthly fee. Higher prices are unreasonable. So what are you paying?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How often to dancers get knocked up by customers?
    It's not common at all in the clubs I go to. The bouncers would quickly do some knocking up of their own if anyone tried anything. Got a beef with an unruly dancer?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Customers who PESTER THE SAME stripper to go out with them FOR FREE
    hmmm, RL you sound like an expert on this topic here.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How Have You Suffered Due to Dancers?
    Where I live at I believe the strip clubs are mostly deserted during big sports games unless of course they are being broadcast within the club. I'd much rather watch a big game or a sci fi show I like than go to a strip club. However if a strip club is showing the game, I can multi-task. Guess your list doesn't fit me one bit. I have trouble remembering people's real names so I don't usually even ask unless it's important.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How Have You Suffered Due to Dancers?
    That's one true. However that was not a normal dancer but some porn star turned feature entertainer. I won't bother seeing her if she appears again.