The more strip clubs I visit the more I'm becoming convinced that the typical joe places relatively little value on beauty when it comes to women. I'm NOT talking about different standards of beauty I'm talking what value if any does beauty have for the average guy. On a scale of 1 to 10, I think it probably ranks a 3 or less.
If this is correct, then why does the average woman care about looking beautiful and why does society seem to focus on beautiful women? That's where working the numbers comes in.
Let's say 10% of the guys are truly focused on a certain look that is relatively rare and will ignore all women (regular women) who don't meet that standard. Depending on how rare the look is and how agressive the guys a significant supply demand imbalance has been created. A relatively few women are being showered with attention and offers of $$$ by aggressive males. Other women see this and assume they must somehow being lacking because they are NOT receiving this disportionate amount of attention. So they become concerned about their looks when in fact for most men it is NOT that important.
Society as a whole enters the picture thru various means. The selling of beauty with the focus on the lucky few who are receiving the disportionate interest and passion. And, . . .
Of course, they are many other reasons women are concerned about their looks that have nothing to do with looks. Also, a person's looks according to at least 1 study play a significant role in whether a jury will convict and send a person to prison.
A woman as a trophy. The first few times I heard this I thought it was just stupidity working overtime. Different women and men were trying to convince me that I didn't NEED a "trophy women." I'm thinking what??? Who the hell wants a trophy? I want a hot young woman! FOR ME!!! Screw what the other males are thinking. I'm the one who hopefully is going to be very intimate with her. Well, yes, some guys actually do want a "trophy woman." Like the guys at work who actually were drooling over Armani suits. They took notice and insult that I was wearing a Kmart special. I didn't realize that real men cared about nonsense like fashion. And, it really wasn't the fashion they cared about it was the status it conveyed. A woman with the right looks can also convey status hence this nonsense about "trophy women." I was born and raised in this country, might even qualify as a WASP or at least white trash, but feel like a foreigner. :)
So the bottom line is that I wish Margaret Mead had written a book on strip clubs. :)
Sterioid use does continue in body building, and a woman with "round ball" biceps and virtually no breasts, are nearly 100% of the time, using steriods. Lower body fat, without steriods, will not result in a woman developing unusually large bicep muscles in a ball shape. But of course it will change her breast size. A woman is partly beautiful because of her natural body fat placement, that is not like a man's. Breasts and hips are fat deposits, distributed by female hormones. Not bad fat, GOOD fat. The whole point is that women are softer, rounder, squeezier, sweeter....uh, I think you get the my idea...:-)
I haven't really been involved in any discussions but have definitely noticed the difference between women who are competing in the Ms. Fitness contests and those who compete merely as a body builder. A competitive body builder will have almost no fat and I've noticed their breasts almost always appear smaller than average or appear smaller for a given size frame on a person. Since breasts have fat, this would make sense. I believe the Ms. Fitness contestants try to maintain more of their natural female attributes and look much better to me than the no fat contestants. I'm not sure at what point the femal fat percentage becomes too low and detrimental to the female appearance. I know I don't care for the muscle bound females with very little or no fat. The Ms. Fitness contestants appear ok though.
Like good health for example. A healthy looking woman really turns me on. Maybe that's why I spend so much time at the gym. When I go to a strip club I invariably end up with a gal who works out regularly. In addition to finding it very attractive, it also gives us a something in common to talk about. I've had very many discussions about fitness regimens in strip clubs. And the gals really seem to enjoy talking about something like that because it doesn't get into their personal life and you're not commenting on the size of her breasts. Although come to think about it, my last such discussion that's exaclty what we talked about. She was concerned that if she developed to much muscle in her chest her breasts would flatten out. Any advice guys? I must admit, I never heard of that one before.
last commentCorrection:
Of course, they are many other reasons women are concerned about their looks that have nothing to do with males.