
Comments by casualguy (page 116)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Friends First?
    I believe it's true if a girl is sexually interested in you, she'll let you know pretty quickly or at least some girls will. They act first and then ask or make comments later as if they are justifying what they just did. I've had several females give me pretty strong suggestions they wanted to get to know me better. Apparently when I didn't pick up on that, some have gotten more aggressive in their questions or their actions. If they all looked as good as a playboy playmate, I would have gone along. It can get a bit annoying if a girl who is not your type is constantly hitting on you or making sexual suggestions to you. That was years ago in a different workplace. I remember years ago I overheard some girls joking if I got left alone with one girl, she would jump my bones in a flash. I didn't even know who they were talking about.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Does anyone else feel that Romantic Lover asks too many arbitrary questions?
    If you wait 2 years and come back here, you can answers his questions then if you want to. He asks them more than once. Of course don't expect an answer back.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I usually disappear from strip clubs around Christmas time so I don't give any gifts to favorites. I have been talked into giving a gift to a couple of dancers who I was seeing outside the club when it was their birthday. They made plenty sure to let me know it was their birthday coming up. I don't recall them giving me anything when my birthday came up so that kind of told me what kind of girl they were. One of more recent favorites disappeared to dance at another club for a few months. Been wondering who keeps calling and not leaving a message for 4 nights in a row. Probably some charity although calling after 8 pm seems a little bit late.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Club visit requests? Does anyone ever do them?
    At one time or perhaps when I was new to an area, I would randomly visit clubs just to see what was there. I decided that was not the safest way to find out and may find myself in a bad situation. I was in a strip club and noticed another club just down the road and asked a bouncer or someone about that club. He told me I didn't want to go there, it was a gay bar. I didn't even know there were any in that area. Real glad I asked. Then I did a computer search and found TUSCL to help narrow down the choices if I visit a new area. It sure beats trial and error and is much safer.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Club visit requests? Does anyone ever do them?
    I wouldn't be surprised if many people are very busy and don't really have too much time to visit strip clubs in the first place. I pick the ones I think I will have the most fun in and enjoy the view or whatever I am looking for at that time. A number of years ago I did get talked into visiting one club. A dancer I used to know in NC called me up out of the blue and told me she was working at Platinum Plus in Columbia for a little while. I did go and visit the club when I had some time on the weekend. At one time, I also visited a number of regular clubs at one dancers request but I happened to be going there with her so I guess that doesn't count. As it is I usually find I don't have enough time to even visit the clubs I want to. For instance tomorrow I will be in Columbia again. However I won't have time to visit any clubs. hmmm, I didn't even think about the nice looking massage therapist I saw a year or two ago. Never have gotten a massage myself either. I probably could be talked into visiting her if she still works there especially if I heard she was still single and looking. Otherwise, I figure clubs that no one posts about are just dull places to go visit. Unless everyone in that area is computer illiterate.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ooooo You're So Big . . .
    I always thought that was an old line to inflate the ego. Got tired of hearing it many years ago. I remember one dancer told me "my pussy is tight." Now I like that line. For some reason I believed her too. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Club visit requests? Does anyone ever do them?
    The problem with some club hours is that the club may be open but no dancers are dancing until later in the day or the dancers may not even be there yet. That information probably would be helpful. I figure in my area most clubs are dead unless it's later in the day or they are one of the biggest clubs in the bigger cities. I remember going to one club a little bit earlier in the evening and one dancer spotted me and asked if I had been there before. I told her I was a regular. She told me she had been working there over 2 years and never seen me before. I only give ratings for the way I see a club for when I visit. It's interesting to think a familiar club can seem brand new with different dancers if you visit at unfamiliar times.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ooooo You're So Big . . .
    I wasn't referring to BG's post. I suppose if your face is still smooth after a whole day, your hair must grow really slow not getting cut every day. I shave every day and a few hours later, you can see and feel the stubble again.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Popular Paris Hilton in Jail video
    Yes, I agree. Amber Hay looks better than Paris.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Senior Citizen Discount
    I haven't heard of any dancer offering a discount after a dance. Well except to keep going that is. The best discount is when a dancer says "that song was too short, I'm not counting it."
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    EXCUSES that strippers give to AVOID telling their PHONE NUMBER
    Happy belated Christmas RL. As your free gift, I took you off the ignore list even though I still see messages if I don't log in. You must be a lucky fellow RL. Most of the dancers I see in my area I wouldn't be interested in dating if I saw them in a bar. It might be nice if the strip clubs I went to were full of hot looking girls but they are often the ones who have attitude problems of which you seem to always post about. Well not always. I remember a few nice looking dancers made a move on me before I had a chance to even think about it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Rater Rules Gone Wrong
    Other things that might matter is if the dancers tend to stick to the regulars and I happen to be posting as a regular and enjoy a club while some guy off the street might get lucky just to get a dancers attention, unless he's dropping big bucks or has other things going for him/her. I might enjoy a few dancers who always offer two for one specials at a set price while the guy off the street might get charged higher for one dance than I paid for two or 3 lap dances. Some visits may be fun while others can be dull at times. There are lots of variables which may not even be mentioned in the club review. I don't usually post if I consider myself a regular or if I seem to be getting special attention but I wouldn't be surprised if I was in some cases. I've had a great time just watching the girls get nude on stage in some clubs and never got a dance and have rated a club well while I noticed some people sit alone at the tables watching from a distance. I wouldn't enjoy my visit from that far away. If there was a separate review rating for dances, I might rate those a lot differently than the club review since I don't get dances in every club I visit. I think the ratings are more like guidelines and you have to read the reviews to see if it's your kind of club. I guess I'm thinking of a pirate movie saying the ratings are more like guidelines.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    They're gone. They're all gone.
    I've noticed there seems to be more dancers trying to routinely get dances from me than I have ever been able to afford all at one time. I don't think that is too unusual for a lot of people. I find I am having trouble remembering the stage names of every dancer I like. The other day I see a dancer who seems familiar and she comes over and sits on my lap as if she knows me. I'm thinking maybe I know her from another club (maybe?) but then she tells me her roomate is a dancer who has been hugging me and been real nice to me even though she never asks me for a dance. I don't try to figure things out and just try to have fun.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Be certain with CERTS
    I agree as well. Every night is a new adventure. It makes sense since some girls may be hornier or more frisky one night than they are on other nights. The same applies to guys so every night can be different. Same thing applies to regular bars. Just because one night I go visit and just plan on playing some arcade games and having a couple of drinks during a short visit but I meet a sexy horny girl who starts feeling my legs and gives me her number when I wasn't even trying to pick up any girls, I don't expect that to happen every visit.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Entrapment by Local Vice Cops
    Book Guy, are you serious saying the cops beat you up while you doing an errand for your church? I wouldn't have left that one alone.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Who is the hottest girl on Deal Or No Deal?
    Anyone got any good pic links for their favorites? I tend to like #10 and #3 I believe but I haven't checked out pics for all the girls. I watched the show this evening and the guest got up to about $411,000 but then got greedy and kept going until she was down to only $300,000 something. Lucky guest, she had only $1 in her case. I wonder what kind of screening they do for guests on the show. I'm thinking go for it attitude, somewhat loud and a bit showy. Probably have to think of a good excuse of what you're going to spend the money as well. I guess I could be interesting if I got some dancers to go on the show with me as a support group. I might have an interesting time explaining that to everyone I know after the show.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Club visit requests? Does anyone ever do them?
    Well thanks for posting a review Darkwolf for the Augusta area. I've lived within 1 to 2 hours driving distance from there but have never visited any clubs there. I used to think, well when I don't see any more favorites or get bored with the other clubs, I may go visit clubs I have never been to. I don't feel like I'm missing too much although I wouldn't mind if one of the those Augusta clubs was closer. I thought there used to be more than 3 strip clubs in Augusta. I'm wondering if some closed down.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How about wishing each other a Happy New Year
    May the dancers and/or your nieces be all over you as much as they have on me recently. I prefer dancers over nieces though. The dancers are a lot quieter too.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How about wishing each other a Happy New Year
    Happy New Year, I just remembered I don't have to go back to work on Monday. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    They're gone. They're all gone.
    I know what you guys are talking about. I remember one stripper showed up out of the blue and always wanted to give me blowjobs and fuck all night and into the morning. It was real hard to break up with her. In the end I didn't have to, she just disappeared one day and I never saw her again.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Weird Experiences?
    For me weird implies unusual or something that may have happened only once at least while I was there. Right now I'm only thinking of a few different things which may or may not be too weird to some other people. I remember I saw a dancer fall off of a tall stage and didn't get back up. A bouncer came over and carried her off. Hopefully she didn't break anything. Another time I saw a guy knocked out cold lying on the floor. Apparently his wife had come into the strip club and hit him on the head with a beer bottle. The ambulance arrived shortly afterwards. Another time I remember a crazy shooter was on the news as having shot up some people on a military base nearby. I heard most people who got shot were in the special forces. When I went to visit one club, across from me sat various guys with bandages, arm slings, and other injuries. Lol, I was thinking afterwards most of the special forces must visit this strip club. One of the weirdest things I heard about was when I was hanging out with 3 dancers (one I knew) and they were with 2 guys (3 counting me). One dancer mentioned something about a military plane explosion where several people died. Basically one guy was pissed off because he was declared dead. That was the first dead guy I ever talked to.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is your sign?
    The description for my sign doesn't fit me. Maybe that's why more than one dancer called me unique and hard to forget. I remember one dancer who definitely fit one sign but I never asked what sign she was. Interesting reading for the few minutes I did. Thanks for the post. As a little bit of science, did you know your astrology sign is incorrect if astrology were updated? Your sign is supposed to correlate to the constellation the sun is in when you are born. This has changed after thousands of years so if you used the signs as they did thousands of years ago, I believe most people would have to use the sign for the previous month.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    bias, TUSCL readers and strip club customers.
    Some dancers have strong opinions about this I believe. Who is in a strip club? A simple answer you might hear is those customers spending money and those who aren't. I've heard much further break downs but I don't remember them at the moment. Perhaps it's a bunch of young college age kids without much money to spend, then some older guys with some married and some not married. Then there are couples. I've even seen groups of girls which seems to be new to me since they do not seem to be strippers. Seems a bit strange to me if you're sitting in a men's strip club and you are surrounded by nice looking female customers. It can be nice but something I'm not used to yet especially if the female customers look a lot better than the strippers.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    #1 Reason for Disappointment with New Club?
    I'll definitely agree with lack of pretty dancers. Then comes prices that are too high. Other reasons might be con artists or rip off artists posing as dancers. I'm trying to remember back when I visited one club which I like now, why I didn't return for over 2 years. Perhaps it was because I didn't see anything better there than at the club I liked better. Plus I had a hard time enjoying the view because every single dancer seemed to be constantly popping up asking "wanna dance?" as if they were taking turns every minute. I would change seats and that didn't seem to help at all. That might have been after I returned to the club though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Entrapment by Local Vice Cops
    Book guy, thanks for sharing. I had no idea cops were still doing that in Canada or that Canadians have been treating others like second class citizens as standard procedure.