
Comments by casualguy (page 115)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever feel like you can read a strippers mind?
    Alot of it may be body language. You can get a lot of extra enjoyment out of a strip club visit if you know how to take advantage of the situation. If you know the dancer on stage will do a little bump and grind if you go up and tip her just to put on a good show to get lots more tips, it's a good time to go tip first. The longer it takes for the next guy to go wait to tip, the longer some dancers will go at it. Every once in a while, a dancer will do this for 2 or 3 minutes, all for one dollar. I guess in her mind, it's more fun than dancing around an empty stage with no one tipping. Usually though if a dancer puts on a good show if I'm first to tip, a bunch of other guys will follow.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strip club shooting
    meant to say he was just joining the crowd. Hopefully no one involved in this shooting will read this. If anyone does, sorry to hear the news of this tragedy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Who is the hottest girl on Deal Or No Deal?
    I stumbled upon one of the girl's video on youtube not too long ago. I recognized her when I saw her on the show afterwards. Lots of nice looking girls keep my attention. I keep thinking there is a correlation between how hot they look and the dollar figure they are holding but I noticed they are starting to mix that up a bit more now. Either that or I am more psychic than I realized.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Who is the hottest girl on Deal Or No Deal?
    Well my theory just went down the drain on the show on right now. He knocked out $750,000 then 1 million. Guess it's back to good ol luck in the picking again. I've been accused of being the luckiest person in the world by a few people several years ago when I was playing games with them. Now I just need some back it appears. I kind of miss the days when I had strangely weird luck. I like a certian blonde girl on the show. I don't remember her name. Just like visiting the girls in a strip club I guess. I do remember the real name of one dancer though probably because she didn't tell me but let me get it from her cell phone message. She told me her real nickname which I guess is what her friends call her.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Who is the hottest girl on Deal Or No Deal?
    I wonder what ever happened to all the 3D technology. I remember playing a 3D video game many years ago and I could actually move my fingers through the holograms standing above a display and I didn't need to wear any 3D glasses. One of my old friends said he could build a 3D TV but had one minor problem. He said the lasers would have to be so powerful that they would slice your head off if they touched you.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Who is the hottest girl on Deal Or No Deal?
    Just got a fantastic idea for a new hit show. Deal or No Deal with special 3D X-ray decoder glasses. If you wear the glasses you get to see through the girls clothes in 3D. We just need a government grant and special funding to research and construct our most popular hit show. I could start off by doing a control study on how the girls look nude. Someone else just needs to do the technical work on the see through dresses. :) :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever feel like you can read a strippers mind?
    I'm a bit different since I don't throw a ton of ones usually just one in fact when stage tipping. However I am the first one several times. I enjoy getting the extra bump and grind or extra show several dancers perform. I'm sure it's just to get lots more guys to tip but I enjoy it anyway. There may be a few dancers now who have gotten in the habit of putting on an extra show when I tip them now regardless of when I tip them. I guess it can be habit forming. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Memphis while you were out ...
    I thought it was interesting the FBI was involved which makes me wonder if other clubs are currently under investigation. I wonder if there are such things as undercover dancers. If there was, she'd probably ask for more money than I was willing to pay or give a lousy dance I bet. Strip club managers will need to work harder to keep the drugs, guns, and prostitutes away from the strip clubs. I'm not in favor of more clubs closing down.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Anybody here like lapdances?
    I remember in one military town I suddenly did not enjoy part of the extras offered for free during the lap dance. These free extras or I call them extras were when many of the dancers started biting the customers during the lap dance per some suggestion from some guys who must have been awfully persuasive. The girls usually seemed to go below the belt. They were biting too hard I thought and I kept saying OWW! during the lap dance to let them get the hint. After a while I started to get used to it and it actually felt good if they didn't bite too hard. Then they stopped doing it as suddenly as they started. Makes you wonder if they didn't enjoy it as much. When I initially tried to talk the dancers out of it all I heard from a dancer was some guys told them that they go numb after drinking too much and they are simply giving them some feeling. I had a few beers but I wasn't that numb. Biting my nipples only caused pain. Biting my arm or ear lobes didn't ever excite me but it did make me a little bit nervous.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Memphis while you were out ...
    You left one out. The IRS was involved. If money is involved, you know the IRS is involved.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Anybody here like lapdances?
    I don't remember a free lap dance that I didn't enjoy. I've had some free dances offered by dancers, one by someone I knew just to keep quiet. That may have been an all air table dance in that one club from many years ago but I still remember she had one of the hottest bodies I had ever seen and great looking nipples. Oh, I remember a few months ago I had my first free double dance from two girls at the same time. Never found out if a customer I did not know paid for it or if the dancers did it because they liked me or something.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Memphis while you were out ...
    Anyone got any working links to video of this? I would like to see the one with the stripper making the fast remarks.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    One nice thing about solving so many aerospace equations was that it was usually pretty easy to determine if you made a mistake early on in your calculations. I remember I had written about 6 pages of equations for certain characteristics of an airplane designed to fly on Mars using solar power. For those not familiar, the equations fed into each other so that one error early on got compounded. When I came up with the final speed of the Martian flyer, I laughed and knew I made a mistake early on. I converted the speed I had and determined if my calculations were correct, my Martian flyer had a top speed equal to about 40 percent light speed. I thought that was funny. Then I had to correct the mistake.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Platinum Plus, Memphis, TN
    Looks like the club was closed down perhaps permanently. Charges of drugs, guns, and prostitution. Read about it on the thread about Memphis while you were gone. If you have a working link of the video of the raid, please post it here. I tried a couple last night and could not get them to work. I believe I read on the PP, Memphis web site 80 indictments were given out.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Platinum Plus, Memphis, TN
    Meant to say PP, Memphis discussion thread on this web site.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    What is the definition of a hustler?
    All I ever expect is a dance. I don't consider a dancer to be a hustler just because she asked for a dance. Now if she doesn't tell you how much it costs and charges above the normal price or uses other deceit or hustling tactics, she is a hustler. I'm younger and around the same age or just slightly older than a number of dancers. If I'm talking to a dancer and she suddenly expresses a desire to see me outside the club, I have to determine if she just wants to get to know me better or if she is trying to hustle me. I can easily over analyze things though. It was a lot simpler several years ago when I was more carefree and if a dancer wanted to hang out with me after work, I would just leave with her. In spite of what some posters seem to think, most of the time I was hanging out with dancers after their work hours, we were not doing any sexual activity. We were just being friends. Apparently hanging out with strippers saved the life of one military guy. I am assuming that because he seemed a bit pissed off at being declared dead by the military. There was an airplane crash and he was assigned and supposed to be sitting in an area that had everyone dead. I was apparently hanging out with a group of dancers and their friends that night. I was tagging along with my dancer friend. I was trying not to smile but I thought it was funny the way the dead guy kept going off saying "I've got a good mind not to show up for work on Monday!"
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Is it that unusual to make a stripper laugh?
    The only people I ever knew for sure were on drugs were some guys I knew in college. They didn't seem to laugh that much. They did tell me they were on something at one time and told me not too move so fast. Then they started staring at the patterns on the wall. Don't ask me what they saw. They would have made a good anti-drug commercial in my opinion. Today's college students probably won't have the same experience unless everyone is still drinking. I remember occasionally seeing movies on the weekend at our college theatre and about 15 minutes before the movie started a crowd of about 200 on one side would stand up and shout "tastes great" and then the other side of 200 students would stand up and shout "less filling" and repeat for a few minutes. I think everyone had a few drinks.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Should you let a stripper know you'd like to fuck her?
    I remember a dancer I had already fucked and she was telling me she was horny and asking if I'd like to get together with her after she got off from work (very late at night). When I said no thanks she did seem to want to fuck me even more. That is after she stopped asking questions like "are you getting tired of me?" It may have been true that night since I just wanted to have a few drinks and party all night long that night. After that, she seemed almost like a nymphomaniac to me. I didn't mind that much though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Platinum Plus, Memphis, TN
    thanks for the links. At this rate, if the big one hits Memphis, there won't be a single strip club destroyed. The big earthquake will destroy all the churches and other large buildings in Memphis. I think our government will only care about their pocket book. Perhaps its time to cut funding for certain government departments to stop angering the Gods. Oh yeah, I forgot, the news media believes everything we say on here is the truth by referencing and linking to this site. idiots.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Should you let a stripper know you'd like to fuck her?
    I've had dancers give me hints that suggest they would like to fuck me, some more blunt than others. I don't see a problem with giving hints but if she already has a boyfriend or is a prude, give it up. It's best to find out more about her life to see what your chances are if you're really that interested unless she makes the first move.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Should you let a stripper know you'd like to fuck her?
    Of course since the news media linked to this site and they believe everything we say I should add the disclaimer here. If a girl says something as simple as "you have a nice smile", we guys will interpret that as a hint that she wants to fuck. If she asks "are you married", we guys interpret that as "she wants to fuck." If she asks "where are you from?", we guys interpret that as "she wants to fuck." After a while, we're just waiting for the girl to say when and where. I mean it wouldn't be a strip club fantasy or discussion board if we didn't believe almost every girl in the club didn't want to fuck. Forget about boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, etc., this is the guys fantasy world.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Should you let a stripper know you'd like to fuck her?
    By the way if a dancer mentions she has a boyfriend to a customer, that is a sign that she is telling you she isn't looking for any outside the club relationships. If she doesn't mention it or is vague about it, well then maybe she doesn't care. I still think it's a pretty good indication unless she fucks everyone and then I would stay away anyway for safety reasons.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Should you let a stripper know you'd like to fuck her?
    butt out clif, please direct your comments to someone who cares.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    You guys are lucky I changed majors. In my spare time, I might have started a new toy hobby designing model airplanes that can really shoot down other model airplanes in dogfights and with explosive charges. Would have made a great show and still would I believe if anybody else had the money and time to run with it. You could just call it aerial robotic annihilation. When I heard somebody's model airplane flying around, I kept wanting a plane that would be able to shoot it down.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Does anyone else feel that Romantic Lover asks too many arbitrary questions?
    RL was put back on my ignore list sometime in the last week or two. That's his penalty for starting too many lame topics at one time.