
Comments by casualguy (page 117)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is your sign?
    Book guy, I'll agree that astrology may have started off sort of like a science many thousands of years ago but evolved into something more like psychology. Just the zodiac signs not matching up to the time of your birth should tell people with a little bit of sense that reading a chart according to their sign is not going to mean too much. Of course people do not like being told they are wrong. If they see 2 or 3 things out of several that are right in what they are talking about, they'll think the whole thing makes sense. Probably why so many believe all these predictions from almost anyone who has been in the news. It's like "oh, did you hear there was an earthquake? somewhere somewhen and this guy predicted one? Yeah right. Ok, whatever you want to believe. Zodiac sign readings may have general useful advice though so some probably do fit. Of course you could probably do the same thing with a different sign. They don't match up anyway. If you believe something will happen, you tend to do things to make it happen.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is your sign?
    For instance I was thinking I was going to run into a very nice looking favorite of mine (hadn't seen her in a few weeks and thought she must have taken the holidays off). I saw her and enjoyed her company. She's also either bi or lesbian, must be bi since she dances for me pretty good. Interesting talking to her since we can talk about some of the same things. For instance last night I told her if you search www.youtube.com for the terms "flower pussy" you can see something that looks like a flower but I believe is an actual pussy. She said she was going to look. I don't remember if I told someone else but another dancer said she called her pussy tulip. My memory is vague about that one.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    They're gone. They're all gone.
    I saw a help wanted sign in a store down the road from me the other day. I guess it depends on what kind of job you want to get. This one was at a restaurant. Good luck in your job search guys. Happy New Year. May all of us be happy and prosperous. Any luck with Monster.com?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strippers BRAGGING about being CHEAP tippers
    This is a new one RL. What are you talking about? Why would strippers be talking about how they tip? I don't see too many strippers tipping other strippers and never heard of them bragging about it. Maybe this is some new Texas fad.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    The reason some strippers do many things - her BOYFRIEND
    What if the stripper has a GIRLFRIEND?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Safety at strip clubs
    I haven't noticed any increase in crime but I have noticed a stronger presence from the police on occasion. There seem to be extra cameras on the highways and I heard extra cameras in some clubs. I'm not at all worried about my personal safety since I feel safe where I visit. However I would like it if parking lots were watched more closely to keep out any unwanted people. I think the lots are watched as well. I feel like I'm in a police state but there is still a chance you can feel more threatened by the police than by any criminal. Last night I read they had the standard road block check points. The other night I saw lots of blue lights at almost every intersection. I even saw some police in the strip club just for a minute apparently checking up on things. I didn't even drink anything last weekend for fear of police harassment. I somehow missed all the checkpoints though the other night.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Who is the hottest girl on Deal Or No Deal?
    Couldn't find free nude pics after looking for a couple of minutes for Katie. However I found a full listing along with pics of all the models here. http://www.buddytv.com/tvshow/page/Deal-or-No-Deal-cast-1.aspx
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    sounds like you're back in blue.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever give outfit suggestions to a dancer?
    I had a dancer take forever to get her top back on. She sat beside me like that for awhile. Actually I think she was trying to untangle a spider like web of a dress after doing a table dance for me. It probably took her over 15 minutes but I didn't mind at all.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to screw up a strip club visit!
    I found it kind of fun to have one of my favorites as lesbian or bi. I think she's bi since she seems to like me and gives good dances. The last time I got a dance from her she waited a few minutes before the next song started. Then she told me she liked watching this other dancer who was real flexible. I hadn't even hardly noticed. Well I did notice one dancer from a distance who was doing tricks such as using her hands on the stage and bending her legs over backwards in the air back down towards her. That must have been her. The same night I noticed one female friend somebody apparently brought into the club and she wasn't happy at all. Apparently whoever brought her was a bad judge unless they said something to upset her. I just think it's a bad idea to bring a girl to a strip club if you don't ask her first or don't believe she'll like it. Same thing goes for guys. Some people are too conservative or think it's against their morals. That would probably be the same people who don't complain about all the violence on tv but think it's immoral for girls to be showing their breasts. I guess some people believe violence is moral while a loving environment is not. Anyway, make sure the people you bring to a strip club are looking to have fun. That's what I think is the point of the story.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Who is the hottest girl on Deal Or No Deal?
    thanks, happylap. She does look good blowing bubbles. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Safety at strip clubs
    I remember a dancer once asked me an odd question if I ever was concerned about a bunch of girls trying to rape me or gang up on me to get their sexual way, then she quickly answered her own question by saying I would probably enjoy it. A bunch of girls trying to have sex with me has not been a major problem. I do remember some girls from a Korean club that spotted me (trying to visit a strip club) and they ran across the street and forced me into their club so they could play with me. Yep, crime is bad when your biggest worry is a bunch of girls want to play with Mr Happy. Obviously if the public heard about such incidences (this was many years ago), they would send police out to investigate these hideous crimes. I believe the crime rate is a lot lower now. I don't remember gangs of girls grabbing me in the last few years.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Frequency of visits vs posting reviews
    The last few years I seem to be visiting only a few clubs and if I just reviewed the same club not too long ago and nothing changed, I don't see a need to post a review unless I just want to keep my membership up to date or have a few extra minutes to go ahead and post a review. We can only post a review on the same club once every 6 weeks.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Frequency of visits vs posting reviews
    I thought we could only post a review once every 6 weeks. Has that changed or is it only for certain clubs? Anyone know?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Club Reviewer Faves
    I do wonder if a reviewer rates one of your clubs you routinely visit much higher than anyone else has. Makes you wonder what they saw that you haven't.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Safety at strip clubs
    FONDL, if you wait long enough, it will be light outside. Just joking. I don't want to get in a habit of going to sleep when the sun comes up.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Safety at strip clubs
    hmmm, too many crazies out there, I wonder if that's why everyone stays away from me. Just joking. I don't live in a large city and haven't noticed any difference between day and night except more people are out at night visiting clubs and bars. I did have a guy in the 82nd airborne call me crazy one night which I thought was strange but then he added that he was too as if that made everything ok. I didn't feel threatened. The level of photons reflecting off of surfaces doesn't change the time I feel like visiting a club. You still have uncaught murderers, thieves and other cutthroats still roaming the streets any time they feel like it. They just don't tell you who they are. I usually avoid strangers as well.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Hot and Sweaty
    I don't really care to get someone elses sweat all over me. I just don't enjoy that. I did have a sweaty dancer sit down with me after she got finished with doing some stage dancing. I said she looked hot and she just smiled at me and I thought that didn't come out exactly like I met it. I was thinking hot and sweaty but she seemed to like the way it sounded when I said that. I wasn't interested in getting a dance from someone with a lot of sweat dripping off of them. I don't find it relaxing or enjoyable to go to clubs all hot and sweaty either so I will take a shower and cool off myself.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Two groups here
    It would be real easy to be general if you haven't been inside a strip club in over a year like FONDL stated. I can talk about things from years ago though and make it sound recent. Seems like yesterday to me. If I wanted to I could also exagerate a little bit and make the whole story sound more believable. It's usually the true stories that almost no one ever believes.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Two groups here
    I guess there could be a few rare occasions when I want to discuss what a dancer said. That's getting more specific. For instance I could start a discussion on what information about a dancer will be turn offs or turn ons. For instance, if you start a discussion with a dancer and find out she has gone 150 mph on a bike, does that make her seem hotter or a bit dangerous and a turn off? What if find out another dancer is actually a drug user? I think that is a bit of a turn off. I may still get dances from her but I won't be as interested in seeing her outside the club anymore. Too many red flags make some dancers seem reckless and dangerous. I guess I'm digressing off topic here.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Go when you're in a crappy mood?
    I don't think I go to clubs if I'm in a bad mood. Fortunately, when I'm not working and feeling fine without being sick, that seldom happens. That might be why I'm in a better mood since I like my days off from work even if it's only two days a week. Many dancers seem to like being around me maybe because I cheer them up. I enjoy seeing them smile back. You can help create whatever strip club experience you are expecting. If I don't feel like venturing out, I just stay home.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Safety at strip clubs
    I always have safety in mind. Probably why I just don't visit areas that look real shady or suspicious looking to me. Of course if I happen to look like everyone else, I might not care too much. If someone were to pull a gun on me, I would just give them my money and hope the police give them what they deserve. If someone doesn't have a weapon and starts threatening me, I can do the same or worse. I'll try to avoid situations and avoid all fights. I still remember many years ago as a little kid, about 8 other kids same age as me ganged up on me and I accidently caused 3 or 4 to go to the hospital with broken teeth or bones without even realizing I hit them that hard. The rest managed to escape ok. I used to hit pretty hard. We weren't using any weapons back then except our fists and they tried to use their legs as well. That's probably how they got hurt because I knocked a few kids down out of mid air kicks. I've avoided any fights since then. It was many years ago. They got me angry after one of them kicked me. I turned into some kind of tasmanian devil after that and I don't want to ever go there again. I'm normally just a quiet guy so no one would ever expect that I guess.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Safety at strip clubs
    I first started visiting strip clubs in an area with a lot of military personnel. Considering some other guy may be trained in hand to hand and know 100's of ways to kill someone with their bare hands, that was just another reason to avoid any bad situations and pay attention to your surroundings.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Choosing Your Entertainment - Exotic Dancer vs. Escort vs. Masseuse
    Talking about safety, I would have never visited an Asian masage parlor except I happened to be walking by one totally unaware and had 3 girls grab me and pull me in. 3 girls can be pretty forceful. They were right next to a strip club I wanted to visit. The next time I planned to visit the strip club, I approached the club from the opposite direction and had 3 girls grab me from the other side. There was a different massage parlor on the other side of the club. I had the most difficult time trying to visit that particular strip club. It's in an area that got closed down years ago.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Two groups here
    If I know something is illegal, I'll usually avoid the dancer and any mention of it to her as well. As far as the example of above of racing at high speed, that is not necessarily illegal. I know of a race track where I was once invited to go race my vehicle. I never did because of the rules of the race track. I did not want to sign off that my insurance was not going to cover any damages to my car. I heard about someone driving a car similiar to the one I had and got their speed up to 152 mph. Of course I thought these topics would be boring if you didn't throw in some mystery some I have been a bit general or vague in many instances. I won't list names either unless someone ticked me off.