
Comments by zipman68 (page 87)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A little political humor.
    I of course am referring to the true issue with the Nazis...STUPID ASS MUSTACHES! Oh, and the whole genocide and attacking their neighbors thing. But those mustaches were really FUCKED UP!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A little political humor.
    GMD...you do realize that the US government regulates many aspects of business. For example, the FDA does place limits on the number of maggots above a certain size that you can have in mushrooms. Just looked it up and it is no more than 20 per 100 grams and no more than 5 of them can be longer than 2 mm long. So is it fascism for the FDA to close down my mushroom plant just 'cos they gots the maggots. I mean this is a capitalist country...why SHOULDN'T I be allowed to sell 'shrooms with XXXtra maggots. ZOMG the fascists are coming to get me! Regardless of whether the ACA is good or bad policy it isn't qualitatively different from plenty of other policies that are longstanding and many of which are good policy...unless you dig buying your 'shrooms and finding that they are actually 'shrooms 'n maggots that is. Simply looking up a few factoids 'bout Nazi Germany doesn't mean any parallel you notice is Nazism. You do realize the real problem with the Nazis, don't you?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A little political humor.
    OK...I'll bite 'cos I need some LOLZ. How exactly is the ACA fascist or socialist? ...or fascist rather than socialist? ...or riddleresqe or whatever all the right wing nutjobs think it is? It is what it is: a cobbled together system that arose of of compromises necessary to get it passed. I have a hard time getting that excited over it. But assertions like ol' Dallas' are a just a wee bit over the top. 'Cos we all know that typical congressional staffers...we know the come from backgrounds where they don't have health insurance. Indeed, I would be not at all shocked if -- to a person -- none had ever visited a doctor in their lives! In fact, I heard that BigTuna is actually a congressional staffer. He doles out the medical care in the form of rumatiz medicine fro his granny's still!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How Many Schola ships have you paid 4 ?
    Juice my brother I was worried 'bout you. I figured that Cambydude might have snapped, tracked you down, and kidnapped you so he could manhandle you. He is a twisted dude that just might do that. i know you could kick his ass in a fair figt, but i bet he has tasers and shizzle like dat. Did dat kidnappin' shizzle happen? Did you make an e-scape?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A little political humor.
    Wow...we have an expert on policy issues amongst us. I'm impressed! Maybe Mr. DallasDude could share his insights in a detailed post. I'm preparing myself to be amazed!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    part time job
    Well, well, well Bonerbreath. Are you capable of even once post where you don't sound like a racist with a truly tiny prick. What exactly is your major malfunction KKK boy? I bet you tried to hire an AA hooker once and she saw what was in your pants and couldn't keep herself from laughing. Did hearing hear laughing 'bout your widdle pee-pee hurt your widdle feelings?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Hallmark -- The Stripclub Collection
    But aren't all strippers totally sincere about the biggest dick ever thing?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    part time job
    Ooo...ooh...James dude...how about you take up cooking meth and stealing oxy. Remember what the LOL strippers say: I can haz MEF? If you got the mef you will get strippers. And I hear meth/oxy dealer pays better than bathroom troll. Just move on up to WV with ol' TunaDude. You'll fit in perfectly!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    part time job
    Being a valet is much more prestigious than being a bag boy or bathroom troll. Don't raise ol' James' hopes. I'm not sure he is ready to achieve that level of success!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Totally true story - Believe it of Don't!
    Thank you Brother Dolomite for finding Bonerbreath! I'm sure he'll return with stories of his highly successful Klan rally.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    part time job
    I hear the strippers REALLY dig the bathroom troll. I bet you'll get a lot of free head.
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    11 years ago
    off topic hot dreams with alien females or lucid dreams
    Whether 'tis your holodeck dreams or a 'shroom fueled SC visit all i can sat is... QAPLA' Even if you goin' to Vulcan there be no better word for it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    off topic hot dreams with alien females or lucid dreams
    True dat Slick. Take some groovy 'shroom before you club and you'll be gettin' lappers from Vulcan chicks my friend. An there ain't no lapper like a Vulcan lapper. It is only logical.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Tatiana At Harem and Other Ramblings
    True dat Tennis dude...you made a mistake. You got slapped for it. But that ain't hate. We cool wit' you 'cos ev'rybody makes mistakes. Now hate would be some random prick that hasn't reviewed a club getting all up in your grill about a dull but perfectly accurate review 'bout a dull time at a club. 'Cos they never had a dull time in a strip club or 'cos it ain't worth sharing a dull time or who the fuck knows. But that is jes' the way you roll if you're a hateful dude. Ooo...ooh... And you also prop folks 22 times with the same BS. Let's see if we can break 50 times! You have to work through the hate and come ou da othah side to enlightenment.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Totally true story - Believe it of Don't!
    What? No love for this story. I know why...no explanation of Txtittyfag's origin! Turns out he is also a half brother of TDHQ and Camby...actually their older brother. But his father was human. However, he was no prize. Nosiree Bob...Txtittyfag's pappy was the dude that drove ol' Toy to her love of the beasts!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    My GAWD the number of posts has declined
    But I'm trying to cultivate Cambydude to be Juice's replacement. At some point that dude is going to snap and just sit at his computer 24/7 gobbling no-doz and posting 'bout what an asshole I am. Not as funny a Juice but prolly acceptable fer some shits and giggles. C'mon Camby...you only propped me once! You're record was around 22 props. Let's see if we can break it! And who knows...maybe the repetitiveness of his obsessive propping will be his path to enlightenment. Jes' call me Bodhisattva Zipper!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    My GAWD the number of posts has declined
    Don't take it personally SlickSpic...you're postin' some coo-el shizzle. It is just that one used to be able to open up the TUSCL and there would be about twice as many posts. Maybe one or two really funny ones. The rest were meta-funny...even if the individual post wasn't funny it became funny in the context of that wacky Brother Juice the could spend a day arguing with himself. None of us can sustain that level of productivity on a discussion board. Well...not withou a case a Red Bull, heroic amounts of meth, and some sort of electrical system attached to your balls that shocks you when you stop posting. Hence my theory that he was receiving messages from GOD. Although it could have been the neighbors dog or a blown stereo that he used to play "Helter Skelter" over and over again. Though the latter two sources of info didn't work out too well in the past for their recipients.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I think he was singing about a stripper
    Ain't nothing like that Tainted Love. One of my best college memories was tripping balls on acid while "Non Stop Erotic Caberet" played. If you think "Tainted Love" is coo-el (and it is waycoo-el!!!) you should hear "Sex Dwarf". On ACID. Look up "coo-el" in the dictionary...you'll find a drawing of an acid head listening to "Sex Dwarf".
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    My GAWD the number of posts has declined
    Quality is in the eye of the beholder Brother Jab. I'm down with you diggin' what you dig and disdaining that which you don't dig. I enjoy the funny posts and miss them. Plus, I don't wish ill on anyone so my hope is that our lost brothers are off having fun. Well...maybe I wish a little ill on Cambydude 'cos that dude is like a bulldog with his o so dull insults. If you're going to insult me at least make it funny. Don't just prop me 20 times with "not a coo-el dude...time to go". Dat shizzle be WEAK! No...even Cambydude deserves happiness... For the rest o' y'all. Just remember that you are what you are and you ain't what you ain't and ack accordingly.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Oops... "They're great", as Tony the Tiger would say. Not "their great"
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    IronDude... You should do whatever makes you happy my brother. LDK is one of the coolest dudes on here. Why...'cos the dude digs the whole jizz in trou gig and doesn't care if other folks give him shit. That be truly coo-el. If you dig the cuddling you should cuddle away my friend. Just like LDK should ignore his detractors that try to act like their great because it takes 4 Viagra, a pound of Green M&Ms, and a girl willing to let you assfuck her while she DPs herself with a 12 inch dildo while wearing electrified nipple clamps. Hey, I'm not saying everydude should indulge in the jizz in trou or the cuddling. Hell, if the pervo special (anal penetration of DP girl that wears electrified nipple clamps) you should try to find a girl that is willing. To thine own self be true my brother.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    Who else recieved a "Send All",from Alucramp?
    You know, the Drac-hate is kind of old. The thing I realized about Alucard is that he DOES mean what he says. And, all things considered, he isn't that bad a guy. I have a hard time piling on when everybody kicks the dude...seems cruel. I honestly don't think he is like TDHQ, who is just being an asshole. Or 23cambydude who is both godawful boring and an asshole. They are funny to poke. He isn't even like Rickydude...who is full of himself and has some pretty fucked up views. Anybody remember the thread where he hoped some poor girl that had been raped growing up that also had medical issues would backslide on her addictions so he could get cheaper OTC. IIRC he rationalized it by pointing out that her titties were nice. That was pretty fucked up right there. I'm not saying I expect Rick to go all white knight on her -- she has to vanquish her personal demons herself -- but c'mon dude, don't hope that the poor girl backslides. Personally, I'd extricate myself from dat shizzle. No good can come of it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Tatiana At Harem and Other Ramblings
    OMG...what if the now VDSM stripper you just outed is married to Juice? Maybe the reason for his absence is that he is now married. But you know the dude will be back here. Tennis dude...you just ruined two lives! Both VDSM former stripper and Brother Juice are now fucked!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Tatiana At Harem and Other Ramblings
    Uncool tennisdude. Certainly not cool to use her full name dude. First name maybe...there are a lot of girls with some random first name. What if she she left the business and became a Volvo driving soccer mom. You could have just fucked up her relationship with Straightdude McBreadwinner. Especially if he is actually a pervo that posts here on TUSCL.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What the hell to make of tonight? [long-ish]
    How sweet...she is in LOVE with you. Now you have a story to tell your kids about how you met their mother.