
off topic hot dreams with alien females or lucid dreams

Anyone have any ideas of what kind of fun you would like to do if you could alter your dreams however you like? Kind of like programming the Star Trek holodeck to create any fantasy you want. This morning I dreamed about 3 hot girls with extremely nice tits. I believe one was an alien or spent part of her life in the sea but she looked perfectly human. She had excellent oral skills too. I don't remember trying to make my dream like that. I think I watched something on tv about mermaids before I fell asleep last night.

How's this for a holodeck experience. A strip club full of hot dancers with a sign that doesn't say 2 drink minimum, it says BJ's $5. Maybe lying on the beach with a bunch of topless girls would be more exciting. I remember reading a sci fi book where someone built a space craft that could travel to anywhere in space including any number of parallel realities. The females wanted to visit an Earth where they could be almost naked but not totally nude because they said it was more arousing to males if they had something on even if it wasn't much. They also wanted an Earth that wasn't too hot or too cold. Picky picky I thought. I do not remember the name of the book.


  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I had quite an intense & sexual dream Friday night.

    Sure wish I had access to a Holodeck. LOL
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    I wouldn't want to alter my dreams. There's a dangerous possiblity that some nutters are going to wound up living in their dreams forever. Especially the broke deadbeat old losers who failed at life and simply want to relive tbeir glory days. Like inception.

    On a happier note, I dreamt that some hot blond in a black dress hitted on me in a diner by giving me a serious lap dance. Now if girls could only flirt like that I real life then I would be a happy man.
  • lotsoffun201
    11 years ago
    Forget the Holodeck..... Watch the movie Dreamscape. Brings up all kinds of possibilities if that were possible.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Why wait for a Holodeck when ethneogens exist.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    True dat Slick. Take some groovy 'shroom before you club and you'll be gettin' lappers from Vulcan chicks my friend. An there ain't no lapper like a Vulcan lapper. It is only logical.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Whether 'tis your holodeck dreams or a 'shroom fueled SC visit all i can sat is... QAPLA'

    Even if you goin' to Vulcan there be no better word for it.
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    Try watching Sex Galaxy. On netflix streaming. Funnier that shit.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I'm NOT about to use artificial means like SlickSpic to achieve more realistic dreams. To dangerous IMO!
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I don't want to take anything artificial either. I occassionally already meet alien females in my dreams. I also can fly in many dreams without realizing I'm dreaming.

    My last bad dream probably involved O'Drama getting upset that he couldn't bomb Syria so now he is just willing to let US debt default to cause maximum pain back on all those who voted for him. Senior citizens and relatives and many others will be really upset when gas prices skyrocket, social security checks are not paid in full and China starts selling a trillion dollars worth of US debt or getting whatever they can out of it. ODrama will blame Republicans for not negotiating but the people will blame him and the republicans. No one is talking or negotiating. However almost no one expects a default because it sounds too horrible except to the 1percenter politicians who fully expect to blame the other guy. They will see it as a win except when the people come at them with pitch forks. They already shaved a certain percentage of jobs and economic growth off of US GDP already and it's only getting worse while both sides continue to not talk. sorry, I said it was a bad dream. Kind of like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    If you don't like what is happening in DC, then vote ALL of them out of office. Bellyaching won't get it done, although it may make you feel good for a minute. It isn't Rocket Science.
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