
Comments by zipman68 (page 86)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Why is Bonerbreath a RACIST PRICK?
    And Esta...IF Camby is a lawyer I'm certain he went to a third rate law school. And he probably couldn't pass the bar 'til his fifth try. I wouldn't want that dude handling anything of importance. He really isn't very smart. Just read his posts. No creativity. No panache. I suspect he practices law the same way.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Why is Bonerbreath a RACIST PRICK?
    @JesterDude -- You don't seem to be keeping up. I try to make my stories 'bout the Troll Crew creative to amuse and delight. In contrast to Bonerbreath barfing up pointless crap with a heavy dose of racism I tell a delightful story 'bout how TDHQ was born 9 months after a cheap whore fucked a retarded German Shepard. I bring some panache to the game. Not just moronic repetition (unless, of course, the repetition is the point). I'd gladly treat Cambytude, Unchill Palmer, and even Bonerbreath with respect if they treated me with respect. My crime in their eyes is supporting Brother Juice. Now the Juicedude has been over the top at times...but he is also friggin' funny a lot of the time. Don't agree. Your prerogative. But a number of folks find him funny. What did I get from Cambydude in response to saying "dude...I find a lot of Juice's posts funny and so do others...ignore him if you don't like him"? I got BS about "you're sucking Juice's dick" (BTW Camby, 3rd graders everywhere called...they want their insult back). Why the fuck shouldn't I throw shit right back in that dudes face? BTW, the dude is clearly obsessed with me. Props me twice every time he logs on! I like deleting his props 'cos it gets his goat! I left one up this time 'cos i thought it would be funny that way. I bet if I push him I can get him to prop me 50 times in one sitting. YOU HEAR THAT CAMBYBITCH...PROP ME MORE YOU SACK O' SHIT!!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A little political humor.
    @Jester..."Comparing the ACA to minimum food standards or automobile safety requirements is just silly. Imposing standards on production that can't be controlled by the markets, or can't be controlled without serious/lethal consequences, isn't fascist" Hmm..you do realize you just made the case for government intervention in health care, don't you? It is actually kind of difficult to suss out what you think about the issue, but I think we've settled the issue of fascism. Unless you are implying that lack of access to health care NEVER has serious/lethal consequences. After all...what is the worst that can happen from eating shrooms 'n maggots? Them maggots be a good source o' protein. But still, I understand that it is so much worse than a chronic health condition you can't get treated 'cos it was a pre-existing condition.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Why is Bonerbreath a RACIST PRICK?
    So to summarize...we have an infection of BORING TROLLS. There are people who cannot have a respectful dialog with anybody. The simply deserve derision... However, I believe in the potential for redemption. If one (or all) of the Troll crew wanted to initiate an actual discussion about the social compact on this board I'd engage respectfully with that. But I don't think they want that. They are laughing about how "clever" they are, 'cos calling Juice a "coke-head nigger" is such a scathing insult. Real Algonquin round table stuff right there! But, as Tittyfag's pappy used to say...stupid is as stupid does. Wait...that was Forrest Gump. Tittyfag...was your pappy a beloved fictional character with a developmental disability?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Why is Bonerbreath a RACIST PRICK?
    @VikingsDude... The purpose of this thread is, at one level, obvious. It is to get Boner's goat. Here is the thing...I like reading the silly threads. This board used to have a nice mixture of threads. Some silly, some not. Some folks avoided threads of types they didn't like. For example, shadowcat doesn't appear to like the silly threads. I say that 'cos he doesn't post on them. Maybe he reads, chuckles, and moves on. Maybe he totally ignores them. I don't know and I don't care -- he is doing his thing and that is coo-el. But there is a small group of non-contributors that really get in the faces of those they dislike. I'm talking here about "bones-I'm not a racist but I likes to use racial slurs-brother", 23cambyman, TDHQ, and Unchill Palmer. None of these three post or review much. But the constantly clog and derail joke threads with complaints. Is it really that hard to put Juice on ignore? OK, to be fair, you have to ignore the Juice aliases as well. But most of the issues could be eliminated by people ignoring those they dislike. Personally, I think Bonerbreath, Cambydude, and TDHQ are the real trolls. They want attention. So Boner constantly says racist shit and whines like a little bitch when he gets called on it. TDHQ talks of "firebombing" the trolls by...what was that?...being a troll. And Cambyman props me up to 20 times a day with some BS 'bout me not being a coo-el dude. C'mon dude...get your own lingo, don't ape mine. Well...to be fair...maybe I can be magnanimous and grant Cambydude use of my lingo 'cos he clearly has zero creativity. Also, he has cut back to only two props at a time (perhaps his doctor adjusted his meds). But the big point is these are people who COULD have taken the high ground and said "I don't like all the trolling...maybe cut it back" when Juice was in his heyday. Maybe actually having a mature discussion. With the exception of a few shitstorms there REALLY WAS NO ISSUE UNTIL THE TROLL CREW CREATED ONE!!! But the troll crew tried to out-Juice the Juice crew. But they aren't energetic or creative so the troll crew posts are just stupid...not funny, informative, or even that insulting...just stupid.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Qu Can guys have sex with strippers at strip clubs? I've heard of people that
    I think "the system" involves hoping poor heroin-addicted strippers that a getting sober will backslide so the will whore themselves out to you for cheap. Or something like that...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Qu Can guys have sex with strippers at strip clubs? I've heard of people that
    snackBoxDude...I think all the guys on here that claim they're getting it ITC are lying. With one exception...Rick Dugan. That dude has a system! Fuck yeah!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Why is Bonerbreath a RACIST PRICK?
    Oh, and...fo shizzle mothahfuckah!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    First billboard for new club: FAIL!
    @jester...I think you are actually the one with a sad attitude. My point was that there is a fundamental asymmetry in the direction of "civility" in this country. If the church had asked the strip club and the club took it down to be nice folks....well that is their prerogative. I'd say cool. But my point was that the club didn't really have a choice. If they had said "we purchased billboards for advertising so we don't want to take it down" do you really think the church would have dropped it? Not bloody likely. The problem I have with many (not all) churches is that the feel entitled. They get to say what they want but expect to be able to control the speech of others. Just look at the atheist monument in north Florida. Christians put a 10 commandments monument in front of their courthouse. Why do they want to do that? Violating most commandments isn't even illegal. Indeed, America protects the right to violate many of them...and those that are illegal are hardly unique to Judiasim or Chritianity. So Atheists put up their own monument. I wouldn't have bothered, but we do have speech you know. None of the pictures show anything clearly intended to be offensive to Christians. How long do you think it was before some dumbass redneck vandalized it? www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2013/07/20/american-atheists-bench-in-florida-gets-vandalized-and-we-know-who-did-it/ To be fair there is no indication the dumbass redneck is directly affiliated with a church. But it still illustrates the asymmetry of these demands for respect. They are saying "can put up a 10 commandments monument AT A COURTHOUSE MEANT TO SERVE EVERYBODY and funded by everybody's taxes (the courthouse that is..the monument was privately funded) and if you don't like it, FUCK YOU". But if another group says "cool...free speech..we'll share our beliefs too" then folks protest and some dumbass vandalizes it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lansing, MI 2AMer
    Tumblingdude....that would not be an issue for Brother Alucard. Dude does pack...a phaser on stun 'cos dat be civilized. Seriously though, a better tactic than resorting to a gunfight might be avoiding the thug clubs. Even if you are armed with a phaser.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Strap on 12 inch Dick
    Why would I strap on something smaller than my dick?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    First billboard for new club: FAIL!
    Club didn't fight because they know they'd look like jerks. But this actually sucks. What the fuck gives a church the right to say you can't advertise X near me. Would this have come out the same if some strip club had complained about a Christian group putting up a billboard saying "Repent of you LUST: Ephesians 5:5"? Would the city coucil dude have said "of course the church has the right to say what the wish...it is a free country...but I hope common sense would prevail and the stop trying to interfere with a lawfull business bringing jobs to my district"? No bloody likely!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Something that is intense sexual pleasure for a stripper, part deux...
    Check...I'm putting PabloAntonio down for "nope...doesn't believe" But dudes. Madik be changin' colors since I fucked K in the ass. Got rid o' the crabs by manscaping tho... so..how many o' you KAA-ray-ZEE dude believes that shizzle. Surely some of you have an oxy-dealin' friend that lives in a van down by the river. Not my life choice but who am I to judge? Pope Francis?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Samantha @ Playmates Coral Gables
    Dude...just ask her when she usually works the next time you see her. Unless every girl in the place is an uggo you might have fun even if she isn't there. And if she isn't there AND every girl who is there is an uggo just go elsewhere.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Xcapades NC Drug Bust
    Did you run all the way home my brother. You a real cocaine cowboy! Fuck yeah!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Something that is intense sexual pleasure for a stripper, part deux...
    Hat tip to Playerdude for starting this shit... This is a totally true story...believe it or don't.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    @Sharkdude...You know what I head about Obama? He is actually a TELLARITE in make up. the planet Tellar is the only Federation member world that doesn't have strip clubs and they have super high taxes. ZOMG I totally believe it! Our president is a time traveling, crypto-fascist, socialist, Muslim, atheist, polygamist, homosexual, Manchurian candidate from the planet Tellar but he was beamed into his Earth momma's womb from Kenya. Everything that has happened in this country sin 2008 makes total sense once you realize this!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Something that is intense sexual pleasure for a Stripper.....
    Wasn't this the plot of "Backdoor Sluts 23"?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Iceland is actually quite nice. Last time I was there ('04) was before strip clubs closed. But they were overpriced anyway, so you're not missing much. Dress warm (I visited in July, which was fine in terms of temp but still had chilly moments). Be prepared to smell like sulfur from the hot water. Remember, not everything in life has to be 'bout the naked chicks. Enjoy yourself with some natural beauty. And if you meet a chick who gets all naked with you...BONUS!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    From Alucard: deogol & the Neuron
    Of course... If he was I'd have a hearty LARF! Then recommend he get psychological help.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    From Alucard: deogol & the Neuron
    Don't worry Alucard bro... We all got dudes who wanna be RILs. Look at ol' Cambydude. He has a major hard on for me. Has come right out and told me he wants me to suck his balls. I told him I don't swing that way but he STILL wants his balls sucked! I feel sorry for the dude. As long as you feel good 'bout what you're doin' it is all that matters. I'm havin' a good ol' time flinging feces at the obnoxious assholes that got in my face. All I said was that I enjoyed ol' Juice -- and old school manic Juice did give me the LOLZ -- and that Camby asswipe got all up in my grill 'bout it. Talkin' all sorts o' smack. So why shouldn't I kick him around. I suspect the dude thinks he's winning, so no harm no foul. Ideally ya laugh with someone. If ya can't you laugh at 'em...though hopefully not in too mean a way. I suspect ol' Camby ain't crying in his Cheerios 'cos I'm slappin' him 'round!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    A philosophical dilemma...
    Shit indeed CJ... Shit indeed!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Random Ramblings
    Stax my friend... Yellow Ledbetter down at #9. All I can say is REALLY?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    A philosophical dilemma...
    Well Monsieur Camby...I don't know how your balls does taste 'cos that time you thought I was tasting them was just a figment of your fevered imagination. I've never ACTUALLY met you. So even if I swung that way there is no way I could have sucked your balls. If, however, you're asking me to speculate....lesse...I'm gonna go with "sweaty/salty with just a soupçon of the quiet desperation that accompanies unrequited love". Why don't you go find a stripper who will agree to taste 'em for money. It'll have to be a really desperate stripper or a lot of money 'cos, let's face it, suckin' yo' balls is probably quite unpleasant. But maybe you can find somebody willing to answer your question.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    A philosophical dilemma...
    Sigh indeed carolynne... I sign on this morning to find: Member Props Propped By: 23cambyman 7 Hours Ago Comment: how does my balls taste zipperturd?!?!?!? Propped By: 23cambyman 7 Hours Ago Comment: Not a coo-el dude!! It's time for you to go!!