
Comments by zipman68 (page 77)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    10 reasons to eat at McDonalds
    Kudos to SC. Much better than the Playboy girls of McD's Http://playboy.komodo.org.ua/Ultimate_Playboy_Collection/Ultimate-Playboy-Collection-4/Special-Editions/Girls-and-Women-of/McDonald-s
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    11 years ago
    New York
    @ratdog -- did you flag the review? 'Cos I suspect it may be inaccurate. Can't put my finger on exactly why... Maybe the fact that the dude was wearing spandex bicycle shorts. You'd have to be one sick fuck to wear bike shorts to "da club". Oh and the sick punch line. At least the dude was still less fucked up than TDHQ. Wait...I bet this was one of that sick fucks former aliases. Rat dude, is the friend of your friend TDHQ? That dude is FUCKED in the head.
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    11 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Loss of a giant
    True dat ATACdawg.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    MSNBC Fires Martin Bashir
    @Jabthehut -- I'm not a Bashir supporter per se. I' just saying that if he was a cool dude who had any guts he would have exited being a rebel when forced out. As carl95 says MSNBC as a network can't afford to keep folks that paint a target on themselves. Bashir had to apologize because he wanted his job back. Dude shouldn't have responded to Palin's trolling. Lost his job 'cos he did. @likes2look -- you're missing the whole "Palin is a troll" point. Like her declaration at one point that attacks on her were "blood libel". Followed by saying "I didn't know there were any connotations of anti-semitism". Palin says outrageous shit with just enough plausible deniability so her supporters can go apeshit when somebody responds. I'm actually surprised that she didn't quote proverbs saying "of course this is all I meant, nobody should have interpreted it as a reference to race-based slavery...my opponents are SO thin skinned doncha know..." Maybe wink so the conservative men will go ga ga. Stand by my statement that Palin is smarter than most people think. She enjoys playing gotcha and says shit like this so she can do so. Bashir got himself super double-bluff trolled by the QUEEN OF TROLLS. Dude lost. You don't troll a troll my friends. Shit Palin is such a good troll that SHE SHOULD POST HERE!!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    MSNBC Fires Martin Bashir
    Oops... "Bashir essentially says..."
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    MSNBC Fires Martin Bashir
    OTOH, Palin is her royal majesty, QUEEN OF THE TROLLS. Palin compares the national debt to slavery. Say what you will about the debt, it ain't slavery. It isn't in the same ballpark. Liberals are outraged. Palin doesn't apologize. Bashir essentially say "how would you like to be treated like a slave and cite a disgusting example from the history of Jamaica". Palin and right-wingers are outraged. Consequences ensue. Bashir SHOULDN'T have apologized. He should have said "I won't apologize for what I said. Ms. Palin compared the debt to slavery. There are important issues associated with debt, but if you think the Chinese are going to sail across the Pacific and enslave us like white folks enslaved Africans you should shut up. I gave an example of what real slavery was. Obviously I don't wish anybody would defecate in Ms. Palin's mouth or on her." And if he was coo-el, he would have added "Unless, of course, Ms. Palin digs the Hot Karls. In which case it is my sincere hope that Mr. Palin accommodates her. Good for a relationship to accommodate you partner's wishes, doncha know..." Palin is way smarter than we give her credit for. She trolls the left knowing somebody will slip and say something over the line. Then she cries bloody murder. Bashir fell into her troll trap. And he got his ass fired for it. At least standing firm would have allowed him to leave MSNBC as a rebel. He could have been a hero. Instead he was a dumbass.
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    11 years ago
    MSNBC Fires Martin Bashir
    Jabthehut dude...you might be right, but I don't think the reason is the same. Say what you will about Obama, he has zero reaction to the stupid criticism. People call him a socialist, atheist, Muslim, homosexual from Kenya and the love child of Malcolm X all the time. He really doesn't react. He also doesn't say shit that has any logical connection to "see how you'd like being whipped, doused with brine, having somebody shit in your mouth, and then having a gag placed on you". The stupid Obama criticism creates a problem IMO. It blunts real criticism and debate. Rather than debating whether his use of drones is counterproductive we hear that he's a Marxist. Rather than debating his administration's use of the NSA we hear that he was born in Kenya. Frankly, if he was a Kenyan and neither McCain nor Romney were smart enough to find evidence...well just let's say I wouldn't want them as president if they could dig up that evidence. But the country SHOULD be discussing real issues and we're not.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Huh, I guess it's a word afterall
    Oops...spelling: Y wee neede lurn dat? There, fixed it!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Huh, I guess it's a word afterall
    To be fair Slick, I suspect your mama actually felt she should learn proper English so she could sound intelligent. Doses of us dat wir birthed here in da united stateses we one ditch da English class e'ry dam daye cause we don alreedy speke da english. Why we need learn dat?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Ever see one of your former favorites on the news working in her job she studied
    @ATACdawg -- pretty frickin' funny!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Huh, I guess it's a word afterall
    I like the Urban Dictionary definition of conversate: A word used by backwards, ignorant, illiterate inner city trash who mean to say ' converse'. Joking aside, languages evolve (unless you live in France...they try to stop that evolution) so it is possible that "to conversate" will become the preferred verb in the future. I recall an interview with an OED editor where he claimed the next edition would probably include it. That said, the past tense sounds very silly to me. On the other hand, we would ALL sound silly to a Middle English speaker. Hell, we'd probably sound silly to somebody from the 18th century...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Charitable Giving
    My brothers...if we're going to bump threads maybe this is a good one to bump. Thx to Mo-head-dude for starting it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Pale skin
    P.S. good luck on your finals!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    In Georgia we go bare back.
    @Ermita_Nights_dude... Probably linked. I bet the KA-ray-ZEE Mississippi folk do something like dump plastic in their water supply. All the bisphenol A shrinks their wangs! BTW, BPA containing resins have been banned from SippyCups. Now we have a poster named SippyCup. Coincidence? I think not!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Pale skin
    Pale skin is a major thumbs up for me... So Rachelmmm, any freckles?
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    11 years ago
    Boner killers
    BF or husband doesn't bother me. I go to strip clubs to look and get some lappers. I assume most of the dancers have SOs. I actually like strippers that tell you a little about themselves and seem human. I've never thought too much about this, but I wonder if there is major differences among clubs (either regionally or accordin to club type -- upscale or dive) in how strippers present themselve presentation (e.g., in NYC they project a distant vibe but in Jacksonville they're down home gals) or if most of the variance is among girls. I've never noticed major differences when I travel.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dougsta... I'm layin' of that sick sack of shit TDHQ. It is one thing to troll a discussion board but that wackjob left being a troll in the rear view mirror. Only a true sicko would write torture porn the way he did. Even though he was attributing the activity to you he was clearly fappin' away while he wrote it. Comes onto this board full of sound and fury but the "brave war vet" gets his ass handed to him by random folks posting on a discussion board. Then the fucking liar tries to backtrack and claim him mission statement was made up crap and all he wants is the lulz. DUMBASS. His fucking name is Troll Defense HQ -- kinda like his mission statement. Only combat that pussy has seen is on his X-box. After being slapped down again he starts writing torture porn. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!!! I only reiterate this because leaving him alone will be good for him and for society. Dude needs to get help. He is going down a road where the next place we'll see him is on Discovery ID.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New service in Russia St.Petersburg
    Wow...this thread has ranged from Dostoyevsky to a Russian shill to a troll's sick torture porn. Quite a range of topics. Anybody want to further increase the variance among posts? I do wonder whether BOB is actually a shill or just a random American dude fucking with us. Juice my brother...are you taxidriverdude BOB? Is the use of BOB some bizarre allusion to Twin Peaks and Travis Bickle ('cos he was played by BOB De Niro)? Fellas...I think Juice is playin' da game at a level far beyond what any of us can imagine!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    So, I tried out one of those Liquid Lapdance things...
    "Your smell is satisfying my need for butter and fats!" WTF??? What is the lube that comes with LLD?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OTC Experiences
    @Rachelmmm -- haven't done it. In a LTR so I don't cheat. Like to look...get a lapper...but draw the line at that. Like to joke 'bout more than that. But that's just a joke. Sounds like you're in more of a date situation. Just be careful like you would with any dude you don't really know.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Delilahs den tomsriver nj
    But it's true that you shouldn't take tittyfag's advice. Don't buy drugs my friend. Become a pop star and they give 'em to you for free!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Delilahs den tomsriver nj
    Migs dude...I totally know the place you're talkin' 'bout. Bella works there! Bella! Bella! Bella!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New service in Russia St.Petersburg
    My GAWD TDHQ...I was wrong. I didn't have you completely sussed. I thought you were just a sad little troll trying to get some lulz. But you have a big time dark side. Zippy's outa here when you start describing sick and twisted fantasies like that. Please get professional help. You're now on ignore.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New service in Russia St.Petersburg
    Dougsta, ya better watch out. TDHQ is gonna carpet bomb you any minute now! Watch out! I bet the poor dude is still a virgin. Probably went to a whorehouse and had a premature ejaculation when the hooker started to put the rubber on. Never had a girl touch him in his "special place" before.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Never let it be said that I'm cruel
    Now TDHQ says he does this shit for his own lulz. Fine. Do what you want dude. We're all responsible for our own lulz in life. But what happened to the "brave war veteran"? You can't even stand up to trolls on an Internet discussion board. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!!!