These things happen but you never think it would happen in your home town

avatar for kingcripple

This happened in my home town. the kicker, i was friends with the perv's brother


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avatar for sinclair
11 years ago
There have been two people off of TUSCL that have got busted for the same thing over the last 4 years or so. Both members were very active, perhaps what you'd call "top 100" posters on here before doing time. There are alot of fucked up people in the world and this website is not an exception.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Well this would explain why certain members just seem to disappear.

I know we will never know who...but now I'm curious.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Several years ago a local high school girl's softball coach was busted for having sex with some of his underage team members. And there have been stories of coach-athlete abuse it a lot if individual sports. Gymnastics, swimming, and figure skating.

My cousin's daughter got a full-ride scholarship to play college softball. She quit the team after one year because the female head coach was demanding sex acts in exchange for playing time. She was over 18, so it's different. Still wrong.
avatar for JohnSmith69
11 years ago
Former friend of mine was convicted of molesting little boys that he coached a few years ago. I have never been so pissed at or disappointed in a person I knew before. I refuse to visit him in prison, so I haven't asked him how or why. But no matter what he says I could never understand. How could you possibly feel the need to have sex with little children when there are so many adult women available in the world to fuck.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
I suspect the dude will get his in prison.
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
Of course :hometowns" are relative. I am from Detroit (not the 'burbs) and I expect this sort of thing to happen every day.
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
A couple of years ago we had 2 high school students hang themselves. The first was a male,and my bosses son. The second, 2 weeks later, was a female. Both did it because of rejection by their girl and boy friends.
avatar for gawker
11 years ago
My daughter had a high school friend who was a good looking guy,, smart, and a good athlete. He was always spending time and paying attention to younger girls. Never even made a pass or dated girls his own age. Fifteen years later, he's a swim coach and teacher when the FBI arrested him for possession and distribution of kiddy porn. Not an uncommon occurance, sadly. Makes you wonder if there's a genetic predisposition.
avatar for kingcripple
11 years ago
Oh gawker, don't tell the gay rights advocates that there is a genetic predisposition to pedophilia. They flip out
avatar for TroIl_Defense_HQ
11 years ago
kingcripple: "don't tell the gay rights advocates that there is a genetic predisposition to pedophilia. They flip out"

I'm strongly in favor of gay rights (especially for myself and my TUSCL buddies). Why would I flip out?
avatar for kingcripple
11 years ago
It's the slippery slope argument. If we must allow for gays to marry then are pedophilia rights next? That sort of thing. The LGBT community hates that argument because it insinuates that gay people are pedophiles. Of course they aren't, but that is not what is being said by those who use this slippery slope argument
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