No I haven't met him or any of the actors. However I have met some female dancers that stuck by their stories that they were from another planet. Obviously, I didn't believe any of it.
Wait...I would want to give THEM the anal probe. You think they would understand that?
So I guess we know one time when it is appropriate to whip yo' dick out in "da club". When the stripper is an alien and she needs a good anal probing. With yo' dick!
I think the Sonic Screwdriver would be useful in opening up the legs of the 'we don't give extras' girls on Stripperweb. And of course, for decommissioning Yoda's light saber.
I'm a big Dr. Who fan, and most of them are not comfortable around women. The last two have had wives though (Tennant/Elizabeth The 1st and Smith/Dr. River Song). And no, I would not tell him to pull out his dick at the club.
The initial reason I started watching doctor who was a long time ago, I enjoyed watching the girl in the short skirt follow this old crazy dude through all of time and space. He was a role model just like Shadowcat. Plus Doctor Who constantly pulls the wool over any tax collector who charges by the square footage. He has a whole star system inside his spaceship.
Of the regular posters you're probably the dude with the highest likelihood of meeting a sci-fi character.
Just trying to find some that are into anal probes!
So I guess we know one time when it is appropriate to whip yo' dick out in "da club". When the stripper is an alien and she needs a good anal probing. With yo' dick!