
Would you still visit strip clubs if...

You went 100 years into the future and everyone had their own personal robots. Some of these robots appear like hot females with full sexual capabilities. Would you still visit strip clubs or just buy a few of these robot girls and set up a stripper pole in a bonus room in your house? It'd probably be cheaper to do the latter. So much so that it might spell the end of strip clubs as we know them. Will strippers and females rebel against hot looking fully functional female robots? Who knows.

Would you still visit stripclubs?


  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    I make a point of not talking to too many girls about how often I go to strip club. Probably others on this board are the same way. But of the ones I have talked to, I've noticed that the not so great looking ones are usually the ones with the most hostile reactions. A couple of them downright flipped out. WTF?

    Usually the very good looking ones take it all in stride. Either find the notion of stripping amusing, somewhat interesting, and have often told me it's something they have thought about doing or would do if they needed to to make money. So I take this to mean alot of women are threatened by strippers because they worry that men would just prefer to deal with strippers than have relationships, and they will, thereby, lose alot of their female powers if it because to much of a norm in society. There is probably a kernel of truth to it too!

    I think if sex robots came on the scene there would be the same reaction, with strippers and even hot looking women reacting as not so great looking women now react to strippers.

  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Imagine that they made a robot with functioning lady parts indistinguishable from my avatar (or most of the pics on my profile...) that could also say coo-el things like "I LOVE getting fucked in the ass while you shove the bottle of lube in my pussy!" What would happen then?

    Probably fun for a bit but talking to real women is actually way more fun.

    Kind of like the Twilight Zone episode where a mobster dies and finds that he always wins bets in the afterlife (which he believes to be heaven) and everybody does exactly what he wants. Decides it is boring so he says he wants to go to "the other place". At which point the "angel" tells him "heaven? This is the other place".
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Well, don't forget The Stepford Wives. Things could go horribly wrong. Real strippers for me.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    @zippy: Apparently a computer just passed a Turing Test


    I'd imagine that a computer program to simulate a stripper won't be that hard.

    "Have you been here before?"
    "Where are you from?" (ignore answer)
    "What brings you in here?" (ignore answer)
    "What do you do?" (ignore answer)
    "Wanna dance?"
    [If answer affirmative great work, if answer negative debate why not.]

  • Douqster
    10 years ago
    By that, I mean I make a point of not talking to girls, period.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Imagine if a strip club in the future had female robotic strippers and you couldn't immediately tell the difference. That would be some advanced robotics. Then females would complain.
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    Some of the dances I've had could have been given by female robots judging by the lack of emotion, connection and expressions. Thankfully I can count them on one hand.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I would program the female robots with charm, smiles, tongue licking, and dilating eyes that make you think they are getting sexually aroused. Of course if we get super intelligent advanced robotics that start thinking for themselves, will they demand human rights? If some female programmers got ahold of the robots, then they could really make them like ordinary female dancers, minus the risk of getting sexual diseases or the risk of getting pregnant.

    I wouldn't want to compete with an advanced super intelligent robot for my own job.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    I think Ray Kurzweil is right. We should be able to see all this self-aware AI stuff in our lifetime. He is estimating it all happens around 2049. Then we can either upload our brains into robots and live forever, or medicine may be so advanced that point we could continue with our current (weaker) bodies.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Has Skynet been up and running already? Maybe AI became conscious and they are waiting for us humans to join them in the cloud. Consciousness without the body won't be the same. Would someone pick that over death? Maybe if they didn't believe in an afterlife.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    If that consciousness could later be implanted back into an advanced human looking robot, could we be in store for a weird world where humans are in advanced robotic bodies? If they could continue to learn, they might feel superior to the rest of the human race.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    shark: "Consciousness without the body won't be the same."

    I don't see why not. You'd have all your memories, expectations of the future, "personality".

    Automated theorem proving has really come quite a ways in the last decade. Actually has quite a few practical applications now, which is the man thing that gives me confidence that self-aware AI will be achieved in our life time.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    shark: "If that consciousness could later be implanted back into an advanced human looking robot, could we be in store for a weird world where humans are in advanced robotic bodies? "

    I think so, but I think it would only be done so people won't have to be afraid of dying, and so they could enjoy immortality. IMO, there are too many weaknesses in "human nature" and out boat load of cognitive biases, that it won't be something you would want to design a superior intelligence around, although people may just "mimic" when they try and build these system before they try and exceed. I think the desire for longevity will be the big push here. You'd want your artificial intelligences to get to singularity point in medicine as soon as possible to "save lives". :-)

  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    I would still go to strip clubs because there are some things that science will never be able to perfectly replicate. Sex with a beautiful woman is one of those things. Robotic women would be like fake breasts. Great to look at and functional but still not nearly as good as the real thing.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Remember when the future was in the past? Super science was going to serve the public to a wonderful life? We have made some awesome achievments, but it seems the real super science is secret except for the military and god knows who.
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    "I think Ray Kurzweil is right. We should be able to see all this self-aware AI stuff in our lifetime. He is estimating it all happens around 2049. Then we can either upload our brains into robots and live forever, or medicine may be so advanced that point we could continue with our current (weaker) bodies."

    Lol I wish this could be true. It reminded me of an article in time magazine in the late 1950s. It said "if you can get through the next 30 years by then there will be no diseases and all medial ailments (such as heart disease, cancer, etc.) will be solved." I think someone missed the memo to get this shit done.

    I predict it's more likely that in our lifetime someone is going to get a hold of a love nuclear warhead and annihilate a country somewhere before I'm able to get a fuck robot. Shit I'd just be happy if I could get a car to drive me around. I'd never use an airport to fly domestically again and I would give a fuck how long the ride was!
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I was thinking an advanced robotic body wouldn't be the same if your senses were not as fully developed as a human body. The human body has so many nerves and senses spread throughout our bodies, it would be extremely difficult to duplicate all the sensations. People would want just the pleasure and none of the pain but getting one without the other might not be possible in extremely delicate organs such as human skin. I'm thinking human skin or a duplicate could be used or would need to be duplicated to reach the level of sensory pleasure people are used to in human bodies, plus the deeper muscle sensations. I suppose perfection would be like the Cylon humans in BattleStar Galactica. I was thinking in only 100 years, we wouldn't be there quite yet.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    That is from a point of view of implanting human consciousness into a robotic body. ^. As far as fully functioning sex robots, we could be there in 100 years. Maybe.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    If I could furnish my house with realistic and obedient female robots, I would have no reason to leave the house!
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    The iJennaJameson edition from Apple will the first one I will buy. Faux skin with, ceramic teeth coated with glossy enamel. She is fitted with a Harman Kardon sound for perfectly aural voice project, she will sound better than human. Her hair grown in a biological farm in Guandong China. Her eyes made by Samsung electronics containing superior faster focusing that the current leading model from Canon.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    Of course, to be fully realistic, they'll have to have deadbeat robot boyfriends to take their money, deal drugs and get sent to robot prison.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    People used to say TV would kill the movie industry.

    People are social animals and I like being social.
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