
Comments by zipman68 (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Founder was right.....
    I'm with JS69 on the threesome maths. Right on JS69 dude...right on!
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    10 years ago
    Should I Hang With My Fave Dancer's Friend?
    @alabegonz my friend, no...no...NO!!! I hope you don't mind my joke with ime, but I think ime has a point. Extract yourself from that woman's clutches. If a guy uses sex workers it is because he doesn't want to get involved in their lives. Remember the old saw about not paying a hooker for sex...you pay her to leave afterward. Dude, you seriously need a girlfriend. Somebody who doesn't want to leave afterward. Some of us pervos have SO's and adjust what we do at the strip club accordingly. Maybe that is where you need to go. Or maybe you need to just focus on the girlfriend. I'm saying this in 100% honesty and with good intentions, no jokes, no sarcasm. You seem like a nice guy. That is probably why this girl has her claws in you. But she isn't your girlfriend. Don't let yourself be sucked in any further.
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    10 years ago
    Should I Hang With My Fave Dancer's Friend?
    @ime dude, there are monkeys saying "hey man, I may stink, but I've read alabegonz's posts and that dude gives off more desperation than I give off odor...I mean really, I use monkey shampoo regularly."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    College towns and strip clubs
    @electronman -- kudos for catalyzing an interesting discussion. The problem with liberal/conservative is that it means different things to different people. Of course there are two major axes -- social and economic. In principle, those axes could (and arguably should) be decoupled. In America, they are largely coupled. Beyond that there are different emphases. If we take liberals you can have arguments like the recent one on Islam by Bill Maher and Ben Affleck (on Maher's show). All four people involved probably self-identify as liberal (Maher explicitly did so in that program) but two (Maher and Sam Harris) were saying real liberals should speak out against Islam as regressive, with Harris calling Islam something like "the mother lode of bad ideas", whereas the other two (Affleck and Nicholas Kristoff) characterized Maher and Harris. Big point -- Maher/Harris exemplify one strain of liberalism emphasizes free speech whereas Affleck/Kristoff exemplify another that emphasizes inclusion ("political correctness"). This is where I just don't buy DandyDan's argument. True, academics in all fields tend to be more liberal than the population as a whole. But only those that emphasize political correctness over free speech would strongly oppose strip clubs. I just don't buy that those liberals always run things. And if we go to conservative areas many religious folks are not friends of strip clubs. Even some pro-business but socially liberal conservatives may oppose strip clubs, if they fear that the clubs will harm other businesses. I remember a time in Abq NM (probably early '80s) when the city was threatening the porn shops. The compromise was that the porn shops toned down the "Girls Girl Girls!" and "Dildo 'R Us!" signs and put planters with flowers along the street. As long as the shops didn't look sleazy the businessmen were happy (hell, many of those businessmen probably jacked it in the booths of those places...and a few probably enjoyed the glory holes). Although I glibly designated the "PC strain" of liberalism as "women's studies profs" I obviously don't think it is that simple. I'm just very skeptical that liberalism vs conservativism explains the dearth of strip clubs in college towns. Indeed, I'm not even convinced there is a dearth...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    EBOLA ! in Durahm NC !!!
    Wait...Juice my brother. Have you been to Durham since the ebola patient arrived? If not, stay in Asheville my friend. Here is the scenario I worry about. If you go to Durham. You've got a kind of Chris Farley vibe going on and true to character you stumble into the isolation unit. BAM! You're exposed. Then you go off to Teasers and violate some stripper with your #sausage.fingers because you can't control yourself. BAM! We've got #ebola.strippers. BAM! It's a pandemic! If you must leave Asheville my friend, go AWAY from the ebola.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    EBOLA ! in Durahm NC !!!
    Oh noes! It's #ebola.strippers meets #sausage.fingers! We're doomed!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    College towns and strip clubs
    @Jaxman, It looks like you're in Morgantown. WV seems really strange to me. Last time I was there it was great -- a few years ago I had something in Pittsburg followed by something in NOVA and I decided to drive rather than fly to IAD. It was a beautiful drive. I actually stopped in Morgantown along the way...the SCs there definitely did not have many sexy WVU students. More of a "I strip and my brother cooks meth" vibe. As long as they still have teeth I guess it is OK. Back to the OP, I think there is way too much variation to generalize, but I do think Dougster has a point. UM, FSU, IU, UF, and UW are all fairly selective (FSU probably the least selective). Many girls there are coming from educated family backgrounds that have enough money. I'm not saying they are uber rich and there are always exceptions, but making money by stripping probably doesn't appeal. Limited supply. I also think there is limited demand. I hardly ever clubbed in college. If there is a phenomenon that is the reason.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    OT: My apologies to Nikifree and Others.
    Yeah GACA dude...if you're going to apologize also point us to some groovy porno. Porno makes all apologies better.
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    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    All I can say about freckles is HIP-HIP HOORAY!!! (...you were expecting "WEEE-YAWWW!!!", weren't you?)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    College towns and strip clubs
    ^^^ I'm really skeptical of the "liberalism run amok" hypothesis. Even in college towns the influence of professors in the women's studies depts are largely limited to other professors in women's studies departments. Hell, the average college can't keep frat boys many of whom live ON CAMPUS from doing creepy shit like chanting "no means yes, yes means anal" outside the women's dorms. I'm sure the proximate cause is local regulations and the potential for clubs to make money. But electronman seems to be asking about the ultimate cause. In principle, that could be women's studies professors, but I doubt it. If the phenomenon exists it probably is much simpler. College dudes are shitty strip club customers. Most are unmarried so they can hook up rather than spend time and money looking and getting a lapper (and maybe more). I've heard strippers complain that college dudes are obnoxious and don't tip well. Nor are college dudes likely to go very regularly -- maybe an occasional foray for a bunch of guys but the clubs surely beckon. Free hook-ups there. That said, I wonder if there is really a phenomenon at all -- if you looked at a graph of permanent population vs # of strip clubs would "college towns" really be outliers? I'm not sure, but I doubt it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Not something you see too often
    I like Anon-Jim's idea. She should totally sleep upside down like a bat. Good for the tits. And if I went home with a chick and realized she slept like a bat...well, I'd be in love. 'Cos I'm Batman! Somewhat off topic, but have you ever watched flying foxes at a zoo? When they need to take a bat-piss the flip around so they don't piss on themselves. Bats are sensible creatures.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you really want to go to a club that has had to call for the cops 412 times?
    It would be nice to be able to prop or flag clubs themselves, rather than individual reviews.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Did you ever club like this?
    The dude with his head in the urinal reminds me of this story... http://gawker.com/5892718/this-is-by-far-the-grossest-fetish-discovered-this-week Executive summary: customer comes out of a pub bathroom and claims he saw an eyeball under the urinal drain. It gets more twisted from there. Check it out...it's funny as shit.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Not something you see too often
    @art my man, says she's 18 at freeones: www.freeones.com/html/l_links/Lucie_Wilde/ They are a bit extreme. She's like a mutant. If she were an X-man her power would be giant frickin' tits.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Taylor Swift, 1989 and 25 year old hotties
    Check out Taylor Swift's abortion clinic photoshoot: www.celebjihad.com/celeb-jihad/taylor-swift-abortion-clinc-photo-shoot That chick is hardcore. Fucking HARDCORE!!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    This Was How I Broke Up With My Fave Dancer, How Was Yours?
    ^^^ True dat. Just say to her "girl, don't go away mad...just go away."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Do all these Zombie movies and tv shows remind you of the other strip club custo
    One big difference, zombies say "brains...brains...brains..." Strip club customers say "boobs...boobs...boobs..."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Offtopic can you watch recent tv shows for free online on hula or do you need to
    @shark dude -- watch "Dead Like Me" on Hulu. Unfortunately, I didn't find the series until it was off the air. I discovered it on Hulu. But it is the PERFECT show for you my brother.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    how hard is it to add a like button ?
    ^^^ And WEEE-YAWWW!!! Wait, Founder should totally add a like button and a WEEE-YAWWW!!! button (the latter being for extreme likes)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    probably last time at a club
    ^^^ Sorry to hear about your brother. My fingers are crossed that he will be accepted for the FDA trial (and won't be in the control group) I've been to Tampa many times, but never to Miami, so my opinions are skewed. But I will say that most wives probably wouldn't be horrified by Mons. Pretty girls, lap dances, nothing more... So if that is a concern for your BIL that would be the way to go. You could motor further north to the Pasco clubs on your own!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Age to Stop
    @JS69 -- we all have to aspire to something my brother. Just make sure your fave has a black G-string to put on the moment her role transitions to that of mourner.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Age to Stop
    @electronman -- my fave joke about Nelson Rockfeller is "how did Nelson die? Low blood pressure...70 over 25". I'm hoping it'll be 19 over 127 for me (at that age she'll have to be on top).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Does Size Matter?
    Wait...wait...don't aliens usually put their hoopajupes up human assholes, not the vagina? OMG!!! The doctors need to go back and see if there is an even bigger seed pod in her rectum! We need some input from our local expert, sharkhunter. I know a thing or two 'bout alien chicks but that dude has been to outer space!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Does Size Matter?
    JohnSmith69 dude...that makes way more sense. I bet that is why your brother's followers have to wear the JesusJammies(TM). JesusJammies must have special anti-alien properties.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Volunteers Needed to Test Ebola Vaccine for $845
    Dudes...the money isn't important. It's the protection from #ebola.strippers that's important.