I like Irish girls, as well as others who have similar traits. But a couple of weeks back I had an OTC experience with a girl who had freckles from head to toe. I have fucked girls of almost every ethnicity over the years, but this was a first for me. Seeing freckles speckled on her freshly shaven parts was pretty darned interesting to me.
Any thoughts on freckles from the board? Like? Dislike?
For the most part, I like redheads as much as other types of women, and while a few freckles is sexy, I can't say that head to toe coverage is very attractive to me.
Short red heads are my kryptonite so I've seen plenty of freckles. In the right numbers I love them and sometimes they really enhance looks but if you get too many of them it's just awkward and unappealing.
If it's just a light sprinkling from head to toe, it'd probably be pretty cool. If it's almost solid, it'd probably look too much like an unsightly blemish -- from head to toe.
Most on this board already know my “niche” preferences - but even w.r.t. white women; I def prefer the darker look (dark hair and a nice natural tan) – the whiter the skin the less turned on I usually get; i.e. I don’t like pasty white skin nor freckles (but if she has a curvy bod with big natural tits and ass; then as a gentleman I can overlook the pasty white skin and/or freckles).
(...you were expecting "WEEE-YAWWW!!!", weren't you?)