
Should I Hang With My Fave Dancer's Friend?

Sunday, November 2, 2014 7:52 PM
So, this lady I met when my fave dancer (a.k.a GF according SJG) introduced me to her. I was cool, not really thinking about having to connect to her on a different level, after all I like my CF so much I'm not really even interested in her. I got two text messages from her already, asking me about what I'm doing, how I'm doing. The first text I just answered one and let that lapse. The second text which was started about ten minutes ago is still ongoing. She's not a stripper, just a regular woman with a bit of sorry past behind her. What do you think? Should I entertain the idea and see where this will go? Thanks for your comments/thoughts.


  • GACA
    10 years ago
    You confuse the shot out of me with this 'Accidental' player jibe. And that crazy stripper must be your girlfriend, if you were single you wouldn't be asking such a silly question. That said don't entertain it, go for it. A storied past would be a big up grade to your current situation, and there won't be that much of a deviant sex fall off.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    No. So what if she's a civilian? She's still a friend of that lunatic, and you aren't done with her yet, are you? Going by some of those old and sage adages -- "birds of a feather," "two peas in a pod," "guilt by association," and the like -- chances are she's going to be quite a bit like your current drama queen. Not only will you start to get hit with their neuroses in stereo, you'll also get caught between them when they start tearing into each other -- and you. So please, for your own sanity -- as well as that of everyone on this board -- please, just say "No."
  • ime
    10 years ago
    Every stripper in Portland has you pegged as a sucker right now it seems, the stench of desperation on you must be like stink on a monkey. You need to take a step back if it se3ms to good it is, and you should probably get rid of you psych current fave and ALL her associates
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @ime dude, there are monkeys saying "hey man, I may stink, but I've read alabegonz's posts and that dude gives off more desperation than I give off odor...I mean really, I use monkey shampoo regularly."
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @alabegonz my friend, no...no...NO!!! I hope you don't mind my joke with ime, but I think ime has a point. Extract yourself from that woman's clutches. If a guy uses sex workers it is because he doesn't want to get involved in their lives. Remember the old saw about not paying a hooker for sex...you pay her to leave afterward. Dude, you seriously need a girlfriend. Somebody who doesn't want to leave afterward. Some of us pervos have SO's and adjust what we do at the strip club accordingly. Maybe that is where you need to go. Or maybe you need to just focus on the girlfriend. I'm saying this in 100% honesty and with good intentions, no jokes, no sarcasm. You seem like a nice guy. That is probably why this girl has her claws in you. But she isn't your girlfriend. Don't let yourself be sucked in any further.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    You already know the answers to your questions. Why are you bothering to ask?
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Thanks @alabegonz I used to think I had self esteem issues, cured :)
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Yeah, I have the same feeling as well, too close to be involved with. I could end up having two enemies instead of one, though. But hear me out on this one, she is like, you know too good to pass up. The Caveat seems to be too glaring right now. I think she is probably doing something according to what my CF is telling her. She wants to hang today, but I will have to slow it down a little bit.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    No just walk away and stay away from her you fall in love with any woman who gives you the tiniest attention, and this is clearly a bad idea.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    If you want to hang with them and they with you, why not. I just would not let any of them get you drawn in to hanging out with their peer group, females or males. But just hanging with one of them at a time, sure. SJG
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Wasn't the psycho stripper also too good to pass up? Like the others have said, you sound like a nice guy -- and you're setting off the radar of these girls who just want to use and abuse you (and your wallet) big time. It's time to walk away from it all, get your head on straight about these girls, and grow a thicker skin. You have to learn to say "NO!"
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    If you like one or more of these girls, and they certainly seem to like you, then there is nothing automatically wrong with hanging with them and with getting involved with them. I just caution about exposing yourself to their peer group or otherwise letting them jack you around. No reason to go thru this. But otherwise, use your own judgment and if you like one of them, go for it. SJG
  • ime
    10 years ago
    Alabegonz how much does it cost for you to hang out with them? If it involves your money for their time its not hanging out
  • ime
    10 years ago
    And whatever SJG recommends do the opposite
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    ime. That's a tad harsh. I follow SJG's advice in all of my AMP visits.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    Well to be fair i meant in real world reality
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    @JS69, We are all waiting to hear your report from S.F.. And of course it would be something if you found the SC's distasteful and did instead go for an AMP. Especially in the S.F. ones, some of the women really are "sex machines". People call them this in the reviews. This is here at Mary and the El Camino, in Sunnyvale: [view link] The red door is what used to be the Hip Hugger. The Check Cashing place to the viewers right is what used to be the first AMP I ever went to. Right next to the Hip Hugger, my favorite local strip club! I never saw the two as being related though. Hip Hugger was talking only, and cheap. The AMP was expensive, $160 or a bit more for FS. This was the AMP were I did the most girls, and where they were competing for my attention, over a period of a couple of years. Then the girls started to move out to other AMPs, and then this one got closed down. I would visit the other AMPs, window shopping. At least one girl having seen me in multiple places said I was "addicted". Very true. But I never saw AMPs and SCs as being closely related until someone posted on a thread started by someone going to S.F. that instead of SC's he should visit an AMP. Pricing better, quality and reliability of result better. My own view is that it all still comes down to the rapport you can build with the girl before going into any back room. SC's have the potential of being better because they can allow unstructured fraternizing. But I know that often what goes on in them is not actually better, as it follows this "extras" model. So I look to Jestrite50, the master himself! [view link] [view link] SJG Grace Potter and Joe Satriani cover Cortez the Killer [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Alabegonz, You can hang with which ever one of these hotties you like. I'm just saying don't let them pull you into their peer culture. If you want to become involved with one of them okay. But getting pulled into her peer culture means the girl friends and the loser boyfriends and all sorts of creeps, and group think. So don't let the girl summon you to peer events. And also, get the cell phone neutralized when you are with her. Get it away from her. Or make a ritual of you both shutting down your cell phones when you meet. Or maybe just turn your entire house into a faraday cage. [view link] I was once having lunch with a Hong Kong AAMP girl. Stuff was coming in to her via the cell phone. She handed me the phone and wanted me to give this guy directions as she was going to work at another shop. I told the guy that we didn't want to be bothered and hung up on him, and then I put the phone in my pants pocket, away from the girl. She kept trying to get it back. She'd of gotten it back when we were ready to leave. I just didn't want to be involved in her stuff with some creepy people. Turned out she had a spare cell phone in her purse. Those cell phones will ruin everything. Need to get them neutralized. SJG
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    @SJG why the heck are you keeping this thread alive? It's long dead already
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    It has triggered something in me, about situations I have been in, about getting pulled into peer culture. SJG
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