
Comments by lopaw (page 80)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Taxpayers have now spent $3.5 million to find out why lesbians are obese
    Lol I don't know where they are finding all of those obese lezzies....but the link below is way more representative of the lesbians that I know and love. And the Dinah Shore Weekend in Palm Springs each year is THE SHIT!!!!! www.dinahshoreweekend.com/dinah-vegas-2014-photos/
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    9 years ago
    To tip or not to tip ... that is the question
    If she did her best and it just didn't happen, tip her for her effort.
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    9 years ago
    Ever see a hot girl throw a perfect opening pitch?
    Hmmmmm.....maybe a former softball player? Heeheehee
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Your the "John Next Door"
    @sclvr5005- yes it certainly does. When I do P4P in a hotel or AMP no one would ever expect what I was really there for, so there is no paranoia or last minute panic/bail out on my part. I go in, do my thing, and then I'm gone. Same with SC's, to a point. Quite nice, actually.
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    9 years ago
    Your the "John Next Door"
    I wouldn't want it any other way, gmd! :)
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    9 years ago
    Ever see a hot girl throw a perfect opening pitch?
    Lol l when I saw the title of this thread I thought you meant a perfect opening sales pitch.
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    9 years ago
    Your the "John Next Door"
    I think that someone like me would give those little researchers a fucking heart attack.
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    9 years ago
    Do you get a dance or pass?
    I would have grabbed her little purse and ran off with it. Happy Birthday!
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    9 years ago
    Did I accidentally meet a call girl?
    I would have pretended not to comprende english and kept steppin'.
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    9 years ago
    A dancer's first....
    Like c_cat I have been told a boatload of times that I am the first female customer that she's danced for. I'd estimate that in about 50% of the time she's full of shit, and her dances show it (in a good way). The other 50% it's a waste of my money.
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    9 years ago
    New York
    should a patron male or female be banned....
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    9 years ago
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Should government have the right to dictate your morality?
    @mikeya02- yes, but it's not for their lack of trying. There are still rabid right leaning & religious groups out there that would love nothing better than to repeal all of the recent advancements that have been made. It will never happen, but that doesn't stop them and their hate filled bigotry. I don't give a shit about them nor listen to any of their rhetoric....but I'm far from naive in thinking that just because we have succeeded in establishing things like marital equality that the haters have simply gone away. They haven't. They either try and dig their heels in deeper, or move on to other "morality" issues that they try to influence.
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Should government have the right to dictate your morality?
    Yup....I was a registered libertarian for a few years. Now I'm just an anarchist.
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Should government have the right to dictate your morality?
    Simply put - I want the Republicans out of my bedroom, and the Democrats out of my wallet.
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Was lopaw in Detroit?
    No it wasn't me. But that beautiful 45 yo lesbian and her experience represent all that is good and right with the world :-D
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    9 years ago
    Am I cheap or is everyone else nuts?
    minnow +1 I partake of both strippers & escorts, and I also blow thru money like it's going out of style. Shit - you can't take it with you, so you might as well enjoy it. I don't care what others do or spend, just as they shouldn't care about my spending habits. No judging. To each their own.
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    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    PL PSA
    There's one about female friendly clubs, or something like that. Of course i had to put my $0.02 in there. Seems to be an overdone topic of late.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What's your most pathetic strip clubbing moment?
    I'm lucky that I have never had any exceptionally embarrassing SC moments like some of you guys have (some are your stories are hilarious, btw). I've been chased by an angry latina, gotten 2 black eyes from a drunken stripper, had countless girls get their periods while dancing for me (I blame synchronicity), been nominated to go tell a stripper on stage that her tampon string was sticking out, but I have never been promised action that wasn't delivered, nor stood up for an OTC arrangement. I did have an exceptionally shitty "dance" just last week with a wanna-be porn star who: wouldn't let up on her push for VIP, then gave me 3 air dances, mis-counted the number of songs and over charged, and kept grabbing my phone thinking that I was taking pictures of her. I was lame for even continuing on with her madness and not kicking her ass to the curb after the first horrible dance. Total rookie shit on my part. I should know way better than that. No excuses.
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    9 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Do we do more damage than good by reviewing clubs with extras?
    I'm pretty tight lipped about explicit stuff that happens in my strip club reviews, and I rarely mention names associated with specific sex acts. Where I am a bit more concerned in on P4P sites like TER where you have to be very explicit in your reviews, or they won't publish them. And even though it costs $$$ to view the "juicy" stuff.....it's not like cops don't have credit cards. Hell it's our damned tax dollars paying for Officer Porky to sit on his ass and scroll thru the XXX reviews!
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    9 years ago
    Which TUSCL members has tats?
    I've got a couple. I'm sure that surprises no one.
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many strippers do you know that have neither tattoos or piercings?
    I would say that ear piercings don't count.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Stripper Web
    Al I can say is that I thank the stripclub gods every day that I have never run into a SW-style bitch at any of the clubs I frequent. Sorry hungrygiraffe, but a "good girl" syndrome ain't flying, and it isn't the backdrop for the ridiculous crap over on SW. What it is is a bunch of holier-than-thou divas with a sense of entitlement that is re-inforced by each other and the white knights that dwell there. Although it is often good for a laugh or two, it is actually quite disturbing. Just sayin'.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many strippers do you know that have neither tattoos or piercings?