WOW....I have heard some of you guys mention this StripperWeb so I went and read some on there and I think my CF must be a regular reader or maybe even a teacher on there. I saw so many things she does by the book according to StripperWeb. She must have written the part about stringing a regular that you know wants OTC along as long as possible by still getting him to come get dances in the club but never have OTC sex.
Just about every woman, for very good reasons, is brainwashed about being a "good girl". What we see playing out on SW is a manifestation of that, even amongst sex workers. If you get to know a lot of strippers you'll hear the dilemma they face first hand. My SB was lambasted by her stripper coworkers when they found out she was fucking OTC. She says all of them have done the same thing.
Never spend on a girl ITC solely trying to get her OTC. If the ITC is enjoyable for the price on its own, great. But don't think of money spent on her ITC as an investment in future access.
As much as "The System" gets mocked, there's a certain truth that a guy only looking for OTC needs to present himself as:
1) I'm a (relatively) safe guy 2) I have money 3) dancers can get that money for OTC 4) dancers can't get ( much of) that money ITC.
Without 4), there's less incentive for dancers to make the jump.
Al I can say is that I thank the stripclub gods every day that I have never run into a SW-style bitch at any of the clubs I frequent. Sorry hungrygiraffe, but a "good girl" syndrome ain't flying, and it isn't the backdrop for the ridiculous crap over on SW. What it is is a bunch of holier-than-thou divas with a sense of entitlement that is re-inforced by each other and the white knights that dwell there. Although it is often good for a laugh or two, it is actually quite disturbing. Just sayin'.
If strip clubs and strippers worked the way the consensus-fantasy at StripperWeb says they work, I wouldn't strip club at all anymore. Luckily, any first hand experience at a strip club puts the lie to that, and they've been exposed by Chili Palmer anyway
"AlI can say is that I thank the stripclub gods every day that I have never run into a SW-style bitch at any of the clubs I frequent"
I'm guessing those SW bitches don't act like that in a club. Just like around here -- whenever a dancer posts here (especially with pictures) -- the tough guys on this board roll up their man-parts and fawn over them like a 6th grade schoolboy.
I'd say 90% of the girls who post on SW are losers in the industry who will find other jobs within a year because they can't cut it. The other 10% either learn how to make money, or are ROB's.
Maybe... I can also imagine some of them are what they say they are. After all, while I don't often run into SW-type girls on dayshift, one of the reasons I don't enjoy busy weekend nightshifts is because of the high rate of hustle and the predatory pay-me-for-every-second-I'm-here SW types. My buddies and I dismiss girls from our table the moment we detect they are high-hustle girls, so to whatever extent they are out there, I don't interact with them much and they have no bearing on my experience
I actually think a lot of SW girks are successful ROBs.
A few have discussed the dishonest, sociopathic techniques they use. And this site has taught me a hot girl can often extract a lot of cash from a guy without necessarily giving much up.
I'm a vet. I've been hustled once. Around 6 or 7 years ago, I got hustled by a dancer with the classic "I want to date you" kind of schtick where I was hoping for an outside the club encounter which never happened. Needless to say, I learned real fast, and call me a cynic but I am convinced that when it comes to girls who've been in the game a few years, more often than not they are lying.
The "stringing along a guy for OTC" is just a variation of the stringing a guy along for a date scam. Guys, don't fall for it. If she is not DTF outside after being around you 3 or 4 times, then it's time to move on or keep dancing with her but forget about transitioning to OTC.
When you look at it objectively, it just seems like an ego or neediness thing. A guy gets turned down 2 or 3 times and then keeps persisting and spending money on the same dancer, even though he's been rejected. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me, and could be neediness. Some of these girls are masters at manipulation, which is why I am always wary with vets and often enjoy the company of younger dancers, many of whom are not comfortable with these types of underhanded shenanigans.
I agree with Lopaw! I spent years scrolling through SW looking to glean some greater understanding of what makes strippers tick, and the blue side was actually useful for trip reports, club info, and such. Eventually That usefulness faded, and I quit logging in. To be fair, the site does bill itself as being primarily for dancers, not customers. So if they need to support each other by deluding themselves about what really happens inside and outside their clubs, it's not my problem unless it creeps into my own club fun!
"So if they need to support each other by deluding themselves about what really happens inside and outside their clubs, it's not my problem unless it creeps into my own club fun!"
That's the thing though ... I think the kind of posing and venting they do FEELS good, but is not even remotely healthy emotionally and spiritually. It is not therapeutic to build a fantasy world and lie about what you do. It is not therapeutic to group-think small questionable actions (like getting waved off rudely, or guys who go to the club just to drink, or guys who touch their ass, etc. etc.) into sexual assault, etc., nor is it healthy to so dehumanize their customers. They are becoming worse people and worse strippers, not better. SW is like heroin to them -- it feels good, so at first they think it's good for them, but I doubt very much the type of thinking (or lack of thinking) it encourages is anything but damaging in the long run.
I got kicked off of SW a long ass time ago for being honest and calling them ho's out on their obvious lies and how they treat customers. That site is a joke.
@Subraman - I'm sure they appreciate your concern, but seriously? You're concerned about them dehumanizing customers??? What the fuck do you think all of us as customers are doing when we ask them to grind our dick with their ass, suck our dicks, and let us come on their tits???
SW is a mix of very successful hustlers, girls who are struggling, retirees and newbies. The category that I always find to be a bit under-represented on there are the everyday strippers, who have developed decent hustles that work for them and dance full time to support themselves and their children.
Rick: do you think it's because they're not there, or because there's a particular SW group value system, and that value system looks down on the experience of everyday strippers, and so as a result there's a lot of posing to conform with the group values? I go back and forth, but suspect it's a bit more of the latter than the former ... and as I love bringing up, Chili's description of his experience with a huge number of SW girls (I don't know Chili, but he seems to have credibility both here and at SW) makes it sound as if a huge % of SW girls are everyday strippers posing and conforming to the SW groupthink values.
Subraman, I agree that there are likely some girls on SW who tailor their posts to conform to group values, but I also maintain that the everyday strippers seem to be under-represented. By way of one example, the board is fairly light on Moms with young kids dancing full-time, yet we know the reality in many clubs. If had had to guess, I'd say that time is one factor, since Moms with kids tend to be very busy with real life issues. I also suspect that many everyday strippers lurk, but never wade in.
"a bit under-represented there are the everyday strippers".......... I'd expand that to say all club strippers, because the camgirls seem to outnumber the club strippers 2-3 fold. To borrow another Chili quote: Stripperweb should be called Camgirlweb. I suspect that many SWers cam because they abhor actual face to face contact with customers.
As I've been quoted a few times in this post (thanks to those who did so), thought I'd chime in a bit, as I probably have more history with SW than anyone else on this board now that yoda has passed on.
Why do the strippers all seem to to think and act alike, even though much/most of what they say/post goes completely against our regular experiences in a strip club? It's the hive mentality that takes over the place, and has gradually increased through three very distinct eras. The first was what I dubbed "Mileage Wars 1," in which a number of formerly very popular strippers were first shamed and then shunned by the other female dancers for admitting they actually liked giving lap dances and that it wasn't just "work" to them. The board quieted down until another baby stripper posted in one of ehr first posts that she often got off on giving laps, and really enjoyed taking care of her customers. This started "Mileage Wars 2" and drove away more strippers who had no issues publicly admitting that they were a sex worker who actually enjoyed sex (heavens!). Finally, the death knell for most strippers (and many frequent male posters as well) was The Accusation by a stripper named Dottie Rebel, who accused the SW benefactor "Kevin" of drugging and raping her.
Most everyone who was anyone left the site and a number of dancers then started EDN (Exotic Dancers Network), a "site by strippers for strippers," which was clearly a dig at the former owner of SW who was a guy who was another dancer's webmaster who then started up StripperWeb. As a side note, before EDN started up, a large number of former SW dancers started their own private dancer only website, to which I and a few other male participants were allowed to be a member of. This site was was a real eye opener,and the dancers on it were a lot more honest about what they did and to whom they did it. They also shared secrets from other dancers, until finally one of them copied the posts and shared them with other dancers outside of the private site, which was its death knell.
So, are dancers on SW representative of dancers in general? The obvious answer is no, and it no different than asking that same question of the posters on TUSCL. Are TUSCL posters what dancers see in strip clubs? Given that 85% of the posts on this site are done by either retards or trolls (non-arguable), one would say this site is just as representative of customers as SW is of dancers. When I walk in to Hi-Liter, I see the same type of guy buying lap dances: middle-aged (40-65), white, probably married, and looking for something he can't get in the real world (maybe it's an Asian fetish, or a leg fetish, or boobs, or whatever), but the time they spend with dancers, no matter how pricey this hobby is, is valuable to them.
Here's the difference between SW and TUSCL though: SW was set up to be a female-first website, and it was by design that males on that site were/are second class citizens. I had the opportunity to speak with the owner of SW years ago at a party we organized with a bunch of local strippers and when I asked him why men essentially had no rights on SW, he had no qualms about admitting that he could not care less about how the men were treated on that site, as it was a dancer-support site. Contrast that to TUSCL, where the trolls and retards are not only tolerated, but actively applauded for being such, and where the founder, through his inaction, has demonstrated he could not care less that intelligent discussion of anything strip club related is damn near impossible here.
Thanks, that's interesting. Expecially that 2nd paragraph -- I had no idea that there was ever a time that SW discussion included the notion that it was anything other than work, etc. I saw a not-too-old thread in one of the women-only forums where someone vaguely implied this, and she was shut down hard and immediately by a mod, and then there was a small dogpile. It was pretty clear: the single acceptable expression is that it is work and only work, and no deviation from this, even from someone who honestly feels differently, is permitted.
And it's always amusing to see how their posts in general are so completely different from what I experience in a stripclub. Actually, I also remember seeing a thread maybe 6 months back where a stripper came onto the blue side and asked what the guys typically paid for OTC (the replies from blues were very realistic, IMO, and on average maybe just slightly more than what I usually pay). She was perplexed as to the numbers she was hearing, vs what she was told on the pink side she should be charging. Meanwhile, there is a pinkside thread where a stripper is asking the sisterhood what she should charge for having dinner with her regular, and there were a few people who were agreeing $500 was reasonable. Meanwhile, in my entire SC career -- and I've been SCing longer than many of those women have been alive -- I've never ever been charged one dime for dinner, other than buying dinner and drinks.
@Chilli. So Normally it's not like me to feed the troll that you obviously are, but since I haven't anything better to do atm...
Retards and trolls and a lack of honesty?
So you obviously haven't a clue what goes on in this site. Are there some trolls, sure. Are there some guys who exaggeratelse the truth, sure. But we know who the fckn trolls are and who are bullshitters. We have an excellent "ignore " feature (which I will soon be adding you to) and most of us use it accordingly.
That said we have a forum centered around the hobby but open to anything and everything else, sports, politics, financial news, race debates, and everything thing else that begs the human condition. We have these not so retarded discussion because most of us are interested in the human condition as it applies to both customers and strippers a like. We have honest hard hitting discussion because we are challenging our selves and each other to reach for the impossible (or at least what society has told us is impossible ) we dare have our cake and eat it too. We dare look into ourselves and challenge our fears, doubts, frustration, sure mostly in search if having the ultimate club experience but the ultimate experience is a good time and good feelings for both us and the dancers. This is a site that inspires positive relationships. Is there some shot talking, just enough for us to prove we're heterosexual sexual males (and Lesbian) but it's all in fun.
SW on the other hand is a place where females judge other females negatively, talk about the customers negatively, everything is so goddamn negative. And the girls are completely full of shit. I've been blown, fucked, and blown some more all without asking. I've demonstrated respect for the working ladies, and in the end became friends (well buddies) . Stripperweb would have one believe that it's all about strippers getting over on customers and in-fighting. And that girls are entitled to money because they have TnA. Give me a break.
So please go suck on your own dick somewhere else, j/k. You obviously don't have one
^Struck a nerve gaca? Everybody knows theres some truth to that. Although 85% is an exaggeration. Its more like 50% trolls and retards. But what is tuscl w\o our trolls and retards?
I've been saying since almost the first time I browsed stripperweb that the posters there seem no more representative of strippers than the posters here are of club goers. Both of those opinions are based on my observations.
As for the 85% figure, remember that most of the "trolls and retards" are actually just three or four people.
@GACAclub: Overreact much? I saw nothing Chili's post that was even vaguely troll-like.
GACA: I usually agree with you, but here, I think you've gone off the rails... this place IS practically overrun by trolls, the founder DOESN'T care (even though I'd bet this could be *the* SC forum if it was run well), and this place is kinda-sorta the male equivalent of StripperWeb (although without the level of vitriol and bitterness, and I also think tuscl is more tolerant of alternative approaches, where SW stamps out any deviance from the party-approved propoganda). I do think more interesting discussion goes on here than Chili gives tuscl credit for, but I don't begrudge him some hyperbole
gmd posted: "As for the 85% figure, remember that most of the "trolls and retards" are actually just three or four people." **************************************************************************************************************
Using multiple screen names and posting constantly. I believe that 85% is about right on the post percentage. It doesn't take many people to shit and piss enough to turn even a big pool into a dirty toilet. :)
It's not that founder doesn't care about they forums, they just don't account for anywhere near the revenue that the review pages do. The forums are here, I suspect, only because he likes, sometimes, the conversations that take place.
While I don't run a forum as a business, I will point out that in the SC world, at least, the most successful forum-business I know, used good solid forums to generate a boatload of SC reviews, which beget more revenue, etc. I would imagine most people new to tuscl, take a quick look at the forum, roll their eyes, and shove off again. But a good forum sucks in lots of guys who love SCs, functions as a positive feedback loop to motivate people to go clubbing more and do more reviews, etc. I think it's just a bad business decision to leave the forums the wild west, when they could generate a LOT of traffic and eyes and reviews if they were just lightly moderated
last commentTurn and burn her my friend
Never spend on a girl ITC solely trying to get her OTC. If the ITC is enjoyable for the price on its own, great. But don't think of money spent on her ITC as an investment in future access.
As much as "The System" gets mocked, there's a certain truth that a guy only looking for OTC needs to present himself as:
1) I'm a (relatively) safe guy
2) I have money
3) dancers can get that money for OTC
4) dancers can't get ( much of) that money ITC.
Without 4), there's less incentive for dancers to make the jump.
Sorry hungrygiraffe, but a "good girl" syndrome ain't flying, and it isn't the backdrop for the ridiculous crap over on SW. What it is is a bunch of holier-than-thou divas with a sense of entitlement that is re-inforced by each other and the white knights that dwell there. Although it is often good for a laugh or two, it is actually quite disturbing. Just sayin'.
I'm guessing those SW bitches don't act like that in a club. Just like around here -- whenever a dancer posts here (especially with pictures) -- the tough guys on this board roll up their man-parts and fawn over them like a 6th grade schoolboy.
A few have discussed the dishonest, sociopathic techniques they use. And this site has taught me a hot girl can often extract a lot of cash from a guy without necessarily giving much up.
The "stringing along a guy for OTC" is just a variation of the stringing a guy along for a date scam. Guys, don't fall for it. If she is not DTF outside after being around you 3 or 4 times, then it's time to move on or keep dancing with her but forget about transitioning to OTC.
When you look at it objectively, it just seems like an ego or neediness thing. A guy gets turned down 2 or 3 times and then keeps persisting and spending money on the same dancer, even though he's been rejected. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me, and could be neediness. Some of these girls are masters at manipulation, which is why I am always wary with vets and often enjoy the company of younger dancers, many of whom are not comfortable with these types of underhanded shenanigans.
That's the thing though ... I think the kind of posing and venting they do FEELS good, but is not even remotely healthy emotionally and spiritually. It is not therapeutic to build a fantasy world and lie about what you do. It is not therapeutic to group-think small questionable actions (like getting waved off rudely, or guys who go to the club just to drink, or guys who touch their ass, etc. etc.) into sexual assault, etc., nor is it healthy to so dehumanize their customers. They are becoming worse people and worse strippers, not better. SW is like heroin to them -- it feels good, so at first they think it's good for them, but I doubt very much the type of thinking (or lack of thinking) it encourages is anything but damaging in the long run.
I feel naive.
But I'm happy.
Why do the strippers all seem to to think and act alike, even though much/most of what they say/post goes completely against our regular experiences in a strip club? It's the hive mentality that takes over the place, and has gradually increased through three very distinct eras. The first was what I dubbed "Mileage Wars 1," in which a number of formerly very popular strippers were first shamed and then shunned by the other female dancers for admitting they actually liked giving lap dances and that it wasn't just "work" to them. The board quieted down until another baby stripper posted in one of ehr first posts that she often got off on giving laps, and really enjoyed taking care of her customers. This started "Mileage Wars 2" and drove away more strippers who had no issues publicly admitting that they were a sex worker who actually enjoyed sex (heavens!). Finally, the death knell for most strippers (and many frequent male posters as well) was The Accusation by a stripper named Dottie Rebel, who accused the SW benefactor "Kevin" of drugging and raping her.
Most everyone who was anyone left the site and a number of dancers then started EDN (Exotic Dancers Network), a "site by strippers for strippers," which was clearly a dig at the former owner of SW who was a guy who was another dancer's webmaster who then started up StripperWeb. As a side note, before EDN started up, a large number of former SW dancers started their own private dancer only website, to which I and a few other male participants were allowed to be a member of. This site was was a real eye opener,and the dancers on it were a lot more honest about what they did and to whom they did it. They also shared secrets from other dancers, until finally one of them copied the posts and shared them with other dancers outside of the private site, which was its death knell.
So, are dancers on SW representative of dancers in general? The obvious answer is no, and it no different than asking that same question of the posters on TUSCL. Are TUSCL posters what dancers see in strip clubs? Given that 85% of the posts on this site are done by either retards or trolls (non-arguable), one would say this site is just as representative of customers as SW is of dancers. When I walk in to Hi-Liter, I see the same type of guy buying lap dances: middle-aged (40-65), white, probably married, and looking for something he can't get in the real world (maybe it's an Asian fetish, or a leg fetish, or boobs, or whatever), but the time they spend with dancers, no matter how pricey this hobby is, is valuable to them.
Here's the difference between SW and TUSCL though: SW was set up to be a female-first website, and it was by design that males on that site were/are second class citizens. I had the opportunity to speak with the owner of SW years ago at a party we organized with a bunch of local strippers and when I asked him why men essentially had no rights on SW, he had no qualms about admitting that he could not care less about how the men were treated on that site, as it was a dancer-support site. Contrast that to TUSCL, where the trolls and retards are not only tolerated, but actively applauded for being such, and where the founder, through his inaction, has demonstrated he could not care less that intelligent discussion of anything strip club related is damn near impossible here.
And it's always amusing to see how their posts in general are so completely different from what I experience in a stripclub. Actually, I also remember seeing a thread maybe 6 months back where a stripper came onto the blue side and asked what the guys typically paid for OTC (the replies from blues were very realistic, IMO, and on average maybe just slightly more than what I usually pay). She was perplexed as to the numbers she was hearing, vs what she was told on the pink side she should be charging. Meanwhile, there is a pinkside thread where a stripper is asking the sisterhood what she should charge for having dinner with her regular, and there were a few people who were agreeing $500 was reasonable. Meanwhile, in my entire SC career -- and I've been SCing longer than many of those women have been alive -- I've never ever been charged one dime for dinner, other than buying dinner and drinks.
Anyway, always a fun read
Retards and trolls and a lack of honesty?
So you obviously haven't a clue what goes on in this site. Are there some trolls, sure. Are there some guys who exaggeratelse the truth, sure. But we know who the fckn trolls are and who are bullshitters. We have an excellent "ignore " feature (which I will soon be adding you to) and most of us use it accordingly.
That said we have a forum centered around the hobby but open to anything and everything else, sports, politics, financial news, race debates, and everything thing else that begs the human condition. We have these not so retarded discussion because most of us are interested in the human condition as it applies to both customers and strippers a like. We have honest hard hitting discussion because we are challenging our selves and each other to reach for the impossible (or at least what society has told us is impossible ) we dare have our cake and eat it too. We dare look into ourselves and challenge our fears, doubts, frustration, sure mostly in search if having the ultimate club experience but the ultimate experience is a good time and good feelings for both us and the dancers. This is a site that inspires positive relationships. Is there some shot talking, just enough for us to prove we're heterosexual sexual males (and Lesbian) but it's all in fun.
SW on the other hand is a place where females judge other females negatively, talk about the customers negatively, everything is so goddamn negative. And the girls are completely full of shit. I've been blown, fucked, and blown some more all without asking. I've demonstrated respect for the working ladies, and in the end became friends (well buddies) . Stripperweb would have one believe that it's all about strippers getting over on customers and in-fighting. And that girls are entitled to money because they have TnA. Give me a break.
So please go suck on your own dick somewhere else, j/k. You obviously don't have one
As for the 85% figure, remember that most of the "trolls and retards" are actually just three or four people.
@GACAclub: Overreact much? I saw nothing Chili's post that was even vaguely troll-like.
Using multiple screen names and posting constantly. I believe that 85% is about right on the post percentage. It doesn't take many people to shit and piss enough to turn even a big pool into a dirty toilet. :)