Comments by wallanon (page 65)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Dancers asking about favorites, who else you got dances from
    I read the OP more as they're asking a serious question and not just being flirty. Jimmy's got a point about girls trying to be helpful, but in that case the question I tend to get is whether I "see any girls I like". When the word "favorite" comes around, it's usually girls who see the girls I buy dances from (and they're not one of them) or a new girl who is sizing me up. I don't mind the question because I'm all for dancers not wasting their time, and if I'm interested in her I'll let her know. If I'm a new face I'll usually get the "have I been there before" question before the favorite question. If it's no, then it's the "see any girls I like" or offer to tell me about the club. Or if the girl is less experienced she just keeps asking more questions about me and I change the subject. If the answer is yes, then the next question I usually get is whether there are any girls I'm there to see. "Favorite" is pretty specific, so when I hear the word it's usually got something else coming behind it. When I have favorite dancers, the girls who are already know and don't have to ask unless they're questioning their standing. Then it's back to the previous sentence, so fav is a word I'll use on a message board but would rather not get into with real live dancers.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Dancers asking about favorites, who else you got dances from
    "Why do they ask who’s your favorite? If you say they are, the next question is always who’s your second favorite." If they know your face and remember who you are, they'll probably already know if you have a favorite. "Are they just trying to see their competition?" They're probably just trying to see if they can run a sympathy game on you. Or maybe be the "second favorite" like Shyohio was saying. "Do dancers get jealous or angry if you refuse a dance with them, but get it with another dancer." Yes, but it's not personal most of the time. It's usually dancers in their feelings about money they feel entitled to. But I've had stuff go sideways in the club over legit jealousy and it was just as fun as you'd think it would be. Wouldn't recommend it. "Or what if you for instance get one dance with each dancer, instead of spending a larger amount on one singular dancer." Don't bother. If they're paying attention the one who thinks she got paid less will still be bitter about it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Agree or not?
    For the OP, +1 to the guys who said on the right girl a tongue piercing can be a winner.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Agree or not?
    "I was thinking making out wouldn’t happen unless youre with her otc and both confirmed disease free..." I'm actually starting to see the funny in this low key trolling.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anyone going to Hong Kong Tonight or Tomorrow?? Hotel room on me!
    I thought you guys said Larry didn't post on TUSCL anymore.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What are you spending every month on otc or itc
    "Well I think the current system is a double standard, so it is unfair to women. It is also based on dividing women into two categories. It also benefits some men, but not others." This is why I don't have anyone on ignore, because lo and behold you've said something intriguing. If you start a thread explaining why you think this way I won't hide it and might even participate.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Should Women Be Put Into Restraints When They Are To Be Fucked?
    Another thread to hide? Why not?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Reject or approve?
    Is it still there? Would've thought it'd be settled by now one way or the other.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    This Week in San Antonio - No good for men
    Dude, check your PMs.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Reject or approve?
    Reject. I suggested they try to shape it up as an article.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Professionalism and strippers is just not a sexy combo
    "But, could just be others have been in better clubs than I have." There would be many TUSCL dustups avoided if more people could embrace this concept. In some parts of the country it is much tougher to get the ITC/OTC experiences we talk about as routine on these boards, especially if you're starting later in life into the game.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Houston Hostess Bars
    Well how, that sounds like an opportunity to take one for the team lol.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    All Year Long! 🌞
    Stripper Poll #1
    Prefer shaved, but carpe diem. I'm not going to pass on some quality time because she hadn't planned on showing off the goods that day.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Rate These Stars... In Their Prime
    "Angelina Jolie. Physically hot. But she's always been a nutcase. So she's last for me." That's precisely why she's at the top of my list if it didn't have Halle Berry on it. Not for nothing, but Catwoman also has a reputation for being a lil batty in the hatty.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Professionalism and strippers is just not a sexy combo
    "Wallanon, why do you not like it if the hottest girl in the club is first on deck and approaches you?" I don't really care one way or the other if she's first. The obvious hottest dancer on the floor just sets the tone for the others if they see her over with me, so I try to keep it friendly even if she ends up getting sent on her way. It's unusual for the hottest dancer to be the first one in if I'm new face in the club. Usually they're experienced enough to watch others try their luck because they can catch someone's eye just by walking by. "What do you look for in lapdances and potential?" This one's easy. I almost never get lapdances from a woman I wouldn't bang. There are rare exceptions. Example, I was at some country bar in Canada and there was an older black dancer the locals were being very rude to. She wasn't my type (not because she was black just wasn't into her) but I still spent about $60 in dances. She wound up being a better experience than I'd expected. Then there's the girls I met through TUSCL. If I did that sort of thing, lol. I'd always spend on them, because it's only sporting to be a good customer if she knows "me" from the site.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Rate These Stars... In Their Prime
    1. Halle Berry 2. Angelina Jolie 3. Salma Hayek 4. Pamela Anderson 5. Penelope Cruz 6. Cameron Diaz 7. Heather Locklear This list just made me reevaluate my childhood. Cameron Diaz in the Mask and There's Something About Mary rescued her from the bottom, and Google Images landed Heather Locklear there. But when HL comes in 7th there's a lot of hotness to go around. Pam Anderson gets the porno bump just like Kim Kardashian would, and I realized my list answers a question shailynn didn't ask but obviously the order should be the same.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Professionalism and strippers is just not a sexy combo
    BigThirdEye is the LDK82 of sex toys. You like them. We get it. I'm ok with the "by the numbers" dancer hottie unless two things happen. Sometimes they'll get frustrated if I don't seem to be blown away from their charms. A lot of those girls look picture perfect from a distance, and I usually go for the "I'm new here" or "nice guy no touch" if the hottest girl in the club is first on deck at a new club. If she doesn't show much potential, she might get a second try for a second dance but usually gets a polite thank-you-bye after one dance. Then I get to see an unusually pretty RBF from the pro when a girl next door type has a good night on my lap instead of her. Or her nemesis, the other top hot dancer who isn't boring, has a very good night cause I'm having an even better night. The other extreme is the dancer who's hyper cynical because she's club famous for putting out. She acts like the only reason a customer ever wants to talk with her is to get his nut, and is almost always right. She sees right through every strategy and gets straight to the point. Don't bother being nice to her, she says. Don't bother trying to make her feel good, she says. She's dead inside, can't get turned on anymore, but knows how to get you off like clockwork. And will if you like, even if you feel cheapened by the experience. She's one of the most beautiful Debbie Downers you'll ever meet.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Breaking NEWS!!!!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Breaking NEWS!!!!
    Did you actually research this?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Disneyfying TUSCL
    Well I think Bharlem just took this whole thread past the point of no return.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    FYI we all look alike
    You figure about 30 years of a world wide web with pictures would've put this tired idea to bed by now.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    1st trip to HK 11th -13th
    "Someone from the forum got in touch with me and helped show me the ropes to the point where on my last day I went out and explored just to get lost among the locals and the culture." Viva los TUSCLeros!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Should you let a stripper know you'd like to fuck her?
    You can't get what you don't ask for (or take) if it isn't offered. In this case it's much better to ask and receive.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Disneyfying TUSCL
    "If anything it is counter-productive if the purpose of this site is truly to foster frank, open and informative discussions among customers and dancers." 90% of the value at TUSCL is the reviews. I only started posting in the forums because I wanted to have a voice on the boards that sounded more like "mine". Now it's funny to read back that far and see how far my perspective has changed. Or for others how little. When Founder decides to move on from maintaining the site, it'd be cool to see it archived if TUSCL doesn't get sold off. To Rickdugan's point about open and informative discussion, I don't think TUSCL is that for most people on the boards because there's a learning curve and we don't have a bunny slopes forum. The subreddit forum is interesting as a change of pace, but it's kind of like stripperweb where maybe I'll show up for a visit but not stay. If you're deep into the hobby there's something to be gained by getting to know what's behind the TUSCL screenames and tapping into that knowledge, but it's not for the casuals if they're really just here for the reviews. And then you'll get the occasional guy who makes the leap, leading with both hands out to receive and no contributions to offer, like a slow pitch over the middle of the plate waiting to get knocked into the stands. "plus we have discussed everything there is to discuss about SCing and pretty-much know everything there is to know" Yes and no. This came up about a month ago and there's some topic fatigue. If the TUSCL forum were more like what Dugan was suggesting there's plenty of fertile ground to cover. But that requires the diehards here to expose some vulnerability, and let's face it most of us aren't going there on an open board. Few of the regulars here put themselves out there, and the ones who do are very selective in how they go about it. I'm not sure all of us put together know all there is to know about strip clubs, but we're better off talking things over as a group then figuring it out in our own. Once people start thinking they know everything there is to know about anything that's usually an invitation to be wrong So I guess that's the other 10% of the value in being here for those who want to invest the time. I'm more likely 90 to 10 the other way now, but it took a while to get there.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How often do you use algebra?
    whodey and jackslash covered the ITC and OTC sides of it pretty well. I probably did some low tech form of it when I'd work through which clubs to see on what days on a business trip. To riff off whodey's take, it sounds like his mileage idea was more of a maximization function. Example using fish here at Swap in whatever you like for the tetras and headstanders. You want to get fancier then welcome to calc and I'll see myself out.