Idk, but it seems lately that someone is hell bent on Disneyfying this site. We have a ream of new accounts mixed with a smattering of older ones who continue to push odd messaging through the following (and other means too):
- "Customer" stories written about dancer interactions like they're writing Harlequin romance novels; - Treating commonly done OTC like it's some mysterious and/or scary unicorn event; - Theorizing that we should look at our interactions with strippers through the same lens we'd use when dealing with a dress up character at Disney World; - Jumping in to defend license scanning, heavy camera use and other onerous club monitoring practices...
I could go on. Tbh it's getting kind of silly now. These places are unique to a almost any other business. Almost nowhere else is lust the primary motivator for customer spending. Similarly, almost nowhere else will you find a collection of unusual women who are willing to remove their clothes and rub on guys for money. The motivations are as pure as they are powerful.
Where charged forces like this come together, there will be inevitable natural side effects. Some guys will behave badly, including treating girls poorly and acting self entitled . Some girls will behave badly too, including leveraging weak men's lust and loneliness to maximum advantage. Some guys will offer more money to take it further. Some girls, already getting naked and rubbing on guys for money, will be willing to go a little further for the right price. Commonly "taking it further" involves OTC meetups, which are happening between customers and dancers across the country routinely on any given day/night.
Attempts to reframe industry realities on here just come across as silly. All the sanitizing posts in the world won't change how these powerful forces play out in the clubs themselves. If anything it is counter-productive if the purpose of this site is truly to foster frank, open and informative discussions among customers and dancers.
"Sure thing. And I used to read Playboy for the articles." Some guys want to identify strippers to LDK with. Some want ITC. Some want OTC. Some club to interact with women who wouldn't give them the time of day anywhere else. Some just want to harangue the rest of the board out of misplaced self-righteousness. Some have no other interaction with the outside world and spend the equivalent of a full-time job here. You can tell which regular posters haven't gone to a strip club in years. That's what I meant.
"Not entirely organic" Meaning what? You think it's an organized troll assault? Yeah, we know Cacaplop has several different screen names, but the large number of threads makes it difficult to troll all of them at once. Do you think it's some clubs or dancers with a vendetta? I didn't think this site was that important in the grand schemes. Curious what you think.
It's pretty clear that there is a certain amount of coordination in play and not just in the Discussion board. If I see the word "sensual" used to describe LDs in one more promotional review I think I'm going to have a nausea attack. 😂
As far as what people come here for, I don't disagree. I was referring to why guys go to strip clubs. It's almost always about the tits and ass, regardless of differing boundaries and approaches.
Rick Dugan has gone full out SJG on us telling everyone they’re having fun rong! Not everybody wants to take out otc with drug addicted high volume strippers like you do Boi.
Awww Ricky! I am sorry, I didn't realize you felt I have been ignoring you! Scrubby and I had a few hot dates and I went up to the northeast to raw dog dry hump with skibum. I promise you I will be back in Florida this week and we can play bouncer and manager. That should cheer you up
Mr Dugan how easy is it to find an escort or stripper willing to do bareback otc? Or even willing to let you finger her itc? Everyone seems to have disease concerns with these things
What about using toys like dildos and plugs, whether itc or otc?
I don't understand how using the word "sensual" indicates a coordinated conspiracy effort to Disneyfy the TUSCL. I guess I also don't fully understand what you mean by "Disneyfy". Of the reasons you listed...
"'Customer' stories written about dancer interactions like they're writing Harlequin romance novels"
I'm more accustomed to seeing reviews written like old Penthouse Forum letters. So, are you saying that dancers and/or managers are writing these "romance" reviews?
"Treating commonly done OTC like it's some mysterious and/or scary unicorn event"
Since my first day here, there have been dozens of guys asking about OTC and treating it like a black swan event. If you're specifically referring to the user "siracha" (who has changed his handle to "BigThirdEye"), that guy is a troll. I wouldn't base a lot on his behavior.
"Theorizing that we should look at our interactions with strippers through the same lens we'd use when dealing with a dress up character at Disney World;"
Perhaps I'm a bit thick today, but I don't understand this one at all.
"Jumping in to defend license scanning, heavy camera use and other onerous club monitoring practices..."
I haven't seen this. That doesn't mean it's not happening, but I suspect that there's a microscopic minority of guys here who love ID scans and VIP cameras.
Of course, the tone has changed a lot, but that's unavoidable. It's to be expected that as the older, long-time users transition away from strip clubs (which in several cases that transition has been passing away), the younger users who replace them won't be carbon copies. It's a different generation. They were raised in a very different way. If you want the strip club scene (and this site as an extension of that) to be trapped in amber, then you will only be disappointed.
I'll also note that a big change since I came on is that there are more dancers present and contributing. They are still in the minority, but when I created this profile the number of active dancers here including Nina ... and Nina. That's a mixed bag, but I'm mostly in favor. It's a bit of an echo chamber without dancers weighing in on different topics.
Anyway, I guess I do see changes happening, but I don't see it as non-organic.
"Customer stories written about dancer interactions like they're writing Harlequin romance novels."
I'm afraid I'm a little guilty of that. I have a couple friends who like hearing my strip club stories but I understand most of the members here are looking for tips to increase their success rate in finding sexual activities. I try to keep my reviews from turning into my strip club diary but don't always succeed.
I've always had a rule not to do anything illegal. The only exception was when I smoked marijuana with a girl when I was twenty at a Rolling Stones concert 45 years ago. I like having long term relationships with people. I've always lived in the same city, worked at the same place and kept my old school friends. I'm mostly looking for regulars in strip clubs, so most of my clubbing is local. I would just get a girlfriend, but I like the freedom of living alone and doing what I like when I feel like it. I like the physical contact with the strippers, as long as it's legal. A sensual lap dance is fine. I also like talking to the girls. If other guys are more interested in sexual activities, there's nothing wrong with that. I'd like to see all forms of commercial sex in this country legalized but at the same time kept somewhat discreet. No hookers standing on the corner in front of the elementary school.
Funny Some of you fucking idiots accuse me of being dougster all the time but won't even mention him when nice spice sjg and other members are involved in bringing the real dougster back. Probably coz you're his proponents too. Well you wanted him you have him.
The last time dougster attacked tuscl cim 20fag nice spice sjg were all in on it. Among others. But I hope everyone who keeps talking about him is happy he's back.
A certain # of us have been on this site a long-time and we're kinda set in our ways; plus we have discussed everything there is to discuss about SCing and pretty-much know everything there is to know; thus we may sometimes not have patience for other POVs that differ from most of the hardcore vets on-here.
As has been mentioned, different PLs have different needs and go to the clubs for different reasons - the most common is being a horny-PL; then there are the lonely-guys that use the strip-club as a substitute for a relationship they would like to have but don't; then there are the guys that just go once in a while w/ their buddies for fun (drink and just see some titties); and then there are the newbies/semi-newbies that seem haven't fully grasped the strip-club game.
But yeah - one of the reasons I sometimes reject reviews is b/c they are mostly a "personal diary entry" vs fully describing the club.
Dougster got booted and he deserved it many times over. I am still hoping that eventually he will mend his ways. We will have to see.
And I only have one category of women. I don't call some of them "strippers" because that is a euphemism for prostitutes. I treat all women like I would treat any other woman.
SJG did you invent FRMOS I saw it on the glossary That means you have a lot of power and influence on the site, to be able to have a term you made in the glossary
"If anything it is counter-productive if the purpose of this site is truly to foster frank, open and informative discussions among customers and dancers."
90% of the value at TUSCL is the reviews. I only started posting in the forums because I wanted to have a voice on the boards that sounded more like "mine". Now it's funny to read back that far and see how far my perspective has changed. Or for others how little. When Founder decides to move on from maintaining the site, it'd be cool to see it archived if TUSCL doesn't get sold off.
To Rickdugan's point about open and informative discussion, I don't think TUSCL is that for most people on the boards because there's a learning curve and we don't have a bunny slopes forum. The subreddit forum is interesting as a change of pace, but it's kind of like stripperweb where maybe I'll show up for a visit but not stay.
If you're deep into the hobby there's something to be gained by getting to know what's behind the TUSCL screenames and tapping into that knowledge, but it's not for the casuals if they're really just here for the reviews. And then you'll get the occasional guy who makes the leap, leading with both hands out to receive and no contributions to offer, like a slow pitch over the middle of the plate waiting to get knocked into the stands.
"plus we have discussed everything there is to discuss about SCing and pretty-much know everything there is to know"
Yes and no. This came up about a month ago and there's some topic fatigue. If the TUSCL forum were more like what Dugan was suggesting there's plenty of fertile ground to cover. But that requires the diehards here to expose some vulnerability, and let's face it most of us aren't going there on an open board. Few of the regulars here put themselves out there, and the ones who do are very selective in how they go about it.
I'm not sure all of us put together know all there is to know about strip clubs, but we're better off talking things over as a group then figuring it out in our own. Once people start thinking they know everything there is to know about anything that's usually an invitation to be wrong So I guess that's the other 10% of the value in being here for those who want to invest the time. I'm more likely 90 to 10 the other way now, but it took a while to get there.
Mr. Dugan, in the words of the immortal Mr. Inigo Montoya, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
You should red the Wikipedia page on Disneyfication… ask yourself whether the examples you list are actually examples of Disneyfication. Because you’re not very smart I’ll tell you the answer: they are not an examples of Disneyfication. They are simply people making up stories about having fun in a manner that differs from the stories you make up.
You’re welcome!
Also, I will now be accepting awards from other TUSCL posters now that I have solved yet another nonsense problem created by Mr. Dugan. As I said before: you’re welcome!
===> "I'm not sure all of us put together know all there is to know about strip clubs, but we're better off talking things over as a group then figuring it out in our own. Once people start thinking they know everything there is to know about anything that's usually an invitation to be wrong..."
This 100%. Wallanon stole my thunder when he responded to Papi, lol.
If I completely lost my ability to be surprised by something I found in a strip club, I'd probably club a lot less, especially on the road. After all, why would I squander a finite discretionary club budget in unfamiliar venues when I'm already so well wired in my local clubs?
The answer is that every so often I'm still surprised. Like a few years back when I ended up singing karaoke with a handful of dancers on the back patio of a W Va. club - alcohol may have been involved. Or when I finally breached the OTC barrier with a gorgeous local girl in Milwaukee, which has historically been a (culturally) difficult place to land locally grown OTC (loved that twang in her voice in the hotel room), or when I met a stunning girl in Dallas who had such extraordinary skillz that I couldn't keep myself from splurging on her, or...
Stuff like that is what still makes clubbing such an adventure. Even in my local clubs I'm still surprised every so often, even if it's not so common.
^ Mr. Third Eye, the thing to know about Mr. Skibum is that he has an eight second memory like a goldfish but he also has Tourette’s so he can’t help the shit he types.
He is kind of like Cartman in the episode of South Park where Cartman would write letters that included his fake verbal ticks. Only Mr. Skibum’s ticks are real.
Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me? M-I-C-K-E-Y--M-O-U-S-E! Hey there, Hi there, Ho there. You're as welcome as can be! M-I-C-K-E-Y--M-O-U-S-E!
Mickey Mouse (Donald Duck!), Mickey Mouse (Donald Duck!) Forever we will hold your banner high-high-high-high! Come along and sing the song and join our jamboree M-I-C-K-E-Y--M-O-U-S-E!
"Dougster got booted and he deserved it many times over. "
Yet you've deserved booting more times yet for your physical and death threats against others, your constant spamming, your flooding the board with drivel that nobody else wants to see or read, yet you're still here.
If faggots who take it up the ass like Cowboy-48 would leave, we'd be homosexual free and happy. Young people are like ants at picnic: They're there, but a total negative.
===> "When NYC Disneyfied Times Square, many folks were happy it was cleaner. However, there are still folks who wish it remained sketchy and filthy. If that ever happens here, it will be the end of the relevance of this site."
I agree to an extent about the site's relevance. This place becomes much less useful when trolls fill the place with make believe.
Moreover though, I suspect that someone on here might even be foolish enough to believe that messaging on here may alter actual customers' expectations when they hit the clubs. You know, kinda' how some customers believe that if they just encourage everyone to hold the line on prices then price inflation won't happen. Silly rabbits.
Now that is not to say that the site cannot be more dancer friendly, but that's a separate discussion as it has much less to do with frank discussions and more to do with the incessant trolling.
I lived in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. With all the federal funding and national goodwill that poured in afterwards, Mayor Nagin promised a "Disney World level of clean" in the French Quarter. If you had ever walked down Bourbon Street prior to 2006, you know that as soon as you turned off of Canal your nostrils were assaulted with a putrid odor of urine, vomit, and shame. I was quote taken aback the first time I went.
I remember the first time I returned to the Quarter after it was fully reopened. I took my visitors to Bourbon from Canal and smelled... Lemon pledge and Pine-Sol? Trash and litter would still accumulate throughout the day but, prior to the nightly party crowds arriving, the streets were remarkably cleaner and the cleaning products' scents had real staying power.
It was around 2009 or 2010 when budget priorities changed. We were going to Emeril's for some birthday, and as soon as we entered the quarter we had the same unmistakable atmosphere of vomit, urine, and shame. Only Sinclair could tell us how it is now, but a Disneyfication is not always a bad thing.
last commentWe were all newbies once.
My opinion is you're getting older and the generation gap is getting to you.
Sure thing. And I used to read Playboy for the articles. 😁
I'm also not convinced that it is entirely organic.
Some guys want to identify strippers to LDK with. Some want ITC. Some want OTC. Some club to interact with women who wouldn't give them the time of day anywhere else. Some just want to harangue the rest of the board out of misplaced self-righteousness. Some have no other interaction with the outside world and spend the equivalent of a full-time job here. You can tell which regular posters haven't gone to a strip club in years. That's what I meant.
"Not entirely organic"
Meaning what? You think it's an organized troll assault? Yeah, we know Cacaplop has several different screen names, but the large number of threads makes it difficult to troll all of them at once.
Do you think it's some clubs or dancers with a vendetta? I didn't think this site was that important in the grand schemes.
Curious what you think.
As far as what people come here for, I don't disagree. I was referring to why guys go to strip clubs. It's almost always about the tits and ass, regardless of differing boundaries and approaches.
But, but, they are. Some very much so.
Aren't yours? Just wondering.
What about using toys like dildos and plugs, whether itc or otc?
"'Customer' stories written about dancer interactions like they're writing Harlequin romance novels"
I'm more accustomed to seeing reviews written like old Penthouse Forum letters. So, are you saying that dancers and/or managers are writing these "romance" reviews?
"Treating commonly done OTC like it's some mysterious and/or scary unicorn event"
Since my first day here, there have been dozens of guys asking about OTC and treating it like a black swan event. If you're specifically referring to the user "siracha" (who has changed his handle to "BigThirdEye"), that guy is a troll. I wouldn't base a lot on his behavior.
"Theorizing that we should look at our interactions with strippers through the same lens we'd use when dealing with a dress up character at Disney World;"
Perhaps I'm a bit thick today, but I don't understand this one at all.
"Jumping in to defend license scanning, heavy camera use and other onerous club monitoring practices..."
I haven't seen this. That doesn't mean it's not happening, but I suspect that there's a microscopic minority of guys here who love ID scans and VIP cameras.
Of course, the tone has changed a lot, but that's unavoidable. It's to be expected that as the older, long-time users transition away from strip clubs (which in several cases that transition has been passing away), the younger users who replace them won't be carbon copies. It's a different generation. They were raised in a very different way. If you want the strip club scene (and this site as an extension of that) to be trapped in amber, then you will only be disappointed.
I'll also note that a big change since I came on is that there are more dancers present and contributing. They are still in the minority, but when I created this profile the number of active dancers here including Nina ... and Nina. That's a mixed bag, but I'm mostly in favor. It's a bit of an echo chamber without dancers weighing in on different topics.
Anyway, I guess I do see changes happening, but I don't see it as non-organic.
And otc may be common but bareback otc seems harder to find especially in a safe form
I'm afraid I'm a little guilty of that. I have a couple friends who like hearing my strip club stories but I understand most of the members here are looking for tips to increase their success rate in finding sexual activities. I try to keep my reviews from turning into my strip club diary but don't always succeed.
I've always had a rule not to do anything illegal. The only exception was when I smoked marijuana with a girl when I was twenty at a Rolling Stones concert 45 years ago. I like having long term relationships with people. I've always lived in the same city, worked at the same place and kept my old school friends. I'm mostly looking for regulars in strip clubs, so most of my clubbing is local. I would just get a girlfriend, but I like the freedom of living alone and doing what I like when I feel like it. I like the physical contact with the strippers, as long as it's legal. A sensual lap dance is fine. I also like talking to the girls. If other guys are more interested in sexual activities, there's nothing wrong with that. I'd like to see all forms of commercial sex in this country legalized but at the same time kept somewhat discreet. No hookers standing on the corner in front of the elementary school.
Someone just loves those dancers from the Chernobyl region...
Some of you fucking idiots accuse me of being dougster all the time but won't even mention him when nice spice sjg and other members are involved in bringing the real dougster back. Probably coz you're his proponents too. Well you wanted him you have him.
And then there's the cacaplop moron...
Some of us are able to recognize him when he does it though. He is harsh, but harmless.
And he really is quite entertaining.
As has been mentioned, different PLs have different needs and go to the clubs for different reasons - the most common is being a horny-PL; then there are the lonely-guys that use the strip-club as a substitute for a relationship they would like to have but don't; then there are the guys that just go once in a while w/ their buddies for fun (drink and just see some titties); and then there are the newbies/semi-newbies that seem haven't fully grasped the strip-club game.
But yeah - one of the reasons I sometimes reject reviews is b/c they are mostly a "personal diary entry" vs fully describing the club.
Dougster got booted and he deserved it many times over. I am still hoping that eventually he will mend his ways. We will have to see.
And I only have one category of women. I don't call some of them "strippers" because that is a euphemism for prostitutes. I treat all women like I would treat any other woman.
I saw it on the glossary
That means you have a lot of power and influence on the site, to be able to have a term you made in the glossary
90% of the value at TUSCL is the reviews. I only started posting in the forums because I wanted to have a voice on the boards that sounded more like "mine". Now it's funny to read back that far and see how far my perspective has changed. Or for others how little. When Founder decides to move on from maintaining the site, it'd be cool to see it archived if TUSCL doesn't get sold off.
To Rickdugan's point about open and informative discussion, I don't think TUSCL is that for most people on the boards because there's a learning curve and we don't have a bunny slopes forum. The subreddit forum is interesting as a change of pace, but it's kind of like stripperweb where maybe I'll show up for a visit but not stay.
If you're deep into the hobby there's something to be gained by getting to know what's behind the TUSCL screenames and tapping into that knowledge, but it's not for the casuals if they're really just here for the reviews. And then you'll get the occasional guy who makes the leap, leading with both hands out to receive and no contributions to offer, like a slow pitch over the middle of the plate waiting to get knocked into the stands.
"plus we have discussed everything there is to discuss about SCing and pretty-much know everything there is to know"
Yes and no. This came up about a month ago and there's some topic fatigue. If the TUSCL forum were more like what Dugan was suggesting there's plenty of fertile ground to cover. But that requires the diehards here to expose some vulnerability, and let's face it most of us aren't going there on an open board. Few of the regulars here put themselves out there, and the ones who do are very selective in how they go about it.
I'm not sure all of us put together know all there is to know about strip clubs, but we're better off talking things over as a group then figuring it out in our own. Once people start thinking they know everything there is to know about anything that's usually an invitation to be wrong So I guess that's the other 10% of the value in being here for those who want to invest the time. I'm more likely 90 to 10 the other way now, but it took a while to get there.
You mean founder is going to charge $109 per day to participate?
You should red the Wikipedia page on Disneyfication… ask yourself whether the examples you list are actually examples of Disneyfication. Because you’re not very smart I’ll tell you the answer: they are not an examples of Disneyfication. They are simply people making up stories about having fun in a manner that differs from the stories you make up.
You’re welcome!
Also, I will now be accepting awards from other TUSCL posters now that I have solved yet another nonsense problem created by Mr. Dugan. As I said before: you’re welcome!
Yes, I suspect most posters would enjoy the story Ms. Bharlem.…
This 100%. Wallanon stole my thunder when he responded to Papi, lol.
If I completely lost my ability to be surprised by something I found in a strip club, I'd probably club a lot less, especially on the road. After all, why would I squander a finite discretionary club budget in unfamiliar venues when I'm already so well wired in my local clubs?
The answer is that every so often I'm still surprised. Like a few years back when I ended up singing karaoke with a handful of dancers on the back patio of a W Va. club - alcohol may have been involved. Or when I finally breached the OTC barrier with a gorgeous local girl in Milwaukee, which has historically been a (culturally) difficult place to land locally grown OTC (loved that twang in her voice in the hotel room), or when I met a stunning girl in Dallas who had such extraordinary skillz that I couldn't keep myself from splurging on her, or...
Stuff like that is what still makes clubbing such an adventure. Even in my local clubs I'm still surprised every so often, even if it's not so common.
Mr. Third Eye, the thing to know about Mr. Skibum is that he has an eight second memory like a goldfish but he also has Tourette’s so he can’t help the shit he types.
He is kind of like Cartman in the episode of South Park where Cartman would write letters that included his fake verbal ticks. Only Mr. Skibum’s ticks are real.
You’re welcome!
a video of it…
It was truly a magical time.
How come everyone talking about dougster doesnt want to name who he is
If that ever happens here, it will be the end of the relevance of this site.
Hey there, Hi there, Ho there. You're as welcome as can be!
Mickey Mouse (Donald Duck!), Mickey Mouse (Donald Duck!)
Forever we will hold your banner high-high-high-high!
Come along and sing the song and join our jamboree
Yet you've deserved booting more times yet for your physical and death threats against others, your
constant spamming, your flooding the board with drivel that nobody else wants to see or read, yet you're still here.
I do enjoy her odd half naked videos and that dead thousand mile stare she has.
And, at least according to his original profile, he hasn't logged in to that account since then.
I agree to an extent about the site's relevance. This place becomes much less useful when trolls fill the place with make believe.
Moreover though, I suspect that someone on here might even be foolish enough to believe that messaging on here may alter actual customers' expectations when they hit the clubs. You know, kinda' how some customers believe that if they just encourage everyone to hold the line on prices then price inflation won't happen. Silly rabbits.
Now that is not to say that the site cannot be more dancer friendly, but that's a separate discussion as it has much less to do with frank discussions and more to do with the incessant trolling.
I remember the first time I returned to the Quarter after it was fully reopened. I took my visitors to Bourbon from Canal and smelled... Lemon pledge and Pine-Sol? Trash and litter would still accumulate throughout the day but, prior to the nightly party crowds arriving, the streets were remarkably cleaner and the cleaning products' scents had real staying power.
It was around 2009 or 2010 when budget priorities changed. We were going to Emeril's for some birthday, and as soon as we entered the quarter we had the same unmistakable atmosphere of vomit, urine, and shame. Only Sinclair could tell us how it is now, but a Disneyfication is not always a bad thing.