MILFs are hot. When I was younger I looked at women in their mid 30s to mid 40s as old hags. I didn’t know any better.
Now that I’m in that age range I respect MILFs that look good plus I’m attracted to too. Trust me it’s not easy for most of them to look as good as they do. Some are lucky and have good genes but most people (men and women) in their 40s just smell a cheeseburger and they automatically put on 2 pounds even before they take a bite.
Now when I look at girls in their early 20s it makes me feel creepy. Let’s face it they don’t want anything to do with me unless I’m giving them money and I don’t want anything to do with them unless we’re having sex. With a MILF (stripper or not) at least I can probably have a conversation like we both know what a CD is or have seen a car with a manual transmission.
Because Salma Hayek, Elizabeth Hurley, and dancers who work to not let time time and gravity take its toll are hot.
Also, they're more relatable and I spend less time explaining my pop culture references. And in a club setting I've found that many MILFs are more straightforward and easier to deal with.
Beyond that, I don't understand why some guys are turned on by feet. But tastes, kinks, and fetishes are all subjective, so I don't really need to understand it.
All my favorites have been a bit older with kids. Maybe a broad generalization - and there are always exceptions - but they are more focused on earning and developing a customer base. Where as many 20 year olds are often at the club to party and hang with guys their own age.
Really TUSCL posters? How is this a frickin’ question?
The answer is right there in the frickin’ acronym. Think about it: MILF = Mother I’d Like to Fuck
Really, you wouldn’t jack off to a MIRB (= Mother I’m Repulsed By), would you? No! You’d fantasize about a MILF.
Now that this rick has explained the simple fact that saying “I’d like to fuck” about somebody means that…well…you like to fuck ‘em I’ll move on to a more interesting topic. On a scale of really excited to super-duper excited, how excited are you that Princess Tay Tay will be releasing a new album in frickin’ April. This rick can’t wait! ROAR!!!
Gotten way more mileage from milfs than newbies. I don't know if it's just because raising kids is expensive, but milfs are often straight down to business without games or hesitation.
Fortunately down south the age of mothers skews younger, so many milfs are still in their 30s 😂
Some women are definitely better with more years. They are usually more relatable, and now that the man has been through a few things in life, appreciates what it takes for a woman to keep herself put together when she's a bit older. To me, most 20s girls come across as lazy when compared to more mature women.
If a 60 year old has a tight body and a youthful energy, she's a much better fuck than a nasty fat downer 20 year old. Demi Moore or an average (hell, even above average) 25 year old. Who would you pick?
But there's no need to be either/or when it comes to age. One keeps you grounded and gives you a certain kind of rush and the other gives you that excitement that only fresh pussy can give.
Yeah that doesn't count lol ... MILF traditionally meant basically 40+.
Have seen porn videos which label a girl as a MILF and she's like 25. Having a child does not qualify a woman as a MILF, in my book. A woman who has a child at 18 who then has a child at 18 is a grandmother at 36, but that doesn't make her a GILF.
Milf has no qualifiers other than she's a mom that you'd fuck. A hot mom in her 30s is most definitely a milf. Once you get into the upper 40s you're looking more at cougar territory. A label whose definition actually has a certain age expectation.
Also... I've never used "gilf" except to describe the Bowflex Grandma. She was only 50.
In high school I had the hots for my Australian girlfriends mom. No unfortunately there is no more to that story for you pervs. I mean if she's hot she's hot. I don't really see age as a liability and in fact older women are generally more grounded and less flakey.
In high school I had the hots for my Australian girlfriends mom. No unfortunately there is no more to that story for you pervs. I mean if she's hot she's hot. I don't really see age as a liability and in fact older women are generally more grounded and less flakey.
TLDR; men don’t fantasize about MILFS. Boys do. Or at least that’s where it originated.
Not to be the forum historian, but “MILF” has evolved. It used to be a term used by young men, high school aged to early 20’s, who were unmarried or newly married where banging moms was out of their normal target range. It then blew up and became common parlance with Stiffler’s mom and the American Pie movies, again, about a bunch of high schoolers. The evolution came with MILF porn and stars like Lisa Ann, where it was less about the woman being an actual mom and more about a look, older, big tits and hips and fuller figure. Throw in stepmom porn and an audience that was now men in their 40’s and older who were married and had their own MILF at home, and well, then the term had fully evolved.
I don't fantasize about MILFs. I have sex with them. While women who are not mothers are sometimes more adventurous with sex, and do some crazy hot stuff, it often seems to me to be the case that the "adventure" and the "crazy" is the point for them, and the sex is secondary.
Women with children, on the other hand, seem to get into the actual sex more, and enjoy the actual act more. There also seems to be fewer games involved for older women. Straight to the point, most of them. And of course, they aren't as put off by an older guy with quite a few extra pounds as the younger ones are.
As I recall, the term "MILF" started as a joke. Porn marketers started using it to mean a woman with larger boobs. How many guys actually feel more physically attracted to a woman because she has (or doesn't have) a kid?
To me, cougar is different from MILF. A woman in her late 30s or older, who's enthusiastic about uncomplicated sex. Realistically, a woman in her 20s who's enthusiastic about uncomplicated sex would generally have the edge. They're just more rare.
Late 30s is cougar now? Now that I can't accept haha.
Hank Moody's timeline of "milf" is accurate. I don't believe it started as a joke. And it was definitely in American Pie before porn marketers got a hold of it.
I don’t think porn marketers used milf to mean larger boobs. But i think at least 10 years ago, milf in porn would mean a hot older woman. The literal meaning does include mother, and it is used for younger mothers nowadays too, but the porn term was usually for 40+ women. Just like how GILF porn is like 60+ women with white hair even though technically a 38 year old woman could be a GILF.
I don’t have any specific fantasy or attraction to someone being a mom, on the contrary I would usually not want to get with a mom for relationship purposes. But i did always like older women , because i liked fatter women and in the past, an older woman would more often be fatter. The milfs i do like still look good for their age, the facial features still matter. Its mostly that i dont mind an older looking face and a fatter body.
Of course with surgeries now there are 40+ and even 50+ women who look amazing.
@RMD I think body type has as much to do with it as age, let alone having kids. Not so much "fat" but broader hips in particular. It's not my usual type but I can appreciate a hot one.
I don't date single moms. Baby daddy drama, needing to plan around the kids as well as just the woman.
I don't fantasize about MILF's as an adult. I did some as as a teenager. There were a couple kids in school who had hot moms I wanted to fuck. Most of the moms of kids in school with me were in their mid thirties, at least the ones who were hot were that age.
As an adult, I can appreciate a beautiful women in her 40's, but I don't think of her as a MILF. She's just a hot woman.
@Dolfan, even as a teenager, I never had a friend with a hot mom. But I loved the song "Stacy's Mom."
It's like some guys want to bang a hot nun. I grew up in a devout Catholic household and never once saw a nun approaching average. Or woman in a hijab, I guarantee I have more Muslim friends than the average American and I've known only one I wanted to peel the hijab off of.
“It's like some guys want to bang a hot nun. I grew up in a devout Catholic household and never once saw a nun approaching average”
I have to agree with that. I went to Catholic school for 8 years and we had a mix of nuns and lay teachers - and I never once fantasized about the nuns. Now, I had a couple of lay teachers that I definitely had some dreams about.
Interesting comment on the Muslims. I grew up in area with a large population of Amish and Old Order Mennonites. It’s got to be something more than just the clothing because I never remember seeing an Amish girl that was even remotely hot. My friends would joke about tapping that virgin hot pot, but they were so unattractive to me I never gave it a second thought
^ I never saw a hot Amish chick either but I didn't spend much time around them. Not to mention, the Amish population is ridiculously inbred and that doesn't lend itself to attractive women.
Yeah - I think that’s the reason. Most Amish seem to wear glasses - which I think is probably a genetic defect. I find glasses can be incredibly hot - even a fetish for me - but not on the Amish girls.
"Are women like red wine where they are better with some aging?"
Not really, but some women can defy time. And I do prefer women who understand their own bodies. It gets annoying when a women is too inexperienced to know what she likes in bed (or just one thing to an extreme degree).
My favs have all been milfs or golfs. All looked much younger than their age - a combination of good genes and hard work. Their heads are all screwed on straight, they are all still beautiful.
I love that we have shared experiences, and that we can have intelligent conversations. Did I mention that they were/are sensual as well?
MILF seems to be the most popular or one of the most popular genres of porn. By the time women hit their 30's or 40's, they have learned how to please men and know what works and what doesn't work for them to get orgasms. They are further along on their biological clock, so they are more direct about having good, intense sex, whereas younger women play more games or don't know what they want.
This topic makes me want to relive my high school years, when I would look out my bedroom window and see my neighbor sunbathe in the nude. It's not even that she had a great body, as she was a little chunky. It's that she was showing off.
This topic makes me want to relive my high school years, when I would look out my bedroom window and see my neighbor sunbathe in the nude. It's not even that she had a great body, as she was a little chunky. It's that she was showing off.
For the record, I have seen some very pretty young Amish women in the Lancaster Pa area - their epicenter in the U.S.
Bear in mind, they don’t wear makeup, don’t wear their hair down and dress plain. They generally have very good, healthy genes with longer, healthier longevity, despite what someone posted about “in-breeding”.
Years of hard work are generally evident on the middle age women who don’t get Botox, skin treatments or cosmetic surgery, obviously.
@studme - that was me. I've never been to Lancaster. I'll admit they are in good shape from a more active, clean lifestyle, but the inbreeding has its own wiki article here.
Motorhead i am just wondering do you think wearing glasses; poor eyesight is a defect caused by inbreeding?
It is definitely a weakness of some kind since some people naturally have perfect vision. The causes include nutritional deficiencies, poor genetics which basically just means poor nutrition or poor environment somewhere along the family lineage..: chemical exposure… inbreeding can probably affect the genes negatively too.
As far as the older women getting orgasms and younger women being inexperienced, one thing to keep in mind is many of these escorts and strippers with boyfriends or pimps have a no cumming rule so will go out of their way to try not to cum with clients. They wont let you finger or rub the pussy or eat the pussy or suck the nips too much- so the only way to get them off is if you last long - that’s assuming she doesnt end the sex itself too if youre lasting too long there
I think there is a model named Kate Stoltz (real name Kate Stoltzfus) who was born Amish and is pretty.
It reminds me, what does an Amish Girl want for her birthday?
Off topic a little, but me and my buddies laugh about a super hot 20 something bartender at our local bar who is a product of a mother and father from the 2 most decrepit, drug addicted, and frankly, ugliest 2 families in town. Miracles happen lol !
When i was a supermarket stockboy in school, "MILF" hadn't been invented yet. My co-workers and I called them "Mothers of the Year"
All of my regulars are single mothers over 30. It's not due to fantasy (though, at my age, nailing a hot woman in her 30s is a fantasy in itself) or a kink. As others have stated, single moms tend to have their shit together more than their younger, childless co-workers, they're more straightforward, and more open sexually. And, it does reqire self-discipline to keep looking good as you age
last commentMILFs are hot. When I was younger I looked at women in their mid 30s to mid 40s as old hags. I didn’t know any better.
Now that I’m in that age range I respect MILFs that look good plus I’m attracted to too. Trust me it’s not easy for most of them to look as good as they do. Some are lucky and have good genes but most people (men and women) in their 40s just smell a cheeseburger and they automatically put on 2 pounds even before they take a bite.
Now when I look at girls in their early 20s it makes me feel creepy. Let’s face it they don’t want anything to do with me unless I’m giving them money and I don’t want anything to do with them unless we’re having sex. With a MILF (stripper or not) at least I can probably have a conversation like we both know what a CD is or have seen a car with a manual transmission.
It all started with Stiflers mom.
I'm considering buying a t-shirt that reads D I L F !
Because Salma Hayek, Elizabeth Hurley, and dancers who work to not let time time and gravity take its toll are hot.
Also, they're more relatable and I spend less time explaining my pop culture references. And in a club setting I've found that many MILFs are more straightforward and easier to deal with.
Beyond that, I don't understand why some guys are turned on by feet. But tastes, kinks, and fetishes are all subjective, so I don't really need to understand it.
All my favorites have been a bit older with kids. Maybe a broad generalization - and there are always exceptions - but they are more focused on earning and developing a customer base. Where as many 20 year olds are often at the club to party and hang with guys their own age.
Really TUSCL posters? How is this a frickin’ question?
The answer is right there in the frickin’ acronym. Think about it: MILF = Mother I’d Like to Fuck
Really, you wouldn’t jack off to a MIRB (= Mother I’m Repulsed By), would you? No! You’d fantasize about a MILF.
Now that this rick has explained the simple fact that saying “I’d like to fuck” about somebody means that…well…you like to fuck ‘em I’ll move on to a more interesting topic. On a scale of really excited to super-duper excited, how excited are you that Princess Tay Tay will be releasing a new album in frickin’ April. This rick can’t wait! ROAR!!!
Gotten way more mileage from milfs than newbies. I don't know if it's just because raising kids is expensive, but milfs are often straight down to business without games or hesitation.
Fortunately down south the age of mothers skews younger, so many milfs are still in their 30s 😂
Some women are definitely better with more years. They are usually more relatable, and now that the man has been through a few things in life, appreciates what it takes for a woman to keep herself put together when she's a bit older. To me, most 20s girls come across as lazy when compared to more mature women.
If a 60 year old has a tight body and a youthful energy, she's a much better fuck than a nasty fat downer 20 year old. Demi Moore or an average (hell, even above average) 25 year old. Who would you pick?
But there's no need to be either/or when it comes to age. One keeps you grounded and gives you a certain kind of rush and the other gives you that excitement that only fresh pussy can give.
"many milfs are still in their 30s"
Yeah that doesn't count lol ... MILF traditionally meant basically 40+.
Have seen porn videos which label a girl as a MILF and she's like 25. Having a child does not qualify a woman as a MILF, in my book. A woman who has a child at 18 who then has a child at 18 is a grandmother at 36, but that doesn't make her a GILF.
Milf has no qualifiers other than she's a mom that you'd fuck. A hot mom in her 30s is most definitely a milf. Once you get into the upper 40s you're looking more at cougar territory. A label whose definition actually has a certain age expectation.
Also... I've never used "gilf" except to describe the Bowflex Grandma. She was only 50.
In high school I had the hots for my Australian girlfriends mom. No unfortunately there is no more to that story for you pervs. I mean if she's hot she's hot. I don't really see age as a liability and in fact older women are generally more grounded and less flakey.
In high school I had the hots for my Australian girlfriends mom. No unfortunately there is no more to that story for you pervs. I mean if she's hot she's hot. I don't really see age as a liability and in fact older women are generally more grounded and less flakey.
Sorry about the double post. I got a message there was a problem posting my message so I hit it again.
TLDR; men don’t fantasize about MILFS. Boys do. Or at least that’s where it originated.
Not to be the forum historian, but “MILF” has evolved. It used to be a term used by young men, high school aged to early 20’s, who were unmarried or newly married where banging moms was out of their normal target range. It then blew up and became common parlance with Stiffler’s mom and the American Pie movies, again, about a bunch of high schoolers. The evolution came with MILF porn and stars like Lisa Ann, where it was less about the woman being an actual mom and more about a look, older, big tits and hips and fuller figure. Throw in stepmom porn and an audience that was now men in their 40’s and older who were married and had their own MILF at home, and well, then the term had fully evolved.
Good to know I'm not the only one getting that error message
MILF, it does a body good
sara jay said she was labeled as a adult milf porn actress. she thought that was kinda odd considering that she never had kids.
I don't fantasize about MILFs. I have sex with them. While women who are not mothers are sometimes more adventurous with sex, and do some crazy hot stuff, it often seems to me to be the case that the "adventure" and the "crazy" is the point for them, and the sex is secondary.
Women with children, on the other hand, seem to get into the actual sex more, and enjoy the actual act more. There also seems to be fewer games involved for older women. Straight to the point, most of them. And of course, they aren't as put off by an older guy with quite a few extra pounds as the younger ones are.
Great topic. I love milfs.
And the older I get, the higher the milf upper age limit goes for me. It’s God/nature working his/it’s magic.
Great topic. I love milfs.
And the older I get, the higher the milf upper age limit goes for me. It’s God/nature working his/it’s magic.
As I recall, the term "MILF" started as a joke. Porn marketers started using it to mean a woman with larger boobs. How many guys actually feel more physically attracted to a woman because she has (or doesn't have) a kid?
To me, cougar is different from MILF. A woman in her late 30s or older, who's enthusiastic about uncomplicated sex. Realistically, a woman in her 20s who's enthusiastic about uncomplicated sex would generally have the edge. They're just more rare.
Late 30s is cougar now? Now that I can't accept haha.
Hank Moody's timeline of "milf" is accurate. I don't believe it started as a joke. And it was definitely in American Pie before porn marketers got a hold of it.
I don’t need to put a label on women that arouse me,
if they’re hot they’re hot,
if they’re not they’re not
I don’t think porn marketers used milf to mean larger boobs. But i think at least 10 years ago, milf in porn would mean a hot older woman. The literal meaning does include mother, and it is used for younger mothers nowadays too, but the porn term was usually for 40+ women. Just like how GILF porn is like 60+ women with white hair even though technically a 38 year old woman could be a GILF.
I don’t have any specific fantasy or attraction to someone being a mom, on the contrary I would usually not want to get with a mom for relationship purposes. But i did always like older women , because i liked fatter women and in the past, an older woman would more often be fatter. The milfs i do like still look good for their age, the facial features still matter. Its mostly that i dont mind an older looking face and a fatter body.
Of course with surgeries now there are 40+ and even 50+ women who look amazing.
@RMD I think body type has as much to do with it as age, let alone having kids. Not so much "fat" but broader hips in particular. It's not my usual type but I can appreciate a hot one.
I don't date single moms. Baby daddy drama, needing to plan around the kids as well as just the woman.
I'm with Hank.
I don't fantasize about MILF's as an adult. I did some as as a teenager. There were a couple kids in school who had hot moms I wanted to fuck. Most of the moms of kids in school with me were in their mid thirties, at least the ones who were hot were that age.
As an adult, I can appreciate a beautiful women in her 40's, but I don't think of her as a MILF. She's just a hot woman.
@Dolfan, even as a teenager, I never had a friend with a hot mom. But I loved the song "Stacy's Mom."
It's like some guys want to bang a hot nun. I grew up in a devout Catholic household and never once saw a nun approaching average. Or woman in a hijab, I guarantee I have more Muslim friends than the average American and I've known only one I wanted to peel the hijab off of.
“It's like some guys want to bang a hot nun. I grew up in a devout Catholic household and never once saw a nun approaching average”
I have to agree with that. I went to Catholic school for 8 years and we had a mix of nuns and lay teachers - and I never once fantasized about the nuns. Now, I had a couple of lay teachers that I definitely had some dreams about.
Interesting comment on the Muslims. I grew up in area with a large population of Amish and Old Order Mennonites. It’s got to be something more than just the clothing because I never remember seeing an Amish girl that was even remotely hot. My friends would joke about tapping that virgin hot pot, but they were so unattractive to me I never gave it a second thought
^ I never saw a hot Amish chick either but I didn't spend much time around them. Not to mention, the Amish population is ridiculously inbred and that doesn't lend itself to attractive women.
Yeah - I think that’s the reason. Most Amish seem to wear glasses - which I think is probably a genetic defect. I find glasses can be incredibly hot - even a fetish for me - but not on the Amish girls.
"Are women like red wine where they are better with some aging?"
Not really, but some women can defy time. And I do prefer women who understand their own bodies. It gets annoying when a women is too inexperienced to know what she likes in bed (or just one thing to an extreme degree).
Nuns are some of the most homely women on Earth. Amish... yeah too much inbreeding. But a give me a newly Ex-Mormon chick... now that's some fun!
My favs have all been milfs or golfs. All looked much younger than their age - a combination of good genes and hard work. Their heads are all screwed on straight, they are all still beautiful.
I love that we have shared experiences, and that we can have intelligent conversations. Did I mention that they were/are sensual as well?
MILF seems to be the most popular or one of the most popular genres of porn. By the time women hit their 30's or 40's, they have learned how to please men and know what works and what doesn't work for them to get orgasms. They are further along on their biological clock, so they are more direct about having good, intense sex, whereas younger women play more games or don't know what they want.
This topic makes me want to relive my high school years, when I would look out my bedroom window and see my neighbor sunbathe in the nude. It's not even that she had a great body, as she was a little chunky. It's that she was showing off.
This topic makes me want to relive my high school years, when I would look out my bedroom window and see my neighbor sunbathe in the nude. It's not even that she had a great body, as she was a little chunky. It's that she was showing off.
For the record, I have seen some very pretty young Amish women in the Lancaster Pa area - their epicenter in the U.S.
Bear in mind, they don’t wear makeup, don’t wear their hair down and dress plain. They generally have very good, healthy genes with longer, healthier longevity, despite what someone posted about “in-breeding”.
Years of hard work are generally evident on the middle age women who don’t get Botox, skin treatments or cosmetic surgery, obviously.
Simple. They know how to ge a guy to put a baby in them. The 20 year olds are all show and no go.
@studme - that was me. I've never been to Lancaster. I'll admit they are in good shape from a more active, clean lifestyle, but the inbreeding has its own wiki article here.
Motorhead i am just wondering do you think wearing glasses; poor eyesight is a defect caused by inbreeding?
It is definitely a weakness of some kind since some people naturally have perfect vision. The causes include nutritional deficiencies, poor genetics which basically just means poor nutrition or poor environment somewhere along the family lineage..: chemical exposure… inbreeding can probably affect the genes negatively too.
As far as the older women getting orgasms and younger women being inexperienced, one thing to keep in mind is many of these escorts and strippers with boyfriends or pimps have a no cumming rule so will go out of their way to try not to cum with clients. They wont let you finger or rub the pussy or eat the pussy or suck the nips too much- so the only way to get them off is if you last long - that’s assuming she doesnt end the sex itself too if youre lasting too long there
I think there is a model named Kate Stoltz (real name Kate Stoltzfus) who was born Amish and is pretty.
It reminds me, what does an Amish Girl want for her birthday?
2 Mennonite. (Lancaster, Pa humor)
Off topic a little, but me and my buddies laugh about a super hot 20 something bartender at our local bar who is a product of a mother and father from the 2 most decrepit, drug addicted, and frankly, ugliest 2 families in town. Miracles happen lol !
@Studme53 recessive genes for the win...
I Wonder What Girls Are Better Milfs.
Old, Young, Blonde, Brunette,
Thin, Medium Or Attitude Etc .....
💫 💫 💫 🪐 🪐 🪐
When i was a supermarket stockboy in school, "MILF" hadn't been invented yet. My co-workers and I called them "Mothers of the Year"
All of my regulars are single mothers over 30. It's not due to fantasy (though, at my age, nailing a hot woman in her 30s is a fantasy in itself) or a kink. As others have stated, single moms tend to have their shit together more than their younger, childless co-workers, they're more straightforward, and more open sexually. And, it does reqire self-discipline to keep looking good as you age