Comments by wallanon (page 114)

  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Business as usual
    Didn't realize it was still open. Business must be good for them right now.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Have you ever considered marrying a dancer? Would you?
    If it's a girl who's passing through the life, maybe it's a possibility if a lot of other things are lined up right. And she'd be on the dating train a long time. If it's a girl who is deep in the life and that's all she knows, that's not a place I'm interested in going.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Players Club Baltimore
    Club is definitely down from its heyday and the location isn't great. Wouldn't be too surprised, but it didn't look like it cost that much to operate if they weren't carrying a mortgage.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    My Fair Lady
    "...or by watching the family dog!" Every once in a while a zinger lands around here. Laughed at that one.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Dallas Texas Strip Clubs
    "Btw, I'll try to go back & contribute to all my old post when I have the time." Always nice to get a different perspective on things. Belated welcome to TUSCL. Dallas isn't one of my regular haunts, it's like Detroit where every time I think I'm going it gets cancelled. This year it was COVID-19. But if you ever venture South of that there might be some pointers I could offer.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    My Fair Lady
    If it got on her clothes and she didn't care I guess that's where my line would be. At least she ate the food. There's a stripper I used to hang out with who wouldn't order a lobster less than 3 pounds because she didn't know how to get the meat out properly. It wasn't worth the time it would take to talk about it, so I just let it go.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    This fucking pandemic bringing me to new lows
    "Gosh, it would be nice if the listing were sensibly organized by major metro area and city instead of county." They are still tagged that way, but maybe not in the filters. I click on the city names on the club pages to see what other clubs are around. That's what I used to do (many site changes ago) to pick out clubs to visit on trips, so I still search that way. Sometimes if I can't remember exactly what a club was called/where it was I'll use that feature to find it. There were four clubs with Curves in the name returned by a TUSCL search.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    This fucking pandemic bringing me to new lows
    When I think new lows, I think about the unofficial cut line on my list of dancer numbers and whether I want to open up another bunch of them to reach out to.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Have club shutdowns during the pandemic altered your future behavior?
    Future behavior? Don't know.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    CNN in TJ
    Boondoggle. Clearly somebody at CNN needed to get their fuck on. Good for them.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Extras are available, but not your favorite kind of extras (FootFucking)
    There was a dancer I knew who wouldn't use anything but her tits. But she did have really nice tits.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Grudges against clubs
    The Deja Vu chain is an easy target. I avoided them for years, but ran into ones in smaller towns that only had a few clubs that were actually ok. Then there were a couple of DV owned clubs in the Seattle metro that were very fun, so now I'm less likely to keep them off the list in a new town.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    PL's not admitting how much they've spent reviews
    How much I spend isn't that helpful because YMMV, and at my regular clubs YMWV, but the ranges are big enough where I'll put something down. I don't mind if people don't put that in their review. It's not something I pay attention to because every visit is its own thing for each of us.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    What time of day have you NOT had sex?
    Yeah. Went to college. All hours covered. Or uncovered. lol
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Best Place to Live in US if You Love Strip Clubs
    "To those saying extras aren’t easy to come by which is why you don’t like Vegas, fair point! I’m not big on extras, and go for the $20 dollar lap dances from hot girls. That really is enough for me, especially if you scout beforehand for the girls who are really good at giving lap dances." Enjoy the clubs the way you'd like to enjoy them. That's the point I was aiming for earlier, but it was a little to subtle I suppose. There's plenty of times I'll just show up at a club to take in the scenery, and other times it's for some serious fun. I get it that some guys don't show up enough to mix it up. That's why there's a discussion board to chew the fat on stuff like that. There's plenty of stories I could share about Vegas mileage that wasn't out of scale with other places (and ITC). At day, night or whatever because when I clubbed in Vegas it was round the clock. But these days I don't travel there like I used to and have plenty of local talent on tap. Used to not club much locally, but now just go whenever. Whenever they're open, that is.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Grudges against clubs
    Warrior reminded me of a club that had a grudge against me. I got asked to leave Club Amnesia in Raleigh because the manager didn't want to let me go into the VIP section and I asked why. There were some good dances happening in the main club, but the best talent (such as it was) was in the back. He had a tough guy complex and I wasn't giving him the response he wanted in front of his people. So I left because the manager was getting a little heated and the club was ghetto anyway, no hard feelings. Except for there WERE hard feelings because I tried to go back a couple of other times and got met at the door by the same dude. The second time I was literally paying the door fee after getting let in and the guy came out of nowhere to tell me I couldn't come in. Literally just appeared out the woodwork. The other people on staff just looked confused, and it had been months since I'd been there. I was annoyed at the time, but looking back at it now it's pretty hilarious (and impressive but not in a good way) that guy took shit so personal.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The sex industry is stricken with coronavirus and slowly starting to die
    Interesting topic and definitely get where the OP is coming from. But the sex industry is immortal. It will find its way again.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The Great Strip Club Crash of 2020?
    Too bad if Brad's Brass Flamingo is gone. That was a fun club.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Best Place to Live in US if You Love Strip Clubs
    About Vegas, it's been a while since I've been to Vegas clubs because I prefer the ones away from the strip and I've been too busy the past couple of trips to get there. But unless it's gone way downhill, I considered the Vegas Rhino to be one of the top strip clubs in the country. The hardcore board posters on TUSCL are not the crowd I think about when deciding on recommending a club, but I put info in my reviews for the hobbyists anyway. Sapphire wasn't my favorite because it felt like a department store with nekkid chicks, but I liked Little Darlings and some of other glitzy clubs along with low key places like OG and Palomino. After OG closed I didn't really find another place around town that was a must visit, though.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Chicago burbs chick
    lol. I thought this thread was spam, but now that you guys mention it I do remember her old account.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Stripper Numbers in your phone
    I don't count them. Something in the hundreds, but they have their own phone along with whatever social media accounts they've given. Some dancers change phones and numbers a lot, but I'm finding the past few years it hasn't been as frequent that numbers have turned over. A few girls from last year I ran into before all the shutdowns had the same numbers and some used them to contact me. It helps me to keep the numbers so I can refer to whatever notes I put in if Bambi writes me out of the blue.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Best Place to Live in US if You Love Strip Clubs
    "I wish I had checked out CH2 and OG before they closed." OG was popular for all the reasons TUSCLers said it was, but looking back on it now the dancers were very chill for seeing a revolving door of new customers all the time. And hotter than they got credit for. That place was underrated.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Best Place to Live in US if You Love Strip Clubs
    "The greater Tampa area has some great strip clubs and housing isn't as bad as South Florida." The lightning there really is crazy. Was thinking about taking a job there once, but someone who had a vote at the time was terrified of the weather so I went someplace else.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Why do you call yourselves "pathetic losers"
    How is it political correctness to not want to use a label on yourself that doesn't fit? You want to identify as a loser and think it's fun, that's your call. Labels really aren't my thing, and I try not to generalize. I've got posts on here that weren't so great at that, but even when in character there's angles I avoid in case the stuff I do for entertainment crosses into IRL things. The only thing I've got on common with PLs and RILs as I perceive them is we like to go to strip clubs. That's the same way I look at a lot of what goes on at TUSCL on the boards. 2020 has actually been an up year for on topic posts that are interesting, plus it helps that its most disruptive troll is semi-retired. But it's also been a very ugly year for people who confuse a common interest with thinking we're all drinking buddies. It's all good, but the reason bar talk gets shrugged off is because people can (unconvincingly) blame it on the alcohol. Here it's just pages and pages of text that goes on and on. Kinda like this post. That's all for now. Have fun.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Best Place to Live in US if You Love Strip Clubs
    What's the town like in Phoenix personality wise? The clubs are quality for sure, but is there anything to do. Most of the people I've met who rave about it are big on the outdoors.