
Comments by davids (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Clubs Offer a Useful Service To Society!
    I've posted about 90% of it already. Maybe I'll do it all in one post to get in the other 10% and so that's it's all in one coherent place. The short story is that if you get to know the strippers at some point they let down their guard (and a couple have no guards up to begin with) and then you begin to learn the difference between the SC illusion and the SC reality. I don't think if I knew the SC reality I would have gone in the first place. I don't feel like I got scammed as Yoda seems to think. I was always cognizant enough to "put them to the test" once they started hinting at OTC, so that protected me. The idea that they would even try and run a scam on me when they seemed nice was rather discouraging, however. Maybe Kyle could post his story in one coherent post too?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Reading this board is depressing. (Yes, you're right I'll stop now.)
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    20 years ago
    Would you GIVE MONEY (as a gift) to someone who WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU????
    Not really a gift, RL. You are, presumably, getting LDs in exchange. A better question might be if you were black would you spend your money at a store owned by the KKK? (Or maybe the analogy is if you were KKK would you spend your money at a store owned by blacks. I'm not sure who the good and bad guys in strip clubs are. Maybe it's if you were a Nazi would you spend your money at a stored owned by Bolshevists? Anyway, you folks see what I'm getting at. LOL!)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    SC Owners and Bribes
    So when a customer spends money at a strip club most of it is going first to the girls who are blowing it mostly of their drug, alcohol, and gambling problems, and then organized crime is taking their cut? Man! Seems like Tsunami relief would be a better way to help out poor people these days... Anyway, to answer your question: one of the naughtier strippers at Rick's told me that the cops who come in explicitly looked the other way at the naughty things she does. They have a quota they need to arrest and pick the girls at random to fill that number. They don't really care what the girls are doing. This naughty stripper also told me that the problem the cops have with Rick's doesn't have to do with what the girls do but "other problems" with the owners. They just harass the girls at Rick's to put pressure on the owners to resolve their "other problem". I wonder how many cops visit Rick's themselves after work?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Would you feel betrayed if your ATF lied to you?
    I think it's best to just not beleive anything a stripper says. In general if you assume they are sociopaths with no normal sense of morals you should do alright. If you do meet them outside the club be sure there is nothing they can steal around.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    The top earning strippers??
    $250k a year will buy you alot of drugs and alcohol and let you do a bit of gambling on the side too.
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    20 years ago
    The top earning strippers??
    I think 100k/year ($400/night) ought to be easy. I know strippers lie all the time but one very good looking tells me she does makes that much even though her dances are very lame. Less good looking ones I beleive can do it, but their naughtiness would have to be inversely proportional to their looks. 200k which is $800/night I certainly beleive is possible too: In that case though we would be talking very good looking, extras, and probably some scamming (seriously leading on arks) too. I bet only about 4% fall in this category. 250k ($1000/night) is probably about the upper bound. I think we are talking very good looking, extras, scamming, and OTC encounters to boot. in order to do it. I have no problem beleiving it is possible. Probably only 1% of strippers operating at this level though. I think a big factor too is going to be the club: of course if she works at a naughtier club she will benefit from what the other girls are reputed to do. On the other hand it won't look as good on her resume after. LOL! Now as for your average stripper, working in your average club, not doing extras I would guess that $200-$300/night (50-75k/year) range is more typical.
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    20 years ago
    Would you feel betrayed if your ATF lied to you?
    Good points jpac.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why do some strippers insult your intelligence
    If you think those insults to your intelligence how about all the crazy lies they tell? I mean some are so outrageous how can they expect anyone to beleive them. But some customers must else they would learn not to even try. Sad, sad, sad...
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    I'm beginning to think...
    Yoda: I know why you are here too: because you are a bunch of old PLs. And the reason it is hard to walk away is b/c I find RL's posts so amusing.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If there were no laws
    I like it in Nevada where brothels are legal but there are health regulations. That's the way to go. Strip clubs suck because there are no health regulation so sex would be scary there. The fact that sex isn't a given gives the girls an oppurtunity to play the dumb games they do. Brothels are much moralller places than strip clubs I think because they are so straight forward and more satisfying (unless you are into risking your health, I guess).
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    I'm beginning to think...
    Close Yoda, it's really because I love you: and RL. (Assuming you are not one and the same, teheh.)
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    20 years ago
    I'm beginning to think...
    If RL gets banned I'm boycotting this board and will consider myself to have been seriously ripped off. I like that RL takes a dissenting opinion on things. That way we don't just have to listen to Yoda and shadowcat sing about how angellic and morally infalliable strippers are all day. (With all their disingenuity I sometimes wonder if they have some kind of financial stake in the game, but maybe I'm just getting a bit paranoid.)
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    20 years ago
    I'm beginning to think...
    Yoda: you say all the time that you think strippers are just normal girls doing normal work except that they can do all the lying, stealing and scamming they want. Well at least until you start to lose that argument then you say you never said it at all. We've been through all this before. Mouse and I have also demonstrated that you are the one who hates women in general. I'm not going to rehash all the arguments here. You know you are wrong and so do I so does everyone else who reads this board and is not a complete fool. Also I have no interest in dating strippers given their lack of morals and education, and given all the addictions they have and given that most already have a bunch of children. Sex with them would also be distateful for the more or less the same reasons. Glen: shadowcat seems to be more the type to go on a Thai sex trip ISO of sex with underage girls. Given his moral stance on other issues, it won't surprise me one iota. I suspect it's also something you would be into given that idea popped into your head in the first place. Why don't you and him get together and do it? Hope it lands you two in jail for several years too.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If there were no laws
    No doubt that tamer clubs would survive. Deja Vu is just 2 miles from Rick's in Seattle and does OK business even though it is oddles tamer. Big mystery to me why someone would choose the former over the later if they are getting LDs, but whatever. (I guess I can see some patrons only wanting to watch the stage shows and not touch be touched by the dancers at all in which case DV is the better deal.)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Has a stripper ever LAUGHED at you when she didn't realize you could hear her?
    I think RL is too smart to stoop down to the level of chit-chat with the average poster here.
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    20 years ago
    I'm beginning to think...
    Yoda: are you more likely to be scammed by a woman doing a normal job (say a librarian) or by a stripper. Question is so obvious you don't even need to answer. I think I said I was done with patronizing strip clubs, not with posting here, though I may be done with that soon at the rate things are going.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    On the average do the lesser attractive girls give better mileage?
    Doesn't the fact that (on average) the good looking girls who can coast by on their looks to make money without demeaning themselves, tell you something? Does getting "extras" from a girl with lower self respect turn you on? Do you not care? Nevermind I know the answer.... Truly sad.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    I'm beginning to think...
    Is there a rule saying I have to be positive about lying, stealing, scamming, and sleaze when I post? I don't think these are things to be positive about. If it's truly a free country then I am free to not be positive about these things, and also to post here that I do not find these to be positive things. Take your own advice: if you don't like my posts then don't read them.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Thank you
    I feel the same way. Also thanks to the strippers who have shared.
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    20 years ago
    If there were no laws
    Whatever happened w/ that 29 year who mentioned beer to you Johnny? Did you meet her? If so did she ask to borrow money?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    It's been written "If you want a stripper as a GIRLFRIEND then DON'T SPEND MONEY
    In general the more you spend on a woman the less the chances of making her your girlfriend are. It looks to her like you have something to hide and think you cannot win her over on the merits of your personality. This is one reason why strippers are very unlikely to date customers. But who would want your typical strippers as a girlfriend anyway?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    It's been written "If you want a stripper as a GIRLFRIEND then DON'T SPEND MONEY
    This is probably already well known here, but just in case some of you are still in the dark: Another big reason strippers are unlikely to date customers is because they have poor self images due to their jobs and personal problems. Since the customers are intimately familair with what it is that strippers really do (HJs to fat old guys for $50) the strippers cannot imagine the customers having a healthy opinion of strippers and, hence, that nixes the dating, for the most part. Therefore, if you want to have a stipper as a girlfriend (ick!), then paradoxically, find the ones with the healthiest self esteem and take a shot (no not that kind of shot) at them.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Who would you rather tip or get a dance from hot young crappy attitude or older?
    You guys place way too much emphasis on personality: it's how good the "dance" feels that is key. If you are looking for good conversation with women a strip club is pretty close to the worst place to meet them. As for "working on bad attitude" pretty much impossible, ITC. Most will start to hide their cotempt deeper as you get to know them but it will still be there. Stuff has to happen to them OTC for that to be fixed.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Stripper Friendship Puzzle Solved
    AN: Hayek actually did do one brilliant piece of work, but it had to do with the theory of computation, not economics. In _Fatal_Conceit_ he introduced an interesting idea, but it was too obvious to deserve the label "brilliant".