Would you GIVE MONEY (as a gift) to someone who WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU????
Would you GIVE MONEY to someone who WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU? A customer may be doing this when GIVING MONEY to a stripper who WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM and DOES NOT LIKE HIM! If a stripper REFUSES to see a customer OUTSIDE THE CLUB, doesn't that mean that she wants nothing to do with that customer? Why would a customer then GIVE the stripper MONEY?
*** another little tip for you... It is rude to question a grown man about how he chooses to spend his money. It's not your fucking business.
I try to be conscious of who owns the businesses I patronize. I don't care what race, religion, or nationality they are, but do care about their ethical and political beliefs. The reason is a porition of my dollar will go to the second I step in the door, and they may decided to give it to causes or purchase things that go against my values.
So, all things equal I'll go to the "clean" club and chose the dancers that are single moms. But you rarely get that choice. The clubs with dirty owners are usually more fun. That's where it gets to be a complicated decision. Those that say they'll spend money on an inferior product due to the owner being a scumbag, I admire.
It's when what they do will probably never negatively affect me personally that it's a struggle of the conscious.