
Comments by davids (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    The Fundamental Problem With Strippers
    The US is not even close to free enterprise. That is so obvious I don't think I even need to provide counter examples. Ultimately society's decisions are based more along the lines of utilitarianism than they are on capitalism (and rightly so). Oh, and BTW I am certainly not trying to suggest that strip clubs should be illegal. I am thinking more along of the lines of if we could magically make them vanish would society be any worse off? For example if football were to magically vanish from the world would it be any worse off? I don't think so. But I'm certainly not suggesting that football be outlawed (although it would be #1 on my list of sports if I was forced to choose one to outlaw. :-) )
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    20 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master
    And you, Yoda, you are so in love with strippers that you cannot see their obvious faults. Or maybe you just wish you could be doing what they do? Strippers are not a typical group of women by any means: your fantasies not withstanding.
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    20 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master
    Kyle: You'll have to forgive Yoda. He is in love with strippers and lives in a fantasy world in which they are angels and can get away with murder, b/c if they couldn't well that would mean they aren't angels and his love would be misplaced. He can't see them for what they really are. Love blinds. Probably at the bottom of it is that they share the same morals he does. You see for he him he cannot phathom that someone could like more typical groups of women but not strippers. To him strippers are just another group of women doing a normal job. So if you don't like strippers you can't like any women. Not exactly great logic, so I'm not bothered by this. The bottom line is that along with all the idyllic, fluffy non-sense he posts there was one good point. Thus I think his overall existence of this board is worth it overall.
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    20 years ago
    #1 Reason Not to Ask Strippers for Dates
    Kyle: You are right, there are indeed cases where stealing and lying is moral. I am not familair with Robin Hood: so here are my examples: If the Gestapo knocks on your door in WWII and asks where the frank family is you lie. If you know a murderer is going to use a gun to shoot someone you steal it. The lying and stealing that strippers do is not to protect people from violence so it does not fall into the exceptional situations. When is scamming ever justified? I also agree that the very poor with no alternatives are justified in stealing to keep themselves alive. Again strippers making about $500/night do not qualify for this category.
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    20 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master
    Yoda is wrong again here: Customers rule like in any other business. It's them who ultimately determine whether they spend their money like that. Any business person who is does not understand that it's the customers who rule and think the seller does is not going to do very well. Oh, unless of course they are completely immoral and running some sort of a scam... But it's just a normal business right Yoda, so that would never happen now would it?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    The Fundamental Problem With Strippers
    Ok it's unrealistic to expect these honest, working girls not to lie, steal and scam. I understand completely. NOT!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why Do Some Customers Become Regulars?
    Yes, FONDL you seemed like a smart guy, I thought that "LOL" would tip you off to the fact that I was joking.
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    20 years ago
    What type are you?
    I'd rather not discuss my personal life with strangers.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What type are you?
    Think I know what girl that is Johnny. Have fun!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    #1 Reason Not to Ask Strippers for Dates
    Well tell us what she said, Johnny.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master
    Yoda: Hate's a pretty strong word. Implies I want to burn down their homes or something. I would just say "am disguested by and dislike the vast majority". But you've set me on the right path as this thread was all about emphasizing. I don't know if you are getting what you want out of SCs or not. I have no reason to doubt it, but on the other hand maybe you are just saying that to make yourself look good to us since your attitude to honesty seems to be rather pragmatic shall we say. Only you know for sure. Certainly I consider you to be an RIL: regular in love with the strippers. I think this love blinds you to alot of truths. But then again maybe you just don't agree that lying, scamming, and stealing are immoral. Strange but certainly possible.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Truth about VIP rooms
    I don't know what goes on in champagne rooms since I've never put out the money to go into one. At that point the cost is equivalent to that of an escort or prostitute in a brothel for about the same amount of money. I don't know why anyone would go with the stripper given these options since there is a chance the stripper will not give you anything sexual, whereas with the other two you are on safer ground (and for brothels you there are less health risks). Thus I think most average guys who go into the VIP rooms are going to be expecting sex. But maybe some higher rollers just want to feel like big shots by spending alot of money and having the girls pretend they are in love with them (this seems very strange to me but I guess it happens).
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    top 10 Lies from strippers (as if you didn't already know)
    FONDL: I think you're lying in your last post.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master
    Yoda: Wrong.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    #1 Reason Not to Ask Strippers for Dates
    Why aren't you at Rick's and Vu tonight, Johnny?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master
    All gross generalizations are wrong.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master
    My guess is that Yoda is the misogynist which is why he didn't post his views on women's mind when challenged. Just my guess, but we'll never know for sure.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why Do Strippers Do What They Do?
    "Being open and honest with strippers has always paid off for me." Well FONDL and shadowcat certainly know how to change the subject don't they?
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    20 years ago
    Why Do Strippers Do What They Do?
    shadowcat: what if she was doing prostitution because she was sexually abused as a child? would that change your mind? (Let's see how you try and change the subject here: "Actually I've talked to strippers who own rather crappy cards.")
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why Do Strippers Do What They Do?
    johnny: you should try to talking to strippers after you get to know them better and they aren't putting on so much of an act. Then you will find that they really do despise their jobs (and their customers).
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why Do Strippers Do What They Do?
    Having someone pick up your garbage is not supposed to be a turnon. This has been a good thread: shows to me another reaons why strippers have such contempt for their customers and hence themselves.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Clubs Offer a Useful Service To Society!
    They also indirectly help transfer money from customers to drug and alcohol dealers and casinos which are definitely segments of society that deserve more. They also prevent an escape valve for people with social problems to, instead of dealing with the their social probleml, pay money and get distracted from them and probably learn harmful lessons since the situation is so phony and the girls atypical of the their non-stripper peers.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Clubs Offer a Useful Service To Society!
    This board is a strip club?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Clubs Offer a Useful Service To Society!
    Ok, shadowcat who admits that he would have sex with a prostitute even if he knew she was doing because she was sexually abused as child is calling me an asshole. I guess that's meant to be a joke?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Clubs Offer a Useful Service To Society!
    Ooops, almost forgot: they also drain the bank accounts of old foogies just before they kick the bucket so their kids don't get it!