
Comments by Harderlap

  • review comment
    18 days ago
    For old time's sake...
    It is not better on Friday or Saturday nights. There are only more customers and dancers, but the quality is still the same.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Heaven! (Why is it so hot in here? And why does the bouncer have a trident?)
    Topless dancing. Hard to say no to the right girl
    The $10 table dances are no more. After Covid everything is either VIP or champagne room.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Heading to Phoenix for fun
    Not sure how long you will be in Phoenix, but a trip down the road to the clubs in Tucson will offer better mileage than the clubs in Phoenix. I like Raiders Reef, but there are other good options. Read the reviews for Raiders Reef, Venom, and Curves.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    I'd live this way again
    This Song Sucks
    Everything I know about popular songs in the last 40 years or so I learned at strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Credit Card ONLY
    Rockallnight - some clubs sell tokens which are purchased with a credit card for tipping.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Scanning IDs
    Most clubs scan IDs for one of three reasons, 1) to satisfy Alcohol Control Board requirements so that if someone who isn’t supposed to drink has used a fake ID they have proof the club checked, and some states have requirements that every sale of alcohol include an ID check, or that the person who buys alcohol has an ID in their possession, 2) to protect the club against misuse/ fraud with credit cards, and 3) to have information on customers who may cause problems, like harassing dancers, fighting, or 2AMers.
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    Santa Barbara is spanish for "Barbara Streisand would you plz give me a handjob"
    Oxnard won’t be any better, unless things have changed.
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    New York
    First Time
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Best Extras Clubs in 2024 in the US for solo vacation
    To your original question, try Tucson.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Still looking for an ATF
    Shadowcat - Include me in the Wild Goose fan club.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    How can you tell if a review is AI generated?
    Ishmael - Some of the AI generated text detectors will identify which parts of the pasted text are AI generated and which parts are human generated.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Spring Training--Force Ranking the 26 MLB markets
    I would put DC at the bottom with Boston right above. If you count Tucson, I know a stretch, as Phoenix, then I would move Phoenix up.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    How can you tell if a review is AI generated?
    Here is one way: < https://copyleaks.com/ai-content-detector > And another: < https://gptzero.me/ > I have rejected lots of articles that were AI generated, but only a few reviews. The AI text stands out even without the AI text detector as vague, impersonal, bland, full of generalizations with a lack of specifics, but with perfect English usage. Those characteristics stand out, and when I see them I run the text through the AI text generator.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Unusual stripper rules
    I had a dancer tell me that I couldn’t look at the other dances going on in the VIP room.
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Sunday Evening Experience
    Ferdnix - I too thought it could have been AI generated, I ran it through an AI text detector and it came back human. I caught the reference to Landing Strip and decided to pass on rating the review.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    respect for others goes a long way
    Stats on user profiles?
    I like them. It shows how my activity has changed over the years.
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    New Mexico
    The only game in town, but expensive and nowhere near worth it
    Techman -Yes, topless private dances. There are no table dances. Dances are all in the booths at $60, and as I said above, not worth it.
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Not bad but not good
    For what it is worth, Cheetah’s is as good as it gets in San Diego. There isn’t a lot there except promises.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Alternative city?
    My choice from a strip club and sunshine viewpoint would be Phoenix, if you include Tucson for a day or two, which is a better strip club city than Phoenix. I don’t gamble, so I can’t comment on that, but there are casinos there, some which appear to be rather elaborate. Between Tucson and Phoenix, there are lots of tourist attractions, and, if you want a taste of winter, Flagstaff is only two hours north. I don’t recommend San Diego, even though it has sunshine and tourist attractions. The strip club scene is pretty bland and subject to oppressive city regulations. Tijuana is not far away and has strip clubs that are essentially brothels. Crossing the border can be straight forward or a hassle depending on a lot of factors, few of which you have control of. New York, Washington DC, Boston, Chicago, and Seattle are not what one calls sunshine cities. Neither is San Francisco, even in the summer, and clubbing is expensive. New York strip clubs are expensive; Washington and Boston strip clubs are bland. New Orleans is expensive and the strip clubs, and like much of the city, promise more than they can deliver. Atlanta can be a good strip club city, but one needs to pick and choose the club carefully. If you like Black dancers it is probably one of the best destinations of those you list. I have not been to Savannah, so I can’t comment on that city. Orlando, at least the touristy part, is not a strip club destination. Cocoa Beach, not far away is pretty good though, but I think there only two clubs there. Dallas is not bad strip club wise and there are lots of options. It can be wet and cold in the winter though and I can’t think of any great tourist attractions. There are others on the list that should chime in; Shadowcat knows the southern clubs probably better than anyone.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    great time between christmas and new years
    There haven’t been $10 table dances at TD’s since Covid.
  • review comment
    8 months ago
    New Mexico
    Well, at least they didn't ask for $20 floor dances....
    Hank Moody - I think the paragraphs are there, but the double line spacing between them or indentation at the beginning is missing. The line spacing may be a formatting interaction between the OP’s browser and the TUSCL text input. I have had similar, but not identical issues in the past. But, clearly delineated paragraphs certainly make a review easier to read and comprehend.
  • review comment
    8 months ago
    Pleasant afternoon, but pricier than I thought.
    They scan IDs. I am told that if there are no problems, they dump the scans after a couple days. Before Covid there were $10 table dances, which were good value, but now it is only VIP dances for $25 and Champagne room for $275 for half hour.
  • review comment
    8 months ago
    New Mexico
    The Boat delivers
    Techman - yes, but not sure if that is true for all the dancers.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Nicole’s Is Not a Strip Club.
    Is Nicole’s a strip club?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    New Jersey
    Clubs you wish were still in existence.
    Cabaret Club in El Paso Flying Goose in LA