
Some faith in TUSCL reviewers restored

Monday, September 2, 2024 11:49 AM
Last night I submitted an obviously AI generated review of Club Fantasies in Providence, using the ChatGPT prompt "write a detailed review of Club Fantasies, a strip club in Providence, Rhode Island," as an experiment.

It was actually (properly) rejected by all reviewers!

Normally there are a couple who will accept anything. Hopefully they're on vacation.

I may repeat this experiment if more obviously crap reviews start making it through again.


  • 59
    14 days ago
    It took all of about 5 seconds to reject.
  • shailynn
    14 days ago
    This is what PLs do after they’ve already masturbated 6 times, saved the princess in Legend of Zelda and had their Taco Bell for dinner. They still have an hour before lights out from mom and dad!
  • Puddy Tat
    14 days ago
    ^ Not sure why the micropenile hostility over something that doesn't concern you.
  • mogul1985
    14 days ago
    Randomly posting an AI occasional review to test the Adjudicator is a good idea. I wonder how many are generated?
  • Harderlap
    14 days ago
    AI generated text has a certain sterility to it. When I read a review that starts with generalities and never gets into specifics, reads like an encyclopedia, written in third person, and sounds it was written by someone who never visited the club, or any other clubs for that matter, I run it through an AI text detector and accept or reject based on that.

    I suppose it is just a matter of time before some one develops an AI app to “deAI” AI generated text.
  • Puddy Tat
    14 days ago
    @59 and @HarderLap, good on both of you.

    AI might do some things decently well, but its club reviews are shit. They sound like bad Yelp reviews, referencing "adult entertainment," go into vague details on the club layout and furniture, are allergic to numbers, and never a dancer name nor the characteristics of dances and mileage.
  • Manuellabore
    14 days ago
    Didn’t adjudicate this, but I rely on my internal AI detector. AI generated reviews are invariably otherwise deficient
  • whodey
    14 days ago
    So you attempted to undermine the credibility of this site by posting a fake AI generated review? And you plan to do it again?

    Maybe @founder should ban you for that.
  • Puddy Tat
    14 days ago
    ^ Or you completely missed the point.
  • whodey
    14 days ago
    I get the point about people approving bs AI reviews, but adding more bs AI reviews is not the answer.

    Founder should ban anyone that submits AI reviews, even members doing it to try to prove a point.
  • twentyfive
    14 days ago
    ^ 👍
  • Puddy Tat
    14 days ago
    ^ OK you two, go to Founder and try to get me banned if you have such a weed up your asses about it.
  • twentyfive
    14 days ago
    I don’t want to get you or anyone else banned, but whodey does have a point. Touch grass before you speak.
  • Puddy Tat
    14 days ago
    ^ I get your point but I didn't think this--which I said on another thread I'd do and was actually encouraged to do--would generate such drama queendom.
  • twentyfive
    14 days ago
    There you go with your smugness because I agree he has a point I’m a drama queen please stop being a child.
  • Puddy Tat
    14 days ago
    ^ Many people are being overdramatic on this thread, like I violated some sacrosanct law and deserve to be burned at the stake for it.

    Actually you in particular don't seem to get along with anyone here.
  • twentyfive
    14 days ago
    ^ you’re right you’re a whiny little baby
  • Puddy Tat
    14 days ago
    ^ Not getting off your lawn, gramps ;)
  • sfrsox
    14 days ago
    Yup, numbers (and them being correct) is what mainly distinguishes a real review fro ma fake review.
  • Icey
    13 days ago
    I don't trust the reviews. There are too many fake ones. Ones for clubs that are closed. You can only read about a club layout so many times....
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    13 days ago
    If you submit the same review at a different time it could easily sail through based on which reviewers are "on shift" at that time.
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