Advice for a beginner monger

avatar for Happygolucky
Hey all,

I’m a new hobbyist, just went to my first two clubs last weekend. Baltimore area. I’m just looking for some advice from seasoned mongers on how to get the most enjoyment out of my experiences.

Also as a more guided question, what’s the best way to handle a dancer who approaches you for dances/drinks that you have no interest in? How do you be completely respectful but also firm so they know not to keep bothering you about it? Totally understandable why they hustle, but I need to work on my response because I don’t want to spend money like that on women I don’t find personally attractive.

Any advice pertaining to my area or the hobby in general would be greatly welcomed


avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
What are you looking for? A few drinks and a view? A little touching? The full monty?

I see you've written a review. Use your VIP to check out the scene at other clubs and how things work there.

Pushy dancers, just say "no thank you" without a long ass explanation. Long explanation invites you to make it a debate.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago

"- Speaking of unpleasant interactions, a common one is: You say "maybe later", she starts asking you questions "Why not?", you answer, she asks you more questions ("don't you like black girls?" "why are you here if you don't like dances?") all meant to either 1. strong-arm you into getting more dances, or 2. humiliate you so she can feel better about herself. I don't even sit there and meekly answer her questions and let her dictate the conversation -- this pattern by the girls is ALWAYS aggression. Often, I'll simply shut it down -- repeat "no thanks" without answering the question, etc. Sometimes, I'll engage her in conversation, but here's my rule: I NEVER answer any of her questions, instead I turn it around and she can answer mine. (Her: Am I not your type? Me: What do you think? Who do you think my type is?)... the more aggressive girls realize what I'm doing and walk away; the less aggressive girls will sit there and meekly answer my questions for a while, and if I think she's fun, well now I have a new friend. But sitting there and playing into her game, answering question after question from a girl you're not interested in, is being a little bitch."
Spend what you can afford. And if you dont want a dance or her time just say no
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
Just smile and say no thanks, I'm good. I've found it's often effective to lie and say you just came to watch the stage show. If a business consistently treats its customers badly, they only want desperate customers. If you're not desperate, you should go elsewhere. No hacks possible. Nothing particular about strip clubs in this.

Strippers are self-employed, the clubs don't take responsibility for the truthfulness of what they tell you. Many strippers are not interested in repeat customers, unless the customers is really dumb or has no self respect. You will spend money on dances that disappoint. You have to accept that, the way people who fish accept a lot of fish being able to get the bait off the hook without getting caught. Don't get your hopes up for dating a stripper, and never think that spending money on her will get her interested in dating you. No matter what she says.
I agree with @ilb, "No thanks" is both necesary and sufficient for telling a strip you don't want her company. No need to elaborate.

You mention being in Baltimore, and it looks like you've reviewed Penthouse.

I'm curious if you've tried any of the clubs on The Block. The Block is well past it's prime, it's a REALLY shady neighborhood, the clubs are very divey, and the women are generally not beauty queens. But the mileage is incredible, if that's what you're looking for.
If she won't go away after you nicely tell her no the first time, you're under no obligation to be completely respectful. If she won't leave, tell you're interested in bb anal and you will spend 80 dollars on her. That will chase her off and she won't be back.
What you need to learn, young Padawan, is the best way to deploy THE SYSTEM(tm).

THE SYSTEM(tm) is a document of wisdom devised by the ricks, a group of amazingly amazing individuals that frequent strip clubs and do amazingly amazing things. Just to start things out, you should buy yourself a stylin’ suit. Strippers will think you have money, because it takes money to buy a stylin’ suit. See how that works? Such is the genius of the ricks.

You should also drink a lot of Jack. Jack is the manliest of drinks. Although this rick must admit that he likes the rickarita as well. What’s a rickarita, you ask? Well, it is Jose, Jack, and just a lil’ lime. With salt on the rim of course.

Hell, this rick even indulges in the occasional Arnold Palmer. But we ricks have a special recipe for our Arnold Palmers…we add Jack. And we leave out that lemonade and tea because who the fuck wants that shit in their Jack?

Hope this helps. Now drink some Jack and google “Tuscl the system”. ROAR!!!
If she wint ho away just ignore her. She wont stay there for free
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
Is an Arnold Palmer jack with a foot long hot dog as a stirrer?
If no attraction I say 'No thank you'.
If some attraction I say 'Maybe later'.
My first priority is finding the kind of girl I really like.

This is something I wrote in 2016 designed to help novice clubbers. Most of it is still applicable. It is rather lengthy, but I didn’t have enough time to write something shorter.
This question, and the answers to it, emphasize that the articles section of TUSCL is an underused, but excellent resource.
avatar for Flash4
Rhode Island
2 months ago
Or the D.E.N.N.I.S. system which I think could apply here…
These will help.

With that being said the bottom line is communication and expectations. Ask for exactly what you want and how you want it for how long and for how much money every time. Be nice and be firm if you don’t like something. And leave it in the club. Don’t get caught up.
avatar for wallanon
2 months ago
Baltimore is a smaller market than it used to be, but still has huge club diversity. Without us knowing the names or at least types of clubs you're just going to get generic advice.
@wallanon Makes a good point
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
I think it's better to say either yes or no thanks. If you change your mind about the no, roll up on her and ask her if you can change your mind. If she's been on stage since you said no, tell her you liked how she looked up there. So she won't feel settled for. You'd think that all non-newb strippers would have developed thick skins. But many never do. Best to avoid multiple nos by never saying maybe. Many of the bitched-about phone scrollers are the thin skinned ones, who just can't take another no.
Get the fuck out of Baltimore.
^^ Haha, best advice so far!
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