Your sitting at the bar, no seats left, girl approaches you to chat
She's standing, your sitting. Anybody else have an issue with this? It's just not right. I've been trained a certain way. I get up every time to stand with her or even offer to switch places. Even if I'm turning her down, I just walk somewhere else.
last commentNo issues whatsoever
Strips clubs and RL are different
No issues here, but if it bothers either her or me, I suggest we find a table. That is, of course, I want to spend some time with her.
Not if I'm rejecting her. If I want her to hang out a bit, I offer them the seat but it's rare they accept. They'll usually cozy up at the bar, sometimes we'll move elsewhere.
A better question, in my opinion, is if you're sitting next to a guy who had a stripper approach, do you move to make room for her to sit with him. That one I'll usually do, especially if that guy was there first and I took the spare seat.
I stand up or give her my seat.
If a guy needs an extra seat thats his problem.
I offer her my lap....
with you dawg on that... if she is attractive to me...
If I'm into her, she's got a place to sit
According to the feminists on Reddit, you should not give your seat to a female
^ Reason #65 why I always offer my seat to a woman, wherever I am. My parents raised me a certain way, which I feel was the correct way, so I adhere to their standards.
I stay where I am. If I'm interested in a dance, I'll pop the question after a brief chat. If not interested, keeping them standing sends a signal to keep it moving.
If I want her to stay, I stand to greet her and offer her the seat. As mentioned, they usually decline. My impression has been that at least some places management doesn’t like the look of customers hovering over seated dancers. If not interested I remain seated and keep the convo to the bare minimum
I'm not giving up that bar seat to a girl I'm turning down anyway, lol.
But if I want her to stay, I get up and offer her the seat. Like Muddy, I was not raised to sit on my lazy ass while a woman stands there with no seat.
In one club I frequent, they actually prohibit dancers from occupying seats on nights when it gets very busy, obviously to accommodate paying dudes. The last time I was there when this happened, I offered a girl who I liked my seat. When the manager came over to scold her, I told him that it was my seat and I was letting her sit in it. He walked away, saying "Well, if you want to let her use your seat then I won't stop you." She was grateful.
that's why the good lord gave you a lap
If she needs a seat, I've got a lap available
Wtf are you talking about? At a strip club where there’s a dozen dancers doing the “chat” “wanna dance” dollar parade? Obviously not lol. Out at a normal bar, with a normal woman who’s not asking me for money, probably.
In public, like an airport terminal, no way I am sitting if a woman has to stand. At a strip club, she can sit on my lap or lean against my spread legs. At my age, if a hot young woman approaches me at a non-strip club bar, I'm just hoping she's not trying to spike my drink.
If it's barstool height it puts your arm at a great height to go around her waist and lets her shove her tits in your face if she wants to.
IRL, I’m always offering my seat to a woman. That’s just The Way It Is. In a SC? If I’m not interested, I tell her so politely so that I don’t waste her time and let her move on. If I’m interested, I’m suggesting we move someplace where we can be more comfortable.
In a strip club, that's what my lap is for if I'm interested in her.
When you do this:
A friend, yes, of course I'll give her the seat. But you guys rushing to give up your seat are dealing with a different type of woman in 2024. Her boyfriend doesn't offer up his seat, doesn't say "please" or "thank you" and is more likely to call her "bitch" than call her by her name.
I know that doesn't compute with many of you, and that's a testament to your good character. These girls don't deserve your seat nor do they want you to offer it to them except to test you.
Last time I was a club “party/event” and it was open bar I couldn’t find a seat. Luckily a dancer I had meaning to get a table dance from offered to dance and at the end I offered the seat back to her and she didn’t take it and looked for another PL. so yeah when it’s full, seats aren’t for the dancers
SCs aren't real life, offer them your lap if you like them, if you don't let em stand
^^^ I offer my seat because that is how I was raised and what I believe is the right thing to do. The motives and beliefs of others as to what that symbolizes couldn't possibly mean less to me. I still golf with a longtime friend, but we no longer play for money because he feels that the strict rules of golf are a suggestion, and I look at them as being closer to the Ten Commandments. I play another in our golf group for money, as we have for 44 years, and because I know it drives the cheater crazy, we never give a putt. 1"? Putt it in asshole. 12"? Putt it in asshole. Its pretty funny (to golfers) doing that when the other half of the foursome is giving 26" putts for each. You know....good good? As if two people cheating makes it ok.
SC's are a business. Seats are for customers. It's that simple.