Las Vegas Strip Clubs: Dealing With The Hustle

I'm a semi-regular visitor to the Las Vegas strip clubs, mainly Spearmint Rhino, Sapphire's and Olympic Garden. This article is geared towards those who visit these mega-clubs and not so much the smaller places popular with locals where hustle is less of an issue. A quick look at the reviews on the Rhino and Sapphire pages confirm that most everyone who visits is going to be aggressively pushed for dances non-stop at these clubs and, in some unfortunate cases, likely will even encounter outright rudeness even if they politely decline dances. Obviously this comes with the territory for these clubs but what this article is about is trying to find some formula for minimizing your exposure to quite frankly, constant abuse and the kinds of experiences that will cause you to never want to come back (dancer not leaving your table, ordering drinks without consent, starting an argument with you about why you won't get dances from her, etc.) While nothing will fully safeguard you against these types of incidents, I have found some guidelines for making sure you can at least try to enjoy your time in the pirhanna tank and get dances from the GIRLS YOU ACTUALLY WANT. Tip #1: Go only during peak hours. That is, go only on Thursday, Friday or Saturday nights between 12 midnight and 4:00am (or until 6:00am if at the Rhino). I realize this may be a dealbreaker for many who hate the insane crowds and in fact, is opposed to the relaxed feel many look for in their SC experience. But truth be told, if you're going to these places you're just not gonna get a relaxed atmosphere anyway. I go to the Rhino and Sapphire because they have the hottest girls in Vegas. The ones I want to see. With all due respect to places like Palomino, Sherri's Cabaret, Treasures, Rick's (not sure if all of these are still around), they don't have anywhere near the number of hot girls as Rhino and Sapphire. The reason going during peak hours is an advised anti-hustle strategy is because there is so much action going on that your chances of being cornered or experiencing table-lingering just aren't in the dancer's best interests. There is so much potential money out there they have to employ "move on quickly" behavior at this time. You are a lot less likely to encounter a frustrated, angry stripper who has had an unprofitable night because these are the exact hours where they need to be making their money. It is less likely you'll get the "why not?" reply if you decline at this time than at 6:15am when crowds have thinned out or at 9:00pm on a Tuesday night when you alone represent 5% of the dancer's market (because there are only 20 guys out on the floor!) Tip #2: Always be polite and make eye contact if you decline a dance. This sounds easy and straightforward but at the end of a long night I'm surprised by how challenging this can be. If you are tired enough, you can sound aloof and disinterested and this can anger a dancer if she feels you are not paying her sales pitch any attention. You can get approached a hundred times a night but if you drop your guard and brush someone off just once you could be inviting an unwanted response. Tip #3: Don't use the "maybe later" line unless you really mean it. In my experience, this line is viewed by girls as an insincere, brush-off line and they don't appreciate it. It is preferable to say "no thanks sweetie, not tonight" as the "maybe later" line (if it's dishonest) can be picked off pretty quickly if you don't mean it. Tip #4: As a second-last resort, give the name of another dancer you are there to see. This should really only be used on those who have crossed the line and just won't take no for an answer. It can be true or not, but the name you use should be that of an actual dancer at the club. Using it as an immediate lie is not really necessary unless you're really being pressured unfairly, and most girls won't cross the line like that. Tip #5: As a total last resort, when you are actually feeling forced to get dances/buy drinks or something else of the sort after repeated attempts to excuse yourself, calmly but firmly say you would like to speak to a manager. Clearly not a frontline option and only when all else has failed. Being professional and explaining to a staff member that you just want to enjoy yourself should get you out of the situation. Though this has mixed results depending on the club etc. One thing I haven't figured out is how to deal with the aggressive pairs. The girls that come in twos are always the worst, they are uber-aggressive and feed confidence off each other and can be just brutal. I'm curious if any LV locals/visitors have any other tips......? I generally enjoy these clubs (or at least I did) and would be interested if others who do so too have learned any other ways to enjoy these clubs, but on your own terms and with hustle minimized so you can spend more time with the dancers you really want to be with......?
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last commentas a visitor to the vegas rhino about 4 times a year, agree with what's said above. I go in with this attitude: "I'm in control. I'm doing her a favor by allowing her to dance for me. If she gets pissed when I politely decline her offer to dance for me, that's her problem not mine..."
If I ever get backsass from a dancer when I say no thanks, I just turn away and ignore her. She gets the message pretty quickly after that.
great points. As a very recent visitor I mostly agree. Except for me that late night hour is just a jam packed fest and even if you did find the right gal - it can be a pain to have to wait in line at the VIP area, or be trampling over everyone else to get to a booth. I just experienced the double-team part unfortunately right when I came in the door. and you couldn't be more correct.
I don't think this issue is enough of an issue to warrant a discussion. I'm suppose to worry about offending a dancer because she might be mean to me? Maybe if i was a regular i would care about this, since who wants to deal with constant dirty looks and snickers, but otherwise fuck that. And dancers ordering drinks, expecting me to pay.... who would ever go for that. No means no.
How about this: Grow a fucking backbone. If a girl you don't want asks you for a dance tell her "no". If she doesn't get it, she is the one being rude and disrespectful, so you have no obligations to try and protect her feelings at that point. Just keep saying "no". Make up any lie to get her to go away. Say you have no money. If she is a brunette say you prefer blondes. If she is a blonde say you prefer brunettes. Tell her high pressure sales is a turn off and she blew it already. She is not respecting you, so you have no obligation to respect her.
When I was at the Rhino in March about 6am on a weekday "robin" danced several $20.00 dances at my seat and we had a very nice conversation about her time in NYC where I go on business several times a month as I live upstate. I asked to go for 4 dances for $100.00 and she bitched that we should go to 1/2 hour or hour VIP telling me "only cheap bastards go for the $100.00 you don't want me to think you are a cheap bastard" I had already been there about 3 hours anyway so I just got up and went outside to catch a taxi and told the doorman about my experience he seemed to care less. I'm spending my money who is she to tell me how to spend it.
rolo, lol at the stupid dancer in your story. she just pissed all over $100 at a time when there aren't that many customers in the place to begin with.
First of all you dont owe them crap. The ones who interrupt me while I am trying to at least finish the buffet piss me off the most. You can use one of two lines to get them to leave you alone: "Cant take any dances tonite, lack of funds." or "Dances dont do it for me, do you play? If you use the second one be prepared to play if she is a player.
There is an art to having one stay at your table for the price of a drink where you can cop some feels. Not a bad game to play.
While I am always polite to dancers, I could care less what they think if I dont take dances or fit their model of an ATM machine. They are sex workers and I am there to get the best bang for my buck. Many of them are supporting loser boyfriends who cant even hold a job. I have never been thrown out of a club if I simply came there to chill and be a Cheap A. If the dancer will sit with me and give me some quality time while I feel her / engage in conversation, then I may take a dance or two. The ones who are impatient and pushy to get a dance, well I simply stuff them in the backfield.
I look her in the eye and politely say, "no thank you", so simple. Your goal is to get the best bang for your buck. Her goal is to empty your wallet as fast as possible.
Here's an even better way to avoid the hassle: Don't go to Vegas for strip clubs. I realize that if you live there, you may not have much in the way of choices in that regard, but if do you live there, you probably aren't all that much concerned with the problems this article is telling you how to avoid.
I have yet to see a review of a club in Vegas that makes it any more attractive than several within a couple of hundred miles of my location. And if I want to waste a day traveling, Atlanta, Detroit, Houston, Tampa and several others all seem like better choices, both in price and likelihood of payoff.
Well of course no one is going to Vegas primarily for the strip clubs. Sometimes your in town for other reasons though, and you decide to drop in. Besides who doesn't like sending a big "FAIL" to the sharkiest of the sharks?
@Dougster, maybe so, but I'm not convinced I would bother even then, at least not without some serious consideration. Of course, I'm not convinced there much in the way of reasons to go to Vegas at all beyond the novelty factor, and that really isn't that big a draw for me. I'm more a nature vacationer, preferring the likes of Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, the Adirondacks and such to most man made vacation pursuits.
I'm going to Vegas in a few months for a race. I've had a good offer for company, but expect it to fall through as she is not utilizing the expertise I offered in trade. If it doesn't pan out, I will probably hit a club with low expectations. A trip to a Vegas club got me started in this crazy lifestyle.
I do not like working in Las Vegas these days, especially being sober. If I'm making amazing unbelievable money, then I'll deal with it. Even so, bumping shoulders and pushing through crowds isn't something I love. When I travel, I like taking a couple of dancer friends with me so we can work together. In Vegas this is almost impossible. Last time I was at the Rhino, they put me on the prime shift and wouldn't allow my friend to work anything but a morning shift. She's pretty but sort of flat chested and they basically told her to "get some tits". Something like that always happens in las Vegas so I go alone now.
The article was not intended as an exploration of ways to protect dancers' feelings. It was meant for locals and regular visitors who go to the Vegas clubs and want to minimize their exposure to the insane levels of hustling that go on there. I've found some of the techniques mentioned in both the articles and comments to be of great help towards this.
Really good information to know. You're right about Rhino. It is the epitome of an overrated club. It's so bad now compared to a few years ago that I'd love to see it relegated to 3rd class status someday. Will have to check out Little Darlings next time I'm in town (just got back but got cleaned out pretty badly at the sportsbook this trip).
Sorry man, but would have to agree with Dougster. First of all, I would never go to one of the top Las Vegas clubs during the hours you recommend. That's just plain silly. And I would never resort to saying I'm there to see to get out of a dance. What, are we junior high school?
Maybe I'm spoiled living near Detroit, the best SC city in the country. And I travel quite a lot to Tampa, which is #2 in my opinion. Las Vegas is overrated in my book.
I also visit LV several times a year, but never go to the mega clubs for all the reasons you are trying not to face. There are many medium sized clubs that don't have these problems.
I agree with george. Nothing I have read posted on tuscl in any review of any club in Las Vegas entices me to visit that city. None of Vegas' other charms is any draw for me either. I get all the gambling I need in my life by drilling wildcat wells or on the Toronto Venture Exchange.
@motorhead: Toronto is barely a four drive from Detroit, much closer than Tampa. IMO Toronto ranks higher than Detroit for SC excitement.
Obviously, everyone sampling the Spearmint Rhino has had a similar hustling experience. Mine was so bad, I bolted from the club in under fifteen minutes, never to return. I'm not a big Vegas fan, but on the seldom times I find myself there, I hit the 2nd tier clubs, especially Palomino - pretty girls with decent mileage, at least for Vegas.
Tip #6: Don't go to overhyped, under-delivering Vegas Strip clubs.
Tip#7: If you just absolutely have to go to one of the big Vegas clubs, then man the fuck up. Own your space and your wallet and be firm. If she doesn't like "No" then tough shit. When one walks into a club with a set of working balls then all of rest of this overthinking about approaches and strategies is simply not necessary.
As with any other club anywhere, the "hustle" only works if there are plenty of people ready to be hustled. In a club full of hundreds of dancers and even more drunk dudes, it will work. I've found hitting the Rhino in the mid to late afternoon a much better strategy. Yes, you'll get hit on by a bunch of women but I've also found that a lot of them will be more likely to take their time with you than when they have another option 6 inches away. Simple supply and demand. Of course, this only works if you know how to say "no" and how to use the odds to your advantage instead of letting them use you.