
Comments by minnow (page 11)

  • review comment
    a year ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Post Spring Break Season Visit
    No, DoucHebAg, because you never adjudicated this review in the 1st place.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Twitter - Do you Tweet ?
    No Twitter for me. I figure anyplace where one tweets to communicate is for the birds......
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Any place that interests me.
    New LGBTQ Acronym
    Who's doing the shouting here ? We (the customers) are anti-loud, in your face. Hence the tongue in cheek witty alternatives.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Stripping vs. Commercial Air Travel
    OP resorting to ad hominem attack vs answering my questions posed is a good indication that he doesn't know shit about the subject that he raised.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Stripping vs. Commercial Air Travel
    "big butt"- Wtf do you know about running an airline ? Airlines and stripping are drastically different businesses. Airlines are intensely capital sensitive, and more highly regulated than a stripping. And much more about market share than stripping. (Have you checked new and used aircraft lease/purchase prices lately ? Fuel costs ? ) Besides getting a local permit in some cities/or counties, what regulatory hurdles must a dancer pass? I've seen several first class only airlines go out of business. Nope the revenue enhancers for airlines are the myriad fees, and the belly freight, especially in the larger aircraft. Numerous airlines that went out of business could be traced to poor management. In that case, stripping may have something in common. Even a stripper who doesn't land a VIP whale, but during a 4 hr. shift sells dances with 6 - 8 different customers who spend $60 on her dances could make a decent living if she doesn't go overboard on her spending.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Oh Mons
    Was Hiei "high" when he(she, it) submitted this piece ? Wtf does a brunette at Chucks look like ? Wtf is Chucks, and wtf has gone there frequently ? Bad choice for a meaningful analogy. "The rest were 7's & 8's". How many is the rest ? 7 more, 21 more, something in between those 2 ? Be more specific. You say you spent $300 - $500, yet provide inadequate info on LD's themselves (cost mileage). No mention of time package deal that cuts down the per dance cubicle rental fee. Lastly, something odd about reviewer finding security (bouncer) nicer than the dancers. Did you not buy any dances from the dancers, but instead spent $$ to have sex with the bouncer ? Some unanswered questions, very little cred for this review being only the 2nd review in quite some time.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Fun at the Horse
    Vorleser hit the wrong icon. This club seems to be getting a lot of submissions lately, which makes me wonder how many are shill or AI generated.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Watch out for Tokyo
    Thanks- ought to change BART acronym to FART- Foreign Arena Random Tag
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why NBA Players End Up With IG Models And Strippers
    With a median salary of ~ $3.5M, and an average salary of ~ $7.4M, they make more in 1 yr. than the average working stiff makes in their working career. Hell, the median player makes more in a yr. than a vaunted Tuscl $350K club member makes in a decade.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    New York
    Alice is the star, Charlie and Bob are the slackers who scratch their nuts too much.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    The Anti-Chorus Line (Dance 3, Looks 10)
    I recognized this as CP post right off the bat. Good one, this review dims my enthusiasm for a repeat visit from my visits a decade ago. CP ever the wordsmith. Would you say the mileage was worse than a Humvee with 4 flats ?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    A Refresher on How to Write a Good Review
    WTG, founder, this should be a sticky. Gives a guideline to the already published guidelines.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Post Spring Break Season Visit
    Looks like tuscl loon, mikeym is toning down his act after desertscrub recent banning. To the new tuscl members: If you get bored, merely scroll through 2001 reviews dating back to mid 2016 to read his (and 2 sock puppets Flo3ida & Soul Kid Eighties) 300 word plus manifestos or simple snark comments. He's also snarked on some other Tampa clubs and claims to have met a bunch of other tuscl members that I PM confirmed have never met mikeym. My advice to mikeym to gafl still stands
  • review comment
    a year ago
    I like Wdnesday, it is hump day
    Another min effort tweet passes muster
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Do teachers get paid enough?
    "Reluctant to post because I haven't walked in a teacher's shoes " N-spice, what is it about that quote midway through my post that implies that I've been a K-12 teacher ? You ASS-ume too much about me, all wrong. How does posing questions about data points that should be answered prior to opining on whether teachers are over/under paid going on a power trip ? You need to brush up on your basic comprehension skills, n-spice. Were you high or sober when you posted, skibum ? Wtf about my post is progressive ? Pompous ? How would you like someone mouthing off about lawyers being overpaid without offering supporting data ? Nowhere did I opine that teachers should be this or that. I merely questioned the lack of reliable reference datums to make a statement. Turnover rate in present positions, and number of new people coming into teaching positions are a good, if not flawless datum for whether teachers are overpaid or underpaid. If a combination of high turnover and insufficient new blood in the pipeline exists, maybe teachers are underpaid. Vice versa on turnover and new applicants, overpaid. Also don't just look at salary- consider benefits, additional duties, etc. outside of normal school hours. Really now, some teachers are overpaid, some underpaid depending upon several factors. I'm not aware of any "pay for performance" (higher student test scores, graduation rates, etc.) for teachers. Maybe in some private school. I agree that good teachers are worth their rate in gold for long term effect on students lives, and that there are mediocre teachers who have been in their position for too long at the higher seniority/tenure based pay brackets. This threads argument will never be settled, hope OP Muddy is entertained.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Do teachers get paid enough?
    Interesting: Not one single poster has given any indication that they've been a teacher (public or private) K-12. Has any poster served on a school board or school district administration ? Has poster taken part in negotiations with teacher unions (on either side of the table), or have a pdf copy of cross section of school district pay scales ? Apparently, having more advanced degrees would result in higher pay for a given position. What is percentage pay raise for each additional year of experience, and is there a cap on number of years credit ? How portable is years teacher experience ? ( If teacher with 10 yrs. in District B want to move to higher paying District A, would they be on the 10 yr scale there, or would they have to start over at the bottom scale there?) I have some "thoughts" on the subject, but I'm reluctant to post because I haven't walked in the teacher's (or administrators) shoes. I confess some degree of ignorance on the subject (google search on school teachers salaries doesn't adequately answer my questions). The ultimate test for the question is 1) What is the teacher turnover rate ? (What would be a "good" or "bad" turnover) 2) Are open positions getting filled ? (Enough qualified interested applicants for position, enough college students pursuing a teacher career) 3) How long is average teacher staying in position ? Of course there are additional questions about "results" ( test proficiency scores, percentage that graduate, percentage that go on to get a degree, etc.) Until someone can show me the data, I'll just laugh at your posts.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Solid reports, lately.
    M27 didn't answer my question, just stated a generalized opinion. AZ is better than a lot of places in the winter. But what is it like ? Will I like it better than FL, So Cal, HI, Bahamas, etc. What if you hate boob jobs on dancers, but I might like them ? Can I find any Asians in club ? What if you don't mind a lot of ink, and I do ? Plenty of unanswered questions for visitor not familiar with club.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Saturday afternoon at Sins
    PARAGRAPH SPACING makes it EASIER TO READ. Learn to HIT THE ENTER KEY. If it looks like a wall of text (indexing doesn't count), I will hit the "incoherent key. That only takes a few seconds, boldface suggestion takes a fraction of a second.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancer Alert: New Source of Whales?
    mh; Curious where you got those figures from ?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    How are you celebrating 6/9 Day ?
    Seeing it's not the longest day of the year yet, whatever you do, better do it "lickety split."
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Elko, nevada
    Missing the pics? #tuscl on IG
    Free, easily accessible stripper photos gets a yea vote from me.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: The Stock Market ?
    OT- I wonder how well AI could predict the weather, and how far ahead it could do so. In recent hurricane landfall predictions, I see ~ a dozen different predicted path, will AI pick the correct path ? If I want to take vacation to Miami this Dec., will AI pick the exact weeks it will be warm and sunny, vs cold and rainy ? (One of my sisters went there several winters ago for a week, it was cold and rainy most of the week. In another case one of my co-workers went to Miami in Jan. 1977, and saw snow there! 1977 was a record cold winter.)
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Sunday - Slow But Well Staffed
    Another AI generated review ?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    There needs to start being some negative consequences for strippers that keep...
    If I want an airshow, I'll catch the Blue Angels when they roll into town. Maybe Muddy should consider a sonic boom generator.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Mons Venus worth the visit
    Authors name should be "Bullshit Brad". This is a crappier review than the one submitted a day or so ago. The 5 upvoters are either dumber than dirt, have very low standards, or just go to clubs to smack twerking asses.