Why NBA Players End Up With IG Models And Strippers

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Gilbert Arenas Explained Why NBA Players End Up With IG Models And Strippers: "Our Schedules Match Up With The Worst People, The Worst Women In Life.“
I have never been with an IG model but I don't agree that strippers are the worst women in life.
last commentSchedule, hah! They end up with them, because they have more money than sense!
With a median salary of ~ $3.5M, and an average salary of ~ $7.4M, they make more in 1 yr. than the average working stiff makes in their working career. Hell, the median player makes more in a yr. than a vaunted Tuscl $350K club member makes in a decade.
I think maybe our impressions are skewed, because it makes the news when somebody famous has a rando baby with a sex worker (including IG models). Some famous people (gonzo John Bohnam being a somewhat surprising example) are just sexual faithful. Some (I've heard Leo DiCaprio is an example) are fine with no SO and just booty calls (but careful to avoid rando babies). My guess is that very successful people are able to find an SO who will turn a blind eye to their booty calls.
Victim mentally by a millionare thats made more money then all of TUSCL memembers combined. Women are easy to understand, stripper or non/stripper shes going to take you to the cleaners once she decides its over. Get yours before she gets hers.
I will play along and comment on your discussion.
Q: Why NBA Players End Up With IG Models And Strippers?
A: Because they can afford them.
“In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.”
~ Cuban refugee Tony Montana (Al Pacino) in the movie Scarface.
If you have the money and can afford it, buy it and enjoy it, but many men and women have conflicting feelings because they have been sexually repressed with contradicting ideas, be a player’s, playboy, slut etc but also be a pure, virgin until marriage.
In today’s capitalist world men with money and power can acquire the women from this menu:
There are plenty of non-strippers and non-IG models who would figure out a way to deal with a pro athlete's schedule.
I'm not prone to feeling sorry for pro athletes due to their schedule.
I think being a big IG model can be compared to having a brand of expensive wine. There's a lot of evidence that expensive wine doesn't taste better to people when they don't know it's expensive. It isn't simple thirstiness that gives big IG models the power they have over some wealthy men. It's the desire of those men to see themselves and be seen as connoisseurs of women.
I have a friend that lusted after a cute but not looking stellar girl, who only chased athletes and NASCAR drivers. Living in a nice house with a pool, and driving a new Mercedes being a stay at home wife (if she chose to do so) was not good enough for her, so he eventually gave up and married someone else. A decade later she's in her 40s, never married with roommates, looks are gone, and she's still broke. She's fucked half of the Charlotte Hornets but never got one to marry or steadily date her. Clout chasers are nuts. Plain and simple.
“She's fucked half of the Charlotte Hornets”
Are you referring to Rachel Nichols ?
(You’d have to be an NBA fan to get this reference)
never had sex in high school it seems. Or they just grew up only thinking about pussy. It's a miracle they can play at all.
Bill Burr does a good routine on gold digging whores. He says someone like Tiger Woods, who had sex with only a dozen out of a possible 80,000 women chasing home, is relatively faithful.