Twitter - Do you Tweet ?

Anywhere there are Titties.
I'm not signed up for Twitter. I cannot think of a single thing I could Tweet about that anyone would care enough to follow me. BUT I do read posts of certain individuals. I'm not signed up, so I don't "Follow" them. But I have always been able to access their Twitter pages via Google.
Well, not any more. When I try to access those Twitter pages that I have in the past, I am re-directed to a Twitter Sign In screen. WTF ??? Am I going to have to actually sign up now ?
It's kinda like back years ago when TUSCL was all free and then Founder made it only accessible to Members. Should the internet all be free ?
Are you signed up on Twitter ?
Well, not any more. When I try to access those Twitter pages that I have in the past, I am re-directed to a Twitter Sign In screen. WTF ??? Am I going to have to actually sign up now ?
It's kinda like back years ago when TUSCL was all free and then Founder made it only accessible to Members. Should the internet all be free ?
Are you signed up on Twitter ?
For the purposes of our shared interests, Twitter allows far more explicit images than most other social medias. So, there's that.
But it's really just a news feed for me.
Sometimes it’s annoying because I click on a story or photo and without an account you can’t access it
It seems many news stories these days require a paywall to read. I guess I got spoiled with free news over the years and always figured the time would come when paid subscriptions would finally be the norm. I just wasn’t ready for it yet.
I have a friend on the east coast that still subscribes to real newspapers. He gets a couple of New York papers plus a Philadelphia paper and msybe some others. He spends over $1200 per year on Papers
I doubt I'll create an account, I'll probably just quit reading it.
Note - to read most of this stuff you do have to register. I have registered using a throw away email, not linking my name or any photos in anyway and I’ve never tweeted, or even “liked” a post before - so it’s easy to remain anonymous on there. Same with Instagram and Facebook which you pretty much have to register if you’re reading a random article somewhere on the internet and it’s linked in to one of those sites.
Listen, I'm 56 so I'm no spring chicken, but I'm not quite an old fart yet either. I could probably learn to understand this stuff if I had even the slightest interest in it, but I just don't see the point. I think tweeting and poking and hashtags (no idea what that means) are all silly games best suited for high school kids.
Here's the thing I really don't get. Let's say shailynn uses Instagram, Motorhead uses Facebook, and crosscheck is on Twitter. If I wanted to send a message to all three of them, I'd have to do it on 3 different platforms? Or if I had some amazing re-post of an article I read and I know they just HAVE to see it, I've got to be a member of all 3 platforms and post on them individually?
As far as I can tell, that's the equivalent (hypothetically) of if they each have different phone carriers (T-Mobile, Verizon and AT&T) and I'd need to have accounts with each of those companies if I wanted to make a phone call to them.
Maybe I'm a miserable old bastard, but I think the whole thing is just plain stupid.
You cannot have an intelligent discussion on baseball or basketball. If don’t agree with the original poster you are just labeled as a “hater” or “not a true fan”. Kind of getting sick of it
The trick is to set it up to follow the right people.
Starting tomorrow, Trump is no longer required to stay off Twitter under his contract with Truth Social. Will he return to Twitter ? I hope so.
But Twitter was bad before Elon and has become worse since.
Then I started following pornstars. There's a lot of gorgeous pussy on Twitter. None of insta censorship BS
Now, I created and manage the Twitter account for the practice- new physicians and staff, holiday/emergency closings, partnerships, and I share research or articles of interest to our patient market.
That's how I also got my xBox series X a few years ago. Several websites would tweet updates when the Microsoft store,, Target, etc would be releasing their next allotment. You go to the store website at zero hour and spam the purchase button. Eventually, not the first ten tries, but eventually that's how I scored two. One for me and one for resale on ebay - that resale paid for both and a bit more. Couldn't have done that without a Twitter account.
In the short run, it wasn’t.
In the long run, he envisions turning Twitter into “X”, which will include video ( e.g. Tucker Carlson ) and financial services. He will also add artificial intelligence. If he pulls it off, it could increase his original investment ten fold.
Musk said Twitter is now valued at $20 billion. As the new CEO brings back advertisers, that will go up.
He is expected to take that public in a few years, by which time it should be worth a lot more.
So, he is building the world’s most powerful Artificial Intelligence computer ( Dojo ), has a media site that controls the flow of information ( Twitter ), he plans on building billions of robots ( Optimus), he has a worldwide communication network in space ( Starlink ), he has a fleet of rockets ( SpaceX), and millions of cars controlled by AI.
Has anyone seen a movie called Terminator ?